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The extent of responsibility - the seller of Alcohol or the provider – the civil towards the drug addicts and their victims "A comparative study"
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There are many harmful acts that occur from drunkards in this case, especially those resulting from car accidents. The world is witnessing dozens or even hundreds of car accidents due to alcohol consumption. These accidents often result in serious injuries that could lead to the death of the drunk driver and those in the car As well as other persons present in the other vehicles with which the incident occurred or pedestrians on the street, as well as damage to private or public property, and if the order of return of the affected persons on the pretext of civil liability (tort) is made as a direct cause of the harmful act, Is entitled Do they like this refer to the liquor seller or their provider as the culprit? Or are they not related to such harmful acts, especially those that are outside their premises or headquarters? And is it permissible for the drunkard himself to give them civil responsibility or not? In order to answer these questions and others, this research highlights the extent of the civil liability of the liquor seller or its provider towards the drug addicts and their victims.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Revista Iberoamericana De Psicología Del Ejercicio Y El Deporte
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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
Journal Name
Symbolic values and aesthetics in the design of interior spaces: بان أحمد إبراهيم
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The current research deals with studying the aesthetics of symbolic values in the design of internal spaces and their connotations through their existence as a material value, as well as the symbolic meanings and their connotations that touch the spiritual and emotional side of the human being as an intangible value, and the research included four chapters, so the research problem was embodied by the following question (What is the role of values Symbolism and aesthetics in the design of interior spaces)? Therefore, the aim was to clarify the role of symbolic values and their aesthetics in the design of internal spaces. The first chapter included the importance of research, the need for it, the limits of the research and its terminology.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The Impact of Using PowerPoint presentation on EFL Students’ Attendance, Achievement, and Engagement
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The current study examined the impact of using PowerPoint presentation on EFL student’s attendance, achievement and engagement. To achieve the aim of this study, three null hypotheses have been posed as follows: There is no statistically significant difference between the mean score of the experimental group attendance and that of the control one; there is no statistically significant difference between the mean score of the experimental group achievement and that of the control one, and there is no statistically significant difference between the mean score of the experimental group engagement and that of the control one. To verify a hypothesis, a sample of sixty students is chosen randomly from the third year, department of English,

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2011
Journal Name
Communications In Computer And Information Science
The Use of Biorthogonal Wavelet, 2D Polynomial and Quadtree to Compress Color Images
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In this paper, a compression system with high synthetic architect is introduced, it is based on wavelet transform, polynomial representation and quadtree coding. The bio-orthogonal (tap 9/7) wavelet transform is used to decompose the image signal, and 2D polynomial representation is utilized to prune the existing high scale variation of image signal. Quantization with quadtree coding are followed by shift coding are applied to compress the detail band and the residue part of approximation subband. The test results indicate that the introduced system is simple and fast and it leads to better compression gain in comparison with the case of using first order polynomial approximation.

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Scopus (1)
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Apr 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The use of social networking sites (facebook) and its impact on social relations
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      Is the subject of Facebook of more topics that aroused interest and that it provides the features and services that allows users to direct communication and interaction and dialogue with others, and deals with the subject of research the use of Facebook and its effects left by the social relations, as the field study was conducted on a sample of 130 students from students Baghdad University of males and females in the Faculty of Political Science and Agriculture, Science and Education, Girls, and limited the sample to Facebook users exclusively to test the study hypotheses and relationships connectivity, and the results revealed the presence of a significant impact of Facebook in th

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Publication Date
Sun May 28 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Effect of Mercuric Exposure on Oxidative Stress and Enzymatic Antioxidant Defense System
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 Throughout the centuries, several incidents of mercury toxicity have been reported. Mercury is found in many industries such as battery, thermometer and barometer manufacturing, in the agricultural industry is used in fungicides and in medicine, mercury is used in dental amalgams. An important mechanism involved in cellular injury is induced by exposure to different forms of mercury involves in the induction of oxidative stress.      This study was conducted on non-smoker, male working in a chloroalkali plant for different periods, all workers were not suffering from chronic disease. Healthy non-smoker males that are not exposed, matched age were used as controls(C), workers aged (22-61) years, they were di

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The effect of Glycated Haemogloin A1c and Fasting Blood Glucose in Type1 Diabetes
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The glycated haemoglobin A1c(HbA1c) and Fasting blood glucose(FBG) effect on type1 diabetic pateints as a screening tests and as a gold standard for assessing glycemic control in subjects with diabetes were studied . Ninety one blood samples were collected in a peroid between June and the end of November 2012 at AL- Kindy Diabetic Center and Central Child Hospital,48 Females and 43 Males , aging between (11 month- 18 year), are divided into three groups, newly diagnosed , ongoing and healthy control group, with duration of disease between(1 day-3months) and (from birth-8 years) for newly diag

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 03 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Evaluation the Levels of Serum Hormones (Progesterone, Estradiol, and hCG) in Preeclamptic IraqiPregnancies
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This study aimed to evaluate serum levels of steroid hormones and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) hormone in preeclamptic Iraqi pregnancies compared to those of healthy pregnancies.This study enrolled 120 pregnant women, divided into four groups:1. 30 healthy pregnant women.2. 37 pregnant women with mild preeclampsia3. 53 pregnant women with severe preeclampsia4. 90 pregnant women with preeclampsia Preeclamptic women and their severe cases but not mild cases had significantly (P<0.01) increased levels of serum hCG as compared with healthy pregnancies. By contrast, sera levels of estradiol were significantly (P<0.01) decreased in total preeclamptic groups and their severe cases but not in mild group as compared to healthy pregnant wome

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Intertextuality with Prophetic Hadith in the Poetry of Safiyaddin Alhilliyy (Tools and Implications)
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 تحقق القراءةُ التَّناصيَّة قيمة موضوعيَّة للدرسِ النَّقديّ المعاصر؛ بمؤثراتها الثَّقافيَّة، والمعرفيَّة، لأنَّ الإبداعَ من سمات التُّراث الشِّعري في العصر الوسيط، وهو مسرحٌ لتداخلات نصِّيَّة مع مصادر متعددة دينيَّة، وأدبيَّة، وتاريخيَّة أداء ومضامين؛ يأتي اختيارُ (التَّناص مع الحديث النَّبوي في شعر صفيّ الدِّين الحلّي)؛ بوصفه امتدادًا شعريَّا أصيلًا لحضارة راقية معطاء

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The History of Multi Parties and its Effect on Political System in India
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The History of Multi Parties and its Effect on Political System in India

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