Initially-produced isotopes during the course of the
Background: Selenium-73 with half- life of 7.15 hour emits β+ in nature and has six stable isotopes which are ( 74Se,76Se,77Se,78Se,80Se and 82Se ). Selenium-73 has many applications in technology and radioselenium compounds of metallic have found various applications in medicine.
Objective: To make a comparison between different reactions that produced cross sections of Se-73 radioisotopes.
Subjects and methods: The feasibility of the production of Selenium -73 via various nuclear reactions was investigated. Excitation functions of 73Se production by the re
... Show MoreBackground: Selenium-73 with half- life of 7.15 hour emits β+ in nature and has six stable isotopes which are ( 74Se,76Se,77Se,78Se,80Se and 82Se ). Selenium-73 has many applications in technology and radioselenium compounds of metallic have found various applications in medicine. Objective: To make a comparison between different reactions that produced cross sections of Se-73 radioisotopes. Subjects and methods: The feasibility of the production of Selenium -73 via various nuclear reactions was investigated. Excitation functions of 73Se production by the reactions of 75As (p,3n), 169Tm( d,x), 74Se, natSe, natBr (p,x) , 75As (d,4n), natGe (3He,x), 70Ge (α, n), and 72Ge (α, 3n) and neutron capture were calculated using the avail
... Show MoreThe nucleon momentum distributions (NMD) and elastic electron scattering form factors of the ground state for some 1f-2p-shell nuclei, such as 58Ni, 60Ni, 62Ni, and 64Ni
isotopes have been calculated in the framework of the coherent fluctuation model (CFM) and expressed in terms of the weight function lf(x)l2 . The weight function (fluctuation function) has been related to the nucleon density distribution (NDD) of the nuclei and determined from the theory and experiment. The NDD is derived from a simple method based on the use of the single particle wave functions of the harmonic oscillator potential and the occupation numbers of the states. The feature of the l
The production of fission products during reactor operation has a very important effect on reactor reactivity .Results of neutron cross section evaluations are presented for the main product nuclides considered as being the most important for reactor calculation and burn-up consideration . Data from the main international libraries considered as containing the most up-to-date nuclear data and the latest experimental measurements are considered in the evaluation processes, we describe the evaluated cross sections of the fission product nuclides by making inter comparison of the data and point out the discrepancies among libraries.
This paper presents theoretical parametric study of the curvature ductility capacity for reinforced concrete column sections. The study considers the behavior of concrete and reinforcing steel under different strain rates. A computer program has been written to compute the curvature ductility taking into account the spalling in concrete cover. Strain rate sensitive constitutive models of steel and concrete were used for predicting the moment-curvature relationship of reinforced concrete columns at different rate of straining. The study parameters are the yield strength of main reinforcement, yield strength of transverse reinforcement, compressive strength of concrete, spacing of ties and the axial load. The results indicated that hi
... Show MoreA preventing shield for neutrons and gamma rays was designed using alternate layers of water and iron with pre-fixed dimensions in order to study the possibility of attenuating both neutrons and gamma-rays. ANISN CODE was prepared and adapted for the shield calculation using radiation doses calculation: Two groups of cross-section were used for each of neutrons and gamma-rays that rely on the one – dimensional transport equation using discrete ordinate's method, and through transforming cross-section values to values that are independent on the number of groups. The memory size required for the applied code was reduced and the results obtained were in agreement with those of standard acceptable document samples of cross –section, this a
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The pre - equilibrium and equilibrium double differential cross
sections are calculated at different energies using Kalbach Systematic
approach in terms of Exciton model with Feshbach, Kerman and
Koonin (FKK) statistical theory. The angular distribution of nucleons
and light nuclei on 27Al target nuclei, at emission energy in the center
of mass system, are considered, using the Multistep Compound
(MSC) and Multistep Direct (MSD) reactions. The two-component
exciton model with different corrections have been implemented in
calculating the particle-hole state density towards calculating the
transition rates of the possible reactions and follow up the calculation
the differential cross-sections, that include MS
A standard theoretical neutron energy flux distribution is achieved for the triton-triton nuclear fusion reaction in the range of triton energy about ≤10 MeV. This distribution give raises an evidence to provide the global calculations including the characteristics fusion parameters governing the T-T fusion reaction.
The biggest problem of structural materials for fusion reactor is the damage caused by the fusion product neutrons to the structural material. If this problem is overcomed, an important milestone will be left behind in fusion energy. One of the important problems of the structural material is that nuclei forming the structural material interacting with fusion neutrons are transmuted to stable or radioactive nuclei via (n, x) (x; alpha, proton, gamma etc.) reactions. In particular, the concentration of helium gas in the structural material increases through deuteron- tritium (D-T) and (n, α) reactions, and this increase significantly changes the microstructure and the properties of the structural materials. T
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