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Overlapping Structure Detection in Protein-Protein Interaction Networks Using a Modified Version of Particle Swarm Optimization

In today's world, the science of bioinformatics is developing rapidly, especially with regard to the analysis and study of biological networks. Scientists have used various nature-inspired algorithms to find protein complexes in protein-protein interaction (PPI) networks. These networks help scientists guess the molecular function of unknown proteins and show how cells work regularly. It is very common in PPI networks for a protein to participate in multiple functions and belong to many complexes, and as a result, complexes may overlap in the PPI networks. However, developing an efficient and reliable method to address the problem of detecting overlapping protein complexes remains a challenge since it is considered a complex and hard optimization problem. One of the main difficulties in identifying overlapping protein complexes is the accuracy of the partitioning results. In order to accurately identify the overlapping structure of protein complexes, this paper has proposed an overlapping complex detection algorithm termed OCDPSO-Net, which is based on PSO-Net (a well-known modified version of the particle swarm optimization algorithm). The framework of the OCDPSO-Net method consists of three main steps, including an initialization strategy, a movement strategy for each particle, and enhancing search ability in order to expand the solution space. The proposed algorithm has employed the partition density concept for measuring the partitioning quality in PPI network complexes and tried to optimize the value of this quantity by applying the line graph concept of the original graph representing the protein interaction network. The OCDPSO-Net algorithm is applied to a Collins PPI network and the obtained results are compared with different state-of-the-art algorithms in terms of precision ( ), recall ( ), and F-measure ( ). Experimental results confirm that the proposed algorithm has good clustering performance and has outperformed most of the existing recent overlapping algorithms. .

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
International Journal Of Machine Learning And Computing
Facial Emotion Recognition from Videos Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

Its well known that understanding human facial expressions is a key component in understanding emotions and finds broad applications in the field of human-computer interaction (HCI), has been a long-standing issue. In this paper, we shed light on the utilisation of a deep convolutional neural network (DCNN) for facial emotion recognition from videos using the TensorFlow machine-learning library from Google. This work was applied to ten emotions from the Amsterdam Dynamic Facial Expression Set-Bath Intensity Variations (ADFES-BIV) dataset and tested using two datasets.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
A Modified Advanced Encryption Standard for Color Images

     The widespread use of images, especially color images and rapid advancement of computer science, have led to an emphasis on securing these images and defending them against intruders. One of the most popular ways to protect images is to use encryption algorithms that convert data in a way that is not recognized by someone other than the intended user. The Advanced Encryption Standard algorithm (AES) is one of the most protected encryption algorithms. However, due to various types of theoretical and practical assaults, like a statistical attack, differential analysis, and brute force attack, its security is under attack.

In this paper, a modified AES coined as (M-AES) is proposed to improve the efficiency

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 27 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Detection of Human Remain Using GPR Technique

    In this work, animal bones with different shapes and sizes were used to study the characteristics of the ground penetrating Radar system wares reflected by these bones. These bones were buried underground in different depths and surrounding media. The resulting data showed that the detection of buried bones with the GPR technology is highly dependent upon the surrounding media that the bones were buried in. Humidity is the main source of signal loss in such application because humidity results in low signal-to-noise ratio which leads to inability to distinguish between the signal reflected by bones from that reflected by the dopes  in the media such as rock .

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Publication Date
Wed May 31 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Retrieving Image from Noisy Version depending on Multiwavelet Soft-Thresholding with Smoothing Filter

In this paper, we describe a new method for image denoising. We analyze properties of the Multiwavelet coefficients of natural images. Also it suggests a method for computing the Multiwavelet transform using the 1st order approximation. This paper describes a simple and effective model for noise removal through suggesting a new technique for retrieving the image by allowing us to estimate it from the noisy image. The proposed algorithm depends on mixing both soft-thresholds with Mean filter and applying concurrently on noisy image by dividing into blocks of equal size (for concurrent processed to increase the performance of the enhancement process and to decease the time that is needed for implementation by applying the proposed algorith

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 10 2010
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Experimental Investigation of a Laser Wireless Video Communication System Using Intensity Modulated /Direct Detection Technique

In this work Laser wireless video communication system using intensity modualtion direct
detection IM/DD over a 1 km range between transmitter and receiver is experimentally investigated and
demonstrated. Beam expander and beam collimeter were implemented to collimete laser beam at the
transmitter and focus this beam at the receiver respectively. The results show that IM/DD communication
sysatem using laser diode is quite attractive for transmitting video signal. In this work signal to noise
ratio (S/N) higher than 20 dB is achieved in this work.

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Design and construction of anair pollution detection system using a laser beam and absorption spectroscopy

Air pollution is one of the important problems facing Iraq. Air pollution is the result of uncontrolled emissions from factories, car exhaust electric generators, and oil refineries and often reaches unacceptable limits by international standards. These pollutants can greatly affect human health and regular population activities. For this reason, there is an urgent need for effective devices to monitor the molecular concentration of air pollutants in cities and urban areas. In this research, an optical system has been built consisting of aHelium-Neonlaser,5mWand at 632.8 nm, a glass cell with a defined size, and a power meter(Gentec-E-model: uno) where a scattering of the laser beam occurs due to air pollution. Two pollutants were examin

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Prediction of Shear Strength Parameters of Gypseous Soil using Artificial Neural Networks

The shear strength of soil is one of the most important soil properties that should be identified before any foundation design. The presence of gypseous soil exacerbates foundation problems. In this research, an approach to forecasting shear strength parameters of gypseous soils based on basic soil properties was created using Artificial Neural Networks. Two models were built to forecast the cohesion and the angle of internal friction. Nine basic soil properties were used as inputs to both models for they were considered to have the most significant impact on soil shear strength, namely: depth, gypsum content, passing sieve no.200, liquid limit, plastic limit, plasticity index, water content, dry unit weight, and initial

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 26 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Adsorption Desulfurization of Iraqi Light Naphtha Using Metals Modified Activated Carbon

The study aims to evaluate the removal of sulfur content from Iraqi light naphtha produced in Al-Dora refinery by adsorption desulfurization DS technique using modified activated carbon MAC loaded with nickel Ni and copper Cu as single binary metals. The experiments were carried in a batch unit with various operating parameters;  MAC dosage, agitation speed, and a contact time of 300 min at constant initial sulfur concentration 155 ppm and temperature. The results showed higher DS% by AC/Ni-Cu (66.45)% at 500 rpm and 1 g dosage than DS (29.03)% by activated carbon AC, increasing MAC dosage, agitation speed, and contact time led to increasing DS% values.  The adsorption capacity of MAC results was recorded (16,

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 26 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Adsorption Desulfurization of Iraqi Light Naphtha Using Metals Modified Activated Carbon

The study aims to evaluate the removal of sulfur content from Iraqi light naphtha produced in Al-Dora refinery by adsorption desulfurization DS technique using modified activated carbon MAC loaded with nickel Ni and copper Cu as single binary metals. The experiments were carried in a batch unit with various operating parameters;  MAC dosage, agitation speed, and a contact time of 300 min at constant initial sulfur concentration 155 ppm and temperature. The results showed higher DS% by AC/Ni-Cu (66.45)% at 500 rpm and 1 g dosage than DS (29.03)% by activated carbon AC, increasing MAC dosage, agitation speed, and contact time led to increasing DS% values.  The adsorption capacity of MAC results was recorded (16, 15, and 20) mg sulfu

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The stylistics of expressive structure in Al-Sayyab's attempt- A textual study

Our research tends to study the poetic attempt of  Badr Shakir Al-Sayyab and examine it stylistically, and we suggested his mature collection '' Rain song'' as a pattern for our textual analysis of the poet's attempt.

   In the beginning , we confirm that branches of applied structures meet to produce poetry such as narration , drama , cinema , mythology , allegory , various religious and historical texts , previous events , and special cumentary events related to work production. If all above-mentioned was complicated and disregarded throughout a single text , the text writer would not secure positive results that might keep open continuity between him and his readers.

   Therefore , this issue w

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