حضيت القيادة باهتمام كبير من قبل الباحثين ودورها الإيجابي في التأثير على الموظفين ونجاح المنظمات، في الآونة الأخير بدأت الدراسات تركز على الجانب المظلم للقيادة وتأثيرها على التابعين وبيئة العمل، وقد تم تحديد القيادة السامة بأنها أخطر الأساليب القيادية التي تتسبب بتكاليف مادية ومعنوية على المنظمات بمختلف جوانبها، ان القيادة السامة تأثر على دوافع المرؤوسين وقدرتهم على انجاز المهام، ورغبتهم في الاستمرار في العمل، ويتبع القادة السامين أساليب الترهيب والاقصاء والتنمر والتهديد والتهميش للمرؤوسين، مما يؤثر سلبا على رفاهيتهم وصحتهم النفسية، لذا أصبح من الضروري على المنظمات وضع آليات مناسبة لمنع انتشار مثل هذه السلوكيات السامة المدمرة للفرد والمنظمة، وعلية يهدف البحث الحالي للتعرف على القيادة السامة من خلال مراجعة اهم ادبياتها، واستعراض أهم السلوكيات والصفات التي يتسم بها القائد السام، ومدى تأثيرها على الاتباع وبيئة المنظمة.
The study was performed to isolate and identify the Myxococcus
xanthus from (50) samples of grave soils .Special growth conditions had been used to support the growth of M.
xanthus and to suppressed the growth of other microorganisms like (Drying , High concentration of antibiotics and specific growth media)
M. . xanthus isolates had been subjected to the morphological, cultural and biochemical examinations for identification . Results obtaind could be summarized as follows : 1. Myxobacteria were found as normal flora inhabitants of the arid soils. 2. Ten local isplates of M. xanthus out of (50) soil samples were isolated
يهدف البحث الى تحليل الخيارات الاستراتيجية للاقتراض الخارجي في العراق لاستشراف افضل الخيارات الاستراتيجية المستقبلية في مجال الاقتراض الخارجي في دائرة الدين العام في وزارة المالية ، وقد استخدم الباحث منهج دراسة الحالة وباستعمال اسلوب تحليل خوارزمية ال K-Means لتشخيص كفاءة الاقتراض الخارجي لعينة البحث البالغة (81) قرضا التي اقترضتها وزارة المالية للفترة 2007-2020 . ولقد كان الغرض الرئيسي للبحث المساهمة في تمكين وزا
... Show Moren Segmented Optical Telescope (NGST) with hexagonal segment of spherical primary mirror can provide a 3 arc minutes field of view. Extremely Large Telescopes (ELT) in the 100m dimension would have such unprecedented scientific effectiveness that their construction would constitute a milestone comparable to that of the invention of the telescope itself and provide a truly revolutionary insight into the universe. The scientific case and the conceptual feasibility of giant filled aperture telescopes was our interested. Investigating the requirements of these imply for possible technical options in the case of a 100m telescope. For this telescope the considerable interest is the correction of the optical aberrations for the coming wavefront, th
... Show MoreRecently, several concepts and expressions have emerged that have often preoccupied the world . around the concept of environment and sustainability. This is due to the negative and irresponsible impact of man and his innovations in various industrial and technological fieldsthat have damaged the natural environment. Architecture and cities at the broader level are some of the man made components that caused these negative impacts and in the same time affected by them. What distinguishes architectural and urban projects is the consumption of large . quantities of natural resources and production larger amounts of waste and pollution, along the life of these projects. At the end of the twentieth century and the beginning of the twenty-fir
... Show MoreThis research discusses the subject of identity in the urban environment as it attempts to answer a number of questions that come with the concept of identity. The first of these questions: What is identity? Can a definition or conceptual framework be developed for identity? What about individual, collective, cultural, ethnic, political and regional identity? Is there a definition of identity in the urban environment in particular? If there is a definition of identity, what about social mobility responsible for social change? How can we see identity through this kinetics? Can we assume that identity in the urban environment has a variable structure or is of variable shape with a more stable structure? Can we determine the spatial-tempora
... Show MoreKing Ghazi (1933-1939) was of the Arabic characters that characterized national and
patriotic spirit and that faced the British policy in all its aspects.
King Ghazi distinguished as of Arab nationalist tendencies and called for the
liberalization of Arab lands which were under the rule of the Ottoman Empire. He called for
reunification under the one Arab country, Hence came the King invitations to liberate Kuwait
from the British protectorate and consolidated with Iraq.
King Ghazi established a private radio station in the royal palace (AL zzaahoor) palace
and provided special programs to return of Kuwait to Iraq, this radio station was The
prominent role in the revitalization of the Kuwaiti National Movement, an
This research aims to study the effect of heat on the efficiency of solar cells of neutrons ranging from card to these cells in the case of dark and light before and after irradiation using the neutron source as well as electrical properties have been studied
This study examines the relationships between Kuwait and the Soviet Union from 1961 to 1991, chiefly by analyzing not only the factors that drove Kuwait to form diplomatic relationships with Moscow in 1963 but also how domestic, regional, and international variables affected the development of those relationships until 1991. The study presents the analytical and historical research methods used to reach its findings. Among the findings, Kuwait’s decision to forge diplomatic relationships with Moscow in 1963 indeed seems to have been driven by domestic, regional, and international factors, including Kuwait’s geographical situation, the historical background of the relationships between Kuwait and Moscow, and the structure of t
... Show More