In this paper, two parameters for the Exponential distribution were estimated using the
Bayesian estimation method under three different loss functions: the Squared error loss function,
the Precautionary loss function, and the Entropy loss function. The Exponential distribution prior
and Gamma distribution have been assumed as the priors of the scale γ and location δ parameters
respectively. In Bayesian estimation, Maximum likelihood estimators have been used as the initial
estimators, and the Tierney-Kadane approximation has been used effectively. Based on the MonteCarlo
simulation method, those estimators were compared depending on the mean squared errors (MSEs).The results showed that the Bayesian estimation under the Entropy loss function,
assuming Exponential distribution and Gamma distribution priors for the scale and location
parameters, respectively, is the best estimator for the scale parameter. The best estimation method
for location is the Bayesian estimation under the Entropy loss function in case of a small value of
the scale γ (say γ < 1). Bayesian estimation under the Precautionary loss function is the best in
case of a relatively large value of the scale γ (say γ > 1).
In the current study, the researchers have been obtained Bayes estimators for the shape and scale parameters of Gamma distribution under the precautionary loss function, assuming the priors, represented by Gamma and Exponential priors for the shape and scale parameters respectively. Moment, Maximum likelihood estimators and Lindley’s approximation have been used effectively in Bayesian estimation.
Based on Monte Carlo simulation method, those estimators are compared depending on the mean squared errors (MSE’s). The results show that, the performance of Bayes estimator under precautionary loss function with Gamma and Exponential priors is better than other estimates in all cases.
This paper deals with, Bayesian estimation of the parameters of Gamma distribution under Generalized Weighted loss function, based on Gamma and Exponential priors for the shape and scale parameters, respectively. Moment, Maximum likelihood estimators and Lindley’s approximation have been used effectively in Bayesian estimation. Based on Monte Carlo simulation method, those estimators are compared in terms of the mean squared errors (MSE’s).
In this paper, Bayes estimators for the shape and scale parameters of Weibull distribution have been obtained using the generalized weighted loss function, based on Exponential priors. Lindley’s approximation has been used effectively in Bayesian estimation. Based on theMonte Carlo simulation method, those estimators are compared depending on the mean squared errors (MSE’s).
في هذا البحث , استعملنا طرائق مختلفة لتقدير معلمة القياس للتوزيع الاسي كمقدر الإمكان الأعظم ومقدر العزوم ومقدر بيز في ستة أنواع مختلفة عندما يكون التوزيع الأولي لمعلمة القياس : توزيع لافي (Levy) وتوزيع كامبل من النوع الثاني وتوزيع معكوس مربع كاي وتوزيع معكوس كاما وتوزيع غير الملائم (Improper) وتوزيع
... Show MoreThe aim of this paper to find Bayes estimator under new loss function assemble between symmetric and asymmetric loss functions, namely, proposed entropy loss function, where this function that merge between entropy loss function and the squared Log error Loss function, which is quite asymmetric in nature. then comparison a the Bayes estimators of exponential distribution under the proposed function, whoever, loss functions ingredient for the proposed function the using a standard mean square error (MSE) and Bias quantity (Mbias), where the generation of the random data using the simulation for estimate exponential distribution parameters different sample sizes (n=10,50,100) and (N=1000), taking initial
... Show MoreThe stress(Y) – strength(X) model reliability Bayesian estimation which defines life of a component with strength X and stress Y (the component fails if and only if at any time the applied stress is greater than its strength) has been studied, then the reliability; R=P(Y<X), can be considered as a measure of the component performance. In this paper, a Bayesian analysis has been considered for R when the two variables X and Y are independent Weibull random variables with common parameter α in order to study the effect of each of the two different scale parameters β and λ; respectively, using three different [weighted, quadratic and entropy] loss functions under two different prior functions [Gamma and extension of Jeffery
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... Show MoreIn this paper, some estimators for the unknown shape parameter and reliability function of Basic Gompertz distribution have been obtained, such as Maximum likelihood estimator and Bayesian estimators under Precautionary loss function using Gamma prior and Jefferys prior. Monte-Carlo simulation is conducted to compare mean squared errors (MSE) for all these estimators for the shape parameter and integrated mean squared error (IMSE's) for comparing the performance of the Reliability estimators. Finally, the discussion is provided to illustrate the results that summarized in tables.
In this study, we derived the estimation for Reliability of the Exponential distribution based on the Bayesian approach. In the Bayesian approach, the parameter of the Exponential distribution is assumed to be random variable .We derived posterior distribution the parameter of the Exponential distribution under four types priors distributions for the scale parameter of the Exponential distribution is: Inverse Chi-square distribution, Inverted Gamma distribution, improper distribution, Non-informative distribution. And the estimators for Reliability is obtained using the two proposed loss function in this study which is based on the natural logarithm for Reliability function .We used simulation technique, to compare the
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