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The Impact of Coronavirus on the Implementation of Contractual Obligations
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The global health crisis resulting from the spread of the Corona virus, which the World Health Organization described on January 30, 2020 as a public health emergency of international concern, then returned to describe it as a pandemic on March 11, 2020, and the measures and procedures taken by government authorities in different countries of the world, whether at the highest level of imposing a comprehensive curfew or what is called globally home quarantine and thus disrupting all sectors and activities in the state, whether public or private (with the exception of some sectors such as the health, media and security sectors), or at a lower level than that, such as reducing work rates in different sectors by rates that vary from one country to another, such as allowing only 25% of workers to work with the imposition of social distancing restrictions and observing public health conditions and the impact of this on low production. It had a great, even very great, impact on the implementation of contractual obligations, whether at the level of international or even national (local) contractual relations, and whether

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Study the Antifungal Activity of ZnS:Mn Nanoparticles Against Some Isolated Pathogenic Fungi
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An aqueous chemical reaction has been used to prepare antifungal ZnS: Mn nanostructures, from manganese chloride, zinc acetate and thioacetamide in aqueous solution. The nanoparticle size has been controlled using thioglycolic acid as a capping factor. The major feature of the ZnS:Mn nanoparticles of average diameter ~ 2.73 nm is that possible preparing the sample from sources non-toxic precursors. The manufactured ZnS:Mn nanoparticles were identified and characterized to investigate the structure, morphology, composition of components of the nanoparticles and optical properties using (XRD, SEM, EDS and UV-Vis spectroscopy) techniques respectively. The agar dilution mechanism used to evaluate of the antifungal activity using ZnS:Mn nanopart

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 09 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Study the Application of Ultrasonic Technology for Phenol Removal in Petroleum Industry
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In this study, the sonochemical degradation of phenol in water was investigated using two types of ultrasonic wave generators; 20 kHz ultrasonic processor and 40 kHz ultrasonic cleaner bath. Mineralization rates were determined as a function of phenol concentration, contact time, pH, power density, and type of ultrasonic generator. Results revealed that sonochemical degradation of the phenol conversion was enhanced at increased applied power densities and acidic conditions. At 10 mg/L initial concentration of phenol, pH 7, and applied power density of 3000 W/L, the maximum removal efficiency of phenol was 93% using ultrasonic processor at 2h contact time. Whereby, it was 87% using and ultrasonic cleaner bath at 16h contact time and 150 W

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 27 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Measurement of Electromagnetic wave Emitted from Home Appliance by Milligauss meter
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   The appliance of milligauss meter was designed by Qusay Ismail to measure the induce of electromagnetic field for home appliance which are put at a distance from milligauss meter (15-30-60)cm .The results showed some appliance has recorded higher than normal acceptable level of electromagnetic radiation emissions and produced radiation of (350650)milligauss as for the rest of appliances has recorded values which are ranged between (1200)milligauss ,laptop was recorde radiation generally lower than from desktop and computer moniter (CRT).The radiation ,intensity decrease with increasing distance.

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The Holy Qur’an Approach to Evidence (Signs of branding as a template)
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The aim of the current research is to study a topic from the Qur’anic topics, few have researched it and realized its content, so people knew it in one name in the Qur’an in another name, and due to the ancientity of the topic and its contemporaneity, I wanted to write about it. The research has an introduction, three demands, and a conclusion with the most important results of the research:
As for the introduction: It was to indicate the importance of the topic and an optional reason for it.
As for the first requirement: it included the definition of reasoning, its divisions, and its characteristics.
As for the second requirement, it was to indicate the meaning, types, and methods of labeling it.
As for the third require

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Individualism and the Symbolic Language of Imagination (Pablo Neruda as an Example)
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Pablo Neruda's artistic distinctiveness can be considered in two ideas or attitudes of romanticism. First, the imagination, which is the result of conduct and spirituality, and second, the individualism, which is a collection of mysterious mysteries from the texts of individuality based on philosophical sonnets. His collection of poems points out the ethereality and indescribability of life, employing the reality of life at the level of human perception in a symbolic language. In other words, Pablo Neruda recreates the meanings in poetry through the three ideas of reduction, interpretation, and analysis. "What is the essential connection between individualism and the symbolic language of Pablo Neruda's imagination and What are the reason

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 29 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Blindness and the Critique of Society: Dystopia in “Blindness” by José Saramago""
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This paper addresses the new coloring in the concept of dystopian society as represented by the positive role of one of the characters vs. the passive role of the government and its mutual effect on the people of the society. In addition, it describes how all men in the dystopian society victimize and degrade the other through unlawful acts, like: stealing, rape, and fear, which are the lowest points in a moral decay. However, it offers hope by illustrating a positive sense, as exemplified by the doctor's wife out of Saramago's optimistic view that men may be descended from good women. Accordingly, the paper aims to examine the effect of the government’s role in the lives of the people who have later turned into blind in a dystopian so

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 16 2018
Journal Name
Philosophy of Precognitive Dream in the American Film (Minority Report - a Model)
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When we talk about the foresight in films, it is necessary to talk about dreams because foresight represents one of its distinct types. The Precognitive vision has become a possible material in dealing with as subjects in the film industry that adopt these ideas with their philosophical and scientific orientations, because they represent the imagination that predictors are specialized with. It can be invested through the introduction of a vision of another kind to achieve its goals and ambitions in the film industry and in particular the huge institutions of production as in Hollywood. The cinema works in the light of those concepts of production which found the prognostic dream (the foresight) as a distinctive genre in its films,

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Experience of Disabled Female Students at Academic Study in Saudi Universities
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The current study aims to examine the experience of female students with disabilities who studying in university in kingdom of Saudi Arabia. To this end, the researcher used semi-structured interview as an instrument to collect the study data which regards as one of the descriptive approach tools. The sample comprised (12) disabled-female students from multidiscipline within both college of arts and college of education. To analyze the collected data, the author utilized a thematic analysis method following six steps as stated by (Braun and Clark, 2006). The findings revealed that disabled students have a high self-confidence which push them forward to take part in activities that hold on campus. Besides, significant variation were shown

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 04 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Interdisciplinary Mathematics
Comparison the solutions for some kinds of differential equations using iterative methods
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This manuscript presents several applications for solving special kinds of ordinary and partial differential equations using iteration methods such as Adomian decomposition method (ADM), Variation iterative method (VIM) and Taylor series method. These methods can be applied as well as to solve nonperturbed problems and 3rd order parabolic PDEs with variable coefficient. Moreover, we compare the results using ADM, VIM and Taylor series method. These methods are a commination of the two initial conditions.

Scopus (8)
Publication Date
Thu Mar 09 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Preparation of the Epoxy / Chicken Eggshell Composites to use in Surfaces Coating
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    In this  work , impact strength and the water absorption  ratio of powders of white and brown local chicken eggshell reinforced epoxy with different volume fractions ( 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 and  5 % ) were studied .       The experimental results show that composite filled by ( 1 % Vol . )of white eggshell powder exhibited  maximum  impact  strength and high resistance to tape water , so we choose this volume fraction to use the epoxy composite in coating . Optical microscopic observations are taken to develop a better  understanding of the phenomena taking place in the material system at microscopic level .

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