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Experimental and numerical investigation on the behavior of composite reinforced concrete columns encased by steel section and hybrid GFRP section
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GFRP was employed in constructions as an alternative to steel, which has many advantages like lightweight, large tensile strength and resist corrosion. Existing researches are insufficient in studying the influence of hybrid reinforced concrete composite columns encased by GFRP I-section (RCCCEG) and I-section steel (RCCCES). In this study twenty one (RC) specimens of a cross-section of 130 mm × 160 mm, with different length (long 1600 mm and short 750 mm) were encased by using I-section (steel and GFRP) and tested under various loading (concentric, eccentric and flexural loads). The test was focused on the influence of many parameters; load-carrying capacity, mode of failure, deformation and drawing an interaction diagram (N-M) for columns. The research explores the feasibility and effectiveness of the employing GFRP and steel sections. The test results concluded that all the composite columns with I-section steel presented similar failure modes to I-section GFRP composite column. Increasing in strength and ductility in short and slender reinforced concrete composite columns related to reinforced concrete columns. The eccentric load has a significant reduction in column strength, especially in slender column. The 3D FE models of (RCCC) were established by ABAQUS. (RCCC) was studied in terms of failure mode, deformation and bearing capacity also an analytical study was employed to obtain analytical results for short specimens subjected to flexural load and employing these outcomes for drawing interaction diagram (N-M) for short columns. Based on the verification of FE analysis, the experimental and theoretical results showed a good agreement.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Effect of Pre-Tension and Orientation on the Springback Behavior of the Sheet Brass 65-35
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One of the most important phenomenon that occurs in sheet metal forming processes is the spring-back, which causes several geometrical alterations in the parts. The accurate prediction of springback after bending unloading is the key to the tool design, operation control, and precision estimate concerning the part geometry. This study investigated experimentally the effect of pretension in three rolling direction (0, 90, 45 degree) on the springback behavior of the yellow brass, sheet under V shape bending die. The pre-tension ranges from five different levels starting of 11% to 55% from the total strain in each rolling direction by regular increase of 11 %, then bent on a V-die 90 degree for the springback estimate. From experiment the

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 20 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Civil Engineering
Structural Performance Under Monotonic Static Loading of Reinforced Concrete Gable Roof Beams with Multiple Web Openings
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In the present study, an attempt has been made to experimentally investigate the flexural performance of ten simply supported reinforced concrete gable roof beams, including solid control specimen (i.e., without openings) and nine beams with web openings of different dimensions and configurations. The nine beams with openings have identical reinforcement details. All beams were monotonically loaded to failure under mid-span loading. The main variables were the number of the created openings, the total area of the created openings, and the inclination angle of the posts between openings. Of interest is the load-carrying capacity, cracking resistance and propagation, deformability, failure mode, and strain development that represent the behav

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Scopus (1)
Crossref (2)
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Publication Date
Tue Oct 20 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Civil Engineering
Structural Performance Under Monotonic Static Loading of Reinforced Concrete Gable Roof Beams with Multiple Web Openings
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Publication Date
Thu Jun 10 2021
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Direct Yellow 8 Azo Removal by Bentonite Clay Solution: Experimental and Theoretical Studies
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In the theoretical part, removal of direct yellow 8 (DY8) from water solution was accomplished using Bentonite Clay as an adsorbent. Under batch adsorption, the adsorption was observed as a function of contact time, adsorbent dosage, pH, and temperature. The equilibrium data were fitted with the Langmuir and Freundlich adsorption models, and the linear regression coefficient R2 was used to determine the best fitting isotherm model. thermodynamic parameters of the ongoing adsorption mechanism, such as Gibb's free energy, enthalpy, and entropy, have also been measured. The batch method was also used for the kinetic calculations, and the day's adsorption assumes first-order rate kinetics. The kinetic studies also show that the intrapar

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
A Study of Fluctuation and Expansion Ratios for Gas-Solid Fluidized Columns
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The fluctuation and expansion ratios have been studied for cylindrical gas-solid fluidized columns by using air as fluidizing medium and Paracetamol as the bed material. The variables were the column diameter (0.0762, 0.15, and 0.18 m), static bed height (0.05, 0.07, and 0.09 m), and air velocity to several times of minimum fluidization velocity. The results showed that both the fluctuation and expansion ratios had a direct relation with air velocity and an inverse one with column diameter and static bed height. A good agreement was between the experimental results and the calculated values by using the correlation equations from the literature.

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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Prediction of the Effect of Using Stone Column in Clayey Soil on the Behavior of Circular Footing by ANN Model
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Shallow foundations are usually used for structures with light to moderate loads where the soil underneath can carry them. In some cases, soil strength and/or other properties are not adequate and require improvement using one of the ground improvement techniques. Stone column is one of the common improvement techniques in which a column of stone is installed vertically in clayey soils. Stone columns are usually used to increase soil strength and to accelerate soil consolidation by acting as vertical drains. Many researches have been done to estimate the behavior of the improved soil. However, none of them considered the effect of stone column geometry on the behavior of the circular footing. In this research, finite ele

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Effect of BaTio3 mixture on the structural, electrical properties and morphology for PET/ BaTiO3 composite
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In the present work, the focusing was on the study of the x-ray diffraction, dielectric constant, loses dielectric coefficient, tangent angle, alter- natively conductivity and morphology of PET/BaTio3. The PET/BaTio3 composite was prepared for polyethylene terephthalate PET polymer composite containing 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60 wt. % from Barium titanate BaTi03 powder. The composite of two materials leads to form mixing solution and hot-pressing method. The effect of BaTio3 on the structure and dielectric properties with morphology was studied on PET matrix polymer using XRD, LCR meter and SEM.

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Scopus (3)
Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Jun 15 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Basic Education
The Effect Of Phoenix Dactylifera L. Pinnae Reinforcement On The Mechanical And Thermal Properties Of Polymer Composite
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Phoenix dactylifera l. pinnae (the green leaves of dates palm) were used as natural reinforcing (strengthening) fibers to improve the mechanical properties of polyester as a matrix material, the fibers of the green leaves of dates palm were used in two lengths, 10 and 20mm with five rates of 0, 2.5, 5, 10, and 20% , where the reinforcing with the leaves fibers increases the hardness strength from 76.5 to be about 86.55 , the Impact value raised from about 0.313 to 0.461 , in addition to that the flexural strength from 2.66 to be about 55 , and the thermal conductivity increases from 2.54 𝑤∕𝑚.℃ to 5.41 𝑤∕𝑚.℃. The results of the present search explains that the composite samples reinforced at rate 20% and 10mm fiber length

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 08 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Study the Effect of Welding Heat Input on the Microstructure, Hardness, and Impact Toughness of AISI 1015 Steel
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In the present study, MIG welding is carried out on low carbon steel type (AISI 1015) by using electrode ER308L of 1.5mm diameter with direct current straight polarity (DCSP). The joint geometry is of a single V-butt joint with one pass welding stroke for different plate thicknesses of 6, 8, and 10 mm. In welding experiments, AISI 1015 plates with dimensions of 200×100mm and edge angle of 60o from both sides are utilized. In this work, three main parameters related to MIG welding process are investigated, which are welding current, welding speed, heat input and plate thickness, and to achieve that three groups of plates are employed each one consists of three plates. The results indicate that increasing the weld heat input (t

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Publication Date
Mon May 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Producing Sustainable Roller Compacted Concrete by Using Fine Recycled Concrete Aggregate
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One-third of the total waste generated in the world is construction and demolition waste. Reducing the life cycle of building materials includes increasing their recycling and reuse by using recycled aggregates. By preventing, the need to open new aggregate quarries and reducing the amount of construction waste dumped into landfills, the use of recycled concrete aggregate in drum compacted concrete protects the environment. Four samples of PRCC were prepared for testing (compressive strength, tensile strength, flexural strength, density, water absorption, porosity) as the reference mix and (10, 15, and 20%) of fine recycled concrete aggregate as a partial replacement for fine natural aggregate by volume. The mix is designed according to

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