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Analysis of applications of Banach fixed point theorem

In the context of normed space, Banach's fixed point theorem for mapping is studied in this paper. This idea is generalized in Banach's classical fixed-point theory. Fixed point theory explains many situations where maps provide great answers through an amazing combination of mathematical analysis. Picard- Lendell's theorem, Picard's theorem, implicit function theorem, and other results are created by other mathematicians later using this fixed-point theorem. We have come up with ideas that Banach's theorem can be used to easily deduce many well-known fixed-point theorems. Extending the Banach contraction principle to include metric space with modular spaces has been included in some recent research, the aim of study proves some properties of Banach space.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Euro Dinar Trading Analysis Using WARIMA Hybrid Model

The rise in the general level of prices in Iraq makes the local commodity less able to compete with other commodities, which leads to an increase in the amount of imports and a decrease in the amount of exports, since it raises demand for foreign currencies while decreasing demand for the local currency, which leads to a decrease in the exchange rate of the local currency in exchange for an increase in the exchange rate of currencies. This is one of the most important factors affecting the determination of the exchange rate and its fluctuations. This research deals with the currency of the European Euro and its impact against the Iraqi dinar. To make an accurate prediction for any process, modern methods can be used through which

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Discriminant Analysis to Assess Deprivation Index in Iraq

The aim of this study is to achieve the best distinguishing function of the variables which have common characteristics to distinguish between the groups in order to identify the situation of the governorates that suffer from the problem of deprivation. This allows the parties concerned and the regulatory authorities to intervene to take corrective measures. The main indicators of the deprivation index included (education, health, infrastructure, housing, protection) were based on 2010 data available in the Central Bureau of Statistics

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences


           The great importance that distinguish these factorial experiments made ​​them subject a desirable for use and application in many fields, particularly in the field of agriculture, which is considered the broad area for experimental designs applications.

            And the second case for the factorial  experiment, which faces researchers have great difficulty in dealing with the case unbalance we mean that frequencies treatments factorial  are not equal meaning (that is allocated a number unequal of blocks or units experimental per tre

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Arabic Sentiment Analysis (ASA) Using Deep Learning Approach

Sentiment analysis is one of the major fields in natural language processing whose main task is to extract sentiments, opinions, attitudes, and emotions from a subjective text. And for its importance in decision making and in people's trust with reviews on web sites, there are many academic researches to address sentiment analysis problems. Deep Learning (DL) is a powerful Machine Learning (ML) technique that has emerged with its ability of feature representation and differentiating data, leading to state-of-the-art prediction results. In recent years, DL has been widely used in sentiment analysis, however, there is scarce in its implementation in the Arabic language field. Most of the previous researches address other l

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 20 2021
Journal Name
Research J. Pharm. And Tech.
The special techniques for Semen analysis and preparation

Infertility can be detected when the couples have not completed pregnancy after a year or more of normal coitus. So, in order to treat infertility, there are many supported reproductive techniques are in practice. The success rate of these techniques depends upon the way by which preparation of the paternal semen sample. Over the past 30 years, the manual has been standard as providing global standards and has been used extensively by research and clinical laboratories throughout the world. The spermatozoa of all placental (eutherian) mammals, including humans, are in a protective, no labile formal at ejaculation and are incapable of fertilization even if they are placed in direct contact with an oocyte. Accordingly, they must undergo a sub

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 28 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
An Autocorrelative Approach for EMG Time-Frequency Analysis

As they are the smallest functional parts of the muscle, motor units (MUs) are considered as the basic building blocks of the neuromuscular system. Monitoring MU recruitment, de-recruitment, and firing rate (by either invasive or surface techniques) leads to the understanding of motor control strategies and of their pathological alterations. EMG signal decomposition is the process of identification and classification of individual motor unit action potentials (MUAPs) in the interference pattern detected with either intramuscular or surface electrodes. Signal processing techniques were used in EMG signal decomposition to understand fundamental and physiological issues. Many techniques have been developed to decompose intramuscularly detec

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Spectrophotometric Determination of Micro Amount of Chromium (III) Using Sodium 4-((4,5-diphenyl-imidazol-2-yl)diazenyl)-3-hydroxynaphthalene-1-sulfonate in the Presence of Surfactant, Study of Thermodynamic Functions and Their Analytical Applications

          Using sodium4-((4,5-diphenyl-imidazol-2-yl)diazenyl)-3-hydroxynaphthalene-1-sulfonate (SDPIHN) as a chromogenic reagent in presence of non-ionic surfactant (Triton x-100) to estimate the chromium(III)  ion if the wavelength of this reagent 463 nm to form a dark greenish-brown complex in wavelength 586 nm at pH=10,the complex was stable for longer than 24 hours. Beer's low, molar absorptivity 0.244×, and Sandal's sensitivity 0.021 µg/cm2 are all observed in the concentration range 1-11 µg/mL. The limits of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ), respectively, were 0.117 µg/mL and 0.385µg/mL. (mole ratio technique, job's method) were employed to

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 01 2019
Journal Name
Advances In Intelligent Systems And Computing
Analysis of the Relationship Between Traffic Accidents with Human and Physical Factors in Iraq

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 29 2021
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Analysis of Magnetorheological Normally Close Directional Control Valve: Magnetorheological normally close directional control valve

This valve is intended for use in valves for steering movement, using the qualities of the Magneto-rheological (MR) fluid to regulate the fluid, direct contact without the utilization of moving parts like a spool, a connection between electric flux, and fluid power was made, The simulation was done to employ the" finite element method of magnetism (FEMM)" to arrive at the best design. This software is used for magnetic resonance valve finite element analysis. The valve's best performance was obtained by using a closed directional control valve in the normal state normally closed (NC) MR valve, with simulation results revealing the optimum magnetic flux density in the absence of a current and the shedding condition, as well as the optimum

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Buckling Analysis of Laminated Composite Plate with Different Boundary Conditions using modified Fourier series

Buckling analysis of a laminated composite thin plate with different boundary conditions subjected to in-plane uniform load are studied depending on classical laminated plate theory; analytically using (Rayleigh-Ritz method). Equation of motion of the plates was derived using the principle of virtual work and solved using modified Fourier displacement function that satisfies general edge conditions. The eigenvalue problem generated by using Ritz method, the set of linear algebraic equations can be solved using MATLAB for symmetric and anti-symmetric, cross and angle-ply laminated plate considering some design parameters such as aspect ratios, number of layers, lamination type and orthotropic ratio. The results obtained g

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