In the context of normed space, Banach's fixed point theorem for mapping is studied in this paper. This idea is generalized in Banach's classical fixed-point theory. Fixed point theory explains many situations where maps provide great answers through an amazing combination of mathematical analysis. Picard- Lendell's theorem, Picard's theorem, implicit function theorem, and other results are created by other mathematicians later using this fixed-point theorem. We have come up with ideas that Banach's theorem can be used to easily deduce many well-known fixed-point theorems. Extending the Banach contraction principle to include metric space with modular spaces has been included in some recent research, the aim of study proves some properties of Banach space.
<p>In this paper, we prove there exists a coupled fixed point for a set- valued contraction mapping defined on X× X , where X is incomplete ordered G-metric. Also, we prove the existence of a unique fixed point for single valued mapping with respect to implicit condition defined on a complete G- metric.</p>
The study of fixed points on the maps fulfilling certain contraction requirements has several applications and has been the focus of numerous research endeavors. On the other hand, as an extension of the idea of the best approximation, the best proximity point (ƁƤƤ) emerges. The best approximation theorem ensures the existence of an approximate solution; the best proximity point theorem is considered for addressing the problem in order to arrive at an optimum approximate solution. This paper introduces a new kind of proximal contraction mapping and establishes the best proximity point theorem for such mapping in fuzzy normed space ( space). In the beginning, the concept of the best proximity point was introduced. The concept of prox
... Show MoreThe best proximity point is a generalization of a fixed point that is beneficial when the contraction map is not a self-map. On other hand, best approximation theorems offer an approximate solution to the fixed point equation . It is used to solve the problem in order to come up with a good approximation. This paper's main purpose is to introduce new types of proximal contraction for nonself mappings in fuzzy normed space and then proved the best proximity point theorem for these mappings. At first, the definition of fuzzy normed space is given. Then the notions of the best proximity point and - proximal admissible in the context of fuzzy normed space are presented. The notion of α ̃–ψ ̃- proximal contractive mapping is introduced.
... Show MoreIn this paper, we will study a concepts of sectional intuitionistic fuzzy continuous and prove the schauder fixed point theorem in intuitionistic fuzzy metric space as a generalization of fuzzy metric space and prove a nother version of schauder fixed point theorem in intuitionistic fuzzy metric space as a generalization to the other types of fixed point theorems in intuitionistic fuzzy metric space considered by other researchers, as well as, to the usual intuitionistic fuzzy metric space.
The main objective of this work is to introduce and investigate fixed point (F. p) theorems for maps that satisfy contractive conditions in weak partial metric spaces (W.P.M.S), and give some new generalization of the fixed point theorems of Mathews and Heckmann. Our results extend, and unify a multitude of (F. p) theorems and generalize some results in (W.P.M.S). An example is given as an illustration of our results.
This paper aims to prove an existence theorem for Voltera-type equation in a generalized G- metric space, called the -metric space, where the fixed-point theorem in - metric space is discussed and its application. First, a new contraction of Hardy-Rogess type is presented and also then fixed point theorem is established for these contractions in the setup of -metric spaces. As application, an existence result for Voltera integral equation is obtained.
in this article, we present a definition of k-generalized map independent of non-expansive map and give infinite families of non-expansive and k-generalized maps new iterative algorithms. Such algorithms are also studied in the Hilbert spaces as the potential to exist for asymptotic common fixed point.
The focus of this article, reviewed a generalized of contraction mapping and nonexpansive maps and recall some theorems about the existence and uniqueness of common fixed point and coincidence fixed-point for such maps under some conditions. Moreover, some schemes of different types as one-step schemes ,two-step schemes and three step schemes (Mann scheme algorithm, Ishukawa scheme algorithm, noor scheme algorithm, .scheme algorithm, scheme algorithm Modified scheme algorithm arahan scheme algorithm and others. The convergence of these schemes has been studied .On the other hands, We also reviewed the convergence, valence and stability theories of different types of near-plots in convex metric space.
In this paper, we study some cases of a common fixed point theorem for classes of firmly nonexpansive and generalized nonexpansive maps. In addition, we establish that the Picard-Mann iteration is faster than Noor iteration and we used Noor iteration to find the solution of delay differential equation.