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The effect of the green value chain in reducing environmental failure costs
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The research aims to apply the activities of the green value chain as one of the modern administrative techniques that economic units resort to develop solutions to the pollution problems that occur due to the activity of economic units and their products that may cause damage to the environment as well as the waste of natural resources and to identify the production of environmentally friendly products and reduce the costs of environmental failure of both types Internal and external that may be borne by economic units such as taxes, fines and compensation due to nonobservance of environmental requirements and the preservation of human health and protection of the environment. To achieve the goal of the research, the researchers relied on the descriptive analytical approach of the theoretical side by relying on Arabic and foreign books, letters, university theses, articles, research and periodicals related to the topic of the research. Engineers and employees of the aforementioned company. The study concluded a set of conclusions, the most important of which is that there is an effect of green value chain activities in reducing the costs of environmental failure if mechanisms and materials that take into account the environment and human health are used by reducing waste and recycling products to preserve the environment and natural resources. In light of these conclusions, many recommendations were reached, the most important of which is that the economic units must apply value chain activities when producing products to obtain environmentally friendly, nonpolluting products that do not cause harm to humans and contribute to avoiding economic units from being subjected to fines, taxes and penalties by complying with the requirements Environmental.

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Degree of Using Augmented Reality Technology among students of the Optimum Invesment Project fot Teaching Personnel Program and the difficulties they face at Al-Shaqra University
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Augmented reality technology is a modern technique used in all fields, including: medicine, engineering and education, and has received attention from officials in the educational process at present; The focus of this research is on the degree of use of augmented reality among field experience students in the project's optimal investment program for teaching staff and their difficulties, applied to a sample of 75 students, through a questionnaire prepared by the researcher as a tool to determine the degree of use, as well as difficulties. The researcher addressed the subject through two main axes to determine the degree of use, as well as the difficulties preventing teachers and learners from using this technique. The results of the rese

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 30 2014
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Experimental Determination of the Elastic and Viscous Behavior of Polycarbonate Melts at Different Temperatures and Their Relationship to the Steady State Viscosity via the Cox-Merz Rule
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Rheological instrument is one of the basic analytical measurements for diagnosing the properties of polymers fluids to be used in any industry. In this research polycarbonate was chosen because of its importance in many areas and possesses several distinct properties.
Two kinds of rheometers devices were used at different range of temperatures from 220 ˚C-300 ˚C to characterize the rheological technique of melted polycarbonate (Makrolon 2805) by a combination of different investigating techniques. We compared the results of the linear (oscillatory) method with the non-linear (steady-state) method; the former method provided the storage and the loss modulus of melted polycarbonate, and presented the Cox-Merz model as well. One of the

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 18 2018
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Pressures Affecting the Performance of Iraqi Media before the Legislative Elections of 2018 (Iraqi Satellite News Channel- as a Model): A Survey Study  Dr.Safad Husam Hammody
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The modernity of election practices of the elections in Iraq, according to the democratic approach, has led to a struggle between political rival forces reflecting a deep pressure on the tools involved in the management, marketing or control of these elections across the general social level. Hence the problem of research resides in answering the following question: What is the nature and size of the pressures affecting the media performance of Al-Iraqia News channel before the legislative elections of 2018 in Iraq?
      The objectives of the research were the following:
1. to identify the nature of the pressures that limit the Al-Iraqia News channel’s perfo

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Merge Operation Effect On Image Compression Using Fractal Technique
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Fractal image compression gives some desirable properties like fast decoding image, and very good rate-distortion curves, but suffers from a high encoding time. In fractal image compression a partitioning of the image into ranges is required. In this work, we introduced good partitioning process by means of merge approach, since some ranges are connected to the others. This paper presents a method to reduce the encoding time of this technique by reducing the number of range blocks based on the computing the statistical measures between them . Experimental results on standard images show that the proposed method yields minimize (decrease) the encoding time and remain the quality results passable visually.

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 17 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
Using Compound Exercises (Skill) with Auditory and Visual Means And Their Effect on Some Fundamental Skills In Futsal For Women
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Publication Date
Wed Jun 15 2022
Journal Name
Malaysian Journal Of Science
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The dose rate for bremsstrahlung radiation from beta particles with energy (1.710) MeV and (2.28) MeV which comes from (32P and 90Y) beta source respectively have been calculated through six materials (polyethylene, wood, aluminum, iron, tungsten and lead) for first shielding material with thickness (x=1) mm which are putting between beta sources and second shield (polyethylene, aluminum and lead) with thickness (1, 2 &4) mm have been calculated. The distance between beta source and second shield is constant (D=1) cm. This dose rate was found by program called Rad Pro Calculator (version 3.26). The results of dose rate of beta particles were plotted as a function to the atomic number (Z) for first shield materials for each

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Publication Date
Wed May 12 2021
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
The Relationship of Healthy Rationalist Pundit Thinking to the Spiking and Block Performance of Volleyball For Junior Players
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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Energy Procedia
Evaluation of the optical properties for thick films of epoxy-diamond paste blend prepared by the casting method
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Publication Date
Tue Dec 11 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Prevalence of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) among the Iraqi Repatriated Prisoners of the Iran-Iraq War, 1980-1988
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Objective: To determine the prevalence of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) among Iraqi repatriated
prisoners of Iran-Iraq war, and the relationship with demographic factors.
Methodology: A descriptive study was carried out from Oct. 18th, 2009 through Jan. 10th, 2010. A nonprobability
based snowball sampling technique was used to recruit 92 Iraqi repatriated prisoners of war
(IRPOWs) who had visited Ministry of Human Rights. A data collection instrument was constructed that
consisted of six demographic characteristics, and eight items to measure the level of PTSD in POWs. Data were
collected with the constructed instrument during a brief interview. Data were analyzed through the application of
descriptive statist

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Study The Influence of Doping Electric and Magnetic Nanoparticles on The Nonlinear Optical Properties of Nematic Liquid Crystals
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The nonlinear optical properties response of nematic liquid crystal (6CHBT) and the impact of doping with two kinds of nanoparticles; Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticles and SbSI ferroelectric nanoparticles have been studied using the non-linear dynamic method through z-scan measurement technique. This was achieved utilizing CW He-Ne laser. The pure LC and magnetic LC nanoparticle composite samples had a maximum absorption while the ferroelectric LC nanoparticle composite had a minimum absorption of the incident light. The nonlinear refractive index was positive for the pure LC and the rod-like ferronematic LC composite samples, while it was negative for the ferroelectric LC composite. The studying of the nonlinear optical

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