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Distribution of New Horizontal Wells by the Use of Artificial Neural Network Algorithm
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Abstract<p>It is an established fact that substantial amounts of oil usually remain in a reservoir after primary and secondary processes. Therefore; there is an ongoing effort to sweep that remaining oil. Field optimization includes many techniques. Horizontal wells are one of the most motivating factors for field optimization. The selection of new horizontal wells must be accompanied with the right selection of the well locations. However, modeling horizontal well locations by a trial and error method is a time consuming method. Therefore; a method of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) has been employed which helps to predict the optimum performance via proposed new wells locations by incorporating reservoir properties and production data of previous wells.</p><p>This study used the Artificial Neural Network (ANN) that has been programmed in a manner to predict the cumulative oil produced for a certain grid by providing the corresponding properties of the grid. The network has been validated with real data collected from a number of drilled hypothetical wells. Furthermore; the validated network used to simulate the field parts that have not been drilled yet, to predict the corresponding cumulative oil for each grid. Field-scale simulation has been carried out and new horizontal wells have been allocated using the validated prepared data by the Artificial Neural Network Algorithm and an approved Iraqi reservoir model. Finally, different optimization scenarios have been investigated on the overall field recovery performance.</p>
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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Future Dental Journal
Studying some mechanical properties of maxillofacial silicone elastomer before and after incorporation of intrinsic pigments and artificial aging
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Objective Advantageous properties of silicone elastomer made it one of the favorable materials in maxillofacial prosthesis construction, but these properties may change after months of usage or after pigments addition. This study aimed to define the optimum concentration for a mixture of two types of intrinsic pigments that added to VST-50 maxillofacial silicone material and study their effects on mechanical properties before and after artificial aging. Methods After the pilot study was conducted, 0.1% by weight of rayon flocking and 0. 2% by weight of burnt sienna intrinsic pigment concentration was selected because of improvement in tested mechanical properties of VST-50 maxillofacial silicone. A total of one hundred and eighty samples we

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 18 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Relative intensity distribution in the rotational structure for B1Σ+- A1Π and B1Σ+- X1Σ+ electronic systems of BeO molecule
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Theoretical spectroscopic study of  Beryllium Oxide has been carried out, Boltzmann distribution of P, Q and R branches in the range of (0<J<13) at temperature 4200K for (0-0) band for electronic transitions B1Σ+-A1Π and B1Σ-X1Σ. The Boltzmann distribution of these branches has a maximum values at equal J approximately while the values of relative population are different. For the B1Σ+- X1Σ+ transition the branch's lines extend towards lower wavenumber. This is because (Bv'-Bv") value is negative, i.e  Bv'< Bv" For B1Σ+-A1Π

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 31 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Distribution of Environmental Isotopes 18O and 2H in Water Resources in the Al-Taji Area, Northern Baghdad, Iraq
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In this study, the stable isotop 18O and 2H has been used to investigate the interaction of surface water (SW), and groundwater (GW) in Al-Taji district/ Northern Baghdad for two seasons (March and August 2022). 16 Samples were collected from water resources in the Al-Taji district (Tigris channel, Tigris River, and groundwater), in each season water samples from 8 Tigris channel, 5 drilled wells, and 3 Tigris River were taken for the analysis of the isotopes 18O and 2H. The average analysis results of 18O and 2H in the Tigris channel, Tigris River, and groundwater were found to be -3.435‰ and -18.6094‰, -2.07167‰ and -17.81‰, -4.125‰ and -34.707‰ respectively. The results, generally, show a comparable range of isotope c

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 30 2022
Journal Name
Research Journal Of Pharmacy And Technology
The Distribution of ABO blood groups among type 2 Diabetes mellitus patients with or without Chronic Microvascular Complications
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The ABO blood group system is highly polymorphic, with more than 20 distinct sub-groups; study findings are usually related to ABO phenotype, but rarely to the ABO genotype and animal models are unsatisfactory because their antigen glycosylation structure is different from humans. Both the ABO and Rh blood group systems have been associated with a number of diseases, but this is more likely related to the presence or absence of these tissue antigens throughout the body and not directly or primarily related to their presence on RBCs. A total of fifty-two 52 patients without complication of DMII, two hundred sixteen 216 patients with complication of DMII and seventy-one 71 person as healthy control were included in the study. The resu

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 20 2020
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Employ Shrinkage Estimation Technique for the Reliability System in Stress-Strength Models: special case of Exponentiated Family Distribution
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       A reliability system of the multi-component stress-strength model R(s,k) will be considered in the present paper ,when the stress and strength are independent and non-identically distribution have the Exponentiated Family Distribution(FED) with the unknown  shape parameter α and known scale parameter λ  equal to two and parameter θ equal to three. Different estimation methods of R(s,k) were introduced corresponding to Maximum likelihood and Shrinkage estimators. Comparisons among the suggested estimators were prepared depending on simulation established on mean squared error (MSE) criteria.

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Utilizing Load and Loss Factors in Determination of the Technical Power Losses in Distribution System’s Feeders: Case Study
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This study uses load factor and loss factor to determine the power losses of the electrical feeders. An approach is presented to calculate the power losses in the distribution system. The feeder’s technical data and daily operation recorded data are used to calculate and analyze power losses.

This paper presents more realistic method for calculating the power losses based on load and loss factors instead of the traditional methods of calculating the power losses that uses the RMS value of the load current which not consider the load varying with respect to the time. Eight 11kV feeders are taken as a case study for our work to calculate load factor, loss factor and power losses. Four of them (F40, F42, F43 and F

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 07 2008
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Extent of Homogeneity in the Distribution of Petrophysical Properties that Affecting the Primary and Enhanced Oil Recoveries of Reservoir Rocks in Zubair Formation of South Iraq
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Records of two regionalized variables were processed for each of porosity and permeability of reservoir rocks in Zubair Formation (Zb-109) south Iraq as an indication of the most important reservoir property which is the homogeneity,considering their important results in criterion most needed for primary and enhanced oil reservoirs.The results of dispersion treatment,the statistical incorporeal indications,boxes plots,rhombus style and tangents angles of intersected circles indicated by confidence interval of porosity and permeability data, have shown that the reservoir rocks of Zubair units (LS),(1L) and (DJ) have reservoir properties of high quality,in contrast to that of Zubair units (MS) and (AB)which have reservoir properties of less q

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2023
Journal Name
Sumer Journal For Pure Science
COVID-19Disease Diagnosis using Artificial Intelligence based on Gene Expression: A Review
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Publication Date
Mon Jan 28 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The use of IT infrastructure and its impact on the performance of human resources in public universities: A field study at the University of Diyala
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This study aims to identify the impact of using the infrastructure of the Information Technology (IT) on the performance of human resources in the public universities. This process is done by doing research in the size, quality, and efficiency of the performance, also speed of achievement and simplification of procedures. Diyala University was chosen for the diagnosis through the opinions and attitudes of its employees.  Consequently, suggestions that contribute to improve the performance of the employees and thus its overall performance are obtained. Another objective of this study is identifying the human resources which are currently used in academic institutions and educational services systems because the significant role of th

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 27 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The use of electronic applications in the preparation of operational budgets: An applied research in one of the private sector companies for dairy industry / Baghdad
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A revolution called information revolution has recently invaded the world. It is Currently considered one of the most important properties of development to the countries of the world The criteria provided by computers such as accuracy, speed, time saving Storage and restore have led them to be widely used in economy, industry, agriculture, communications, etc., as well as being the major finder of reengineering the operations of innovation. The use of computers in the preparation of budgets will lead to achieve accuracy. Since, the operation draws upon the statistic and quantity estimations about budget items, the computerized balance sheet may save time and effort of preparing mathematical equations annually. According to the problem o

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