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WDARS: A Weighted Data Aggregation Routing Strategy with Minimum Link Cost in Event-Driven WSNs
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Realizing the full potential of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) highlights many design issues, particularly the trade-offs concerning multiple conflicting improvements such as maximizing the route overlapping for efficient data aggregation and minimizing the total link cost. While the issues of data aggregation routing protocols and link cost function in a WSNs have been comprehensively considered in the literature, a trade-off improvement between these two has not yet been addressed. In this paper, a comprehensive weight for trade-off between different objectives has been employed, the so-called weighted data aggregation routing strategy (WDARS) which aims to maximize the overlap routes for efficient data aggregation and link cost issues in cluster-based WSNs simultaneously. The proposed methodology is evaluated for energy consumption, network lifetime, throughput, and packet delivery ratio and compared with the InFRA and DRINA. These protocols are cluster-based routing protocols which only aim to maximize the overlap routes for efficient data aggregation. Analysis and simulation results revealed that the WDARS delivered a longer network lifetime with more proficient and reliable performance over other methods.

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Multi-level analysis applications in business studies
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The current research aims to provide a conceptual and applied frame  on the subject of multi- level analysis in the research of business administration. The research tries to address some of the problems that befall the preparation of research and studies at the Arab level and local level, where the unity of theory and measurement and analysis, as well as clarify  the various types of conceptual constructs and give researchers the ability to  distinguish different models related to the level of analysis. On the other hand, this research  provides an example of 

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Society and Manner in Joseph Conrad's Victory
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In his novel entitled Victory. Joseph Conrad asserts himself as a writer for man
as a moral agent in this universe. His characters exhibit the possibilities for isolation
and moral deterioration in modern life. The aim of this research is to investigate some
social issues that touch the core of humanity. In this novel, Conrad's perceptive eyes
has noted so many social issues that need to be tackled. Implicitly and explicitly,
Conrad launches so many controversial issues like : communication and
disengagement or skepticism , conflict between heart and mind ,fate, demonic
identification sense of guilt in man, men , women and homosexuality, the clash
between the civilized and the raw ,the disregarded local people and

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 29 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Behavior of Defective Cast in Place Piles
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This paper deals with testing defected model piles in the soil in order to study their behavior. In this respect, the results of model pile tests are discussed either geotechnically or structurally according to the type of failure.   Two parameters were studied in order to evaluate the general behavior of defective piles. These parameters include the defect location and the defect type for floating and end bearing pile. The results of the experimental work indicated that the critical case for floating pile is seen to be when the defect of (5%) at the first third of the pile length at which the decrease in the bearing capacity is about (21%), while the decrease in the bearing capacity is found to be (14%) and (10%), when

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2009
Journal Name
2009 Ieee Wireless Communications And Networking Conference
Power Efficiency Maximization in Cognitive Radio Networks
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Cognitive radio technology is used to improve spectrum efficiency by having the cognitive radios act as secondary users to access primary frequency bands when they are not currently being used. In general conditions, cognitive secondary users are mobile nodes powered by battery and consuming power is one of the most important problem that facing cognitive networks; therefore, the power consumption is considered as a main constraint. In this paper, we study the performance of cognitive radio networks considering the sensing parameters as well as power constraint. The power constraint is integrated into the objective function named power efficiency which is a combination of the main system parameters of the cognitive network. We prove the exi

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Computer Sciences
Connectedness in Graphs and Gm-Closure Spaces
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This paper is devoted to the discussion the relationships of connectedness between some types of graphs (resp. digraph) and Gm-closure spaces by using graph closure operators.

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2016
Journal Name
2016 International Conference On Computing, Networking And Communications (icnc)
Connectivity and rendezvous in distributed DSA networks
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In this paper, we use concepts and results from percolation theory to investigate and characterize the effects of multi-channels on the connectivity of Dynamic Spectrum Access networks. In particular, we focus on the scenario where the secondary nodes have plenty of vacant channels to choose from-a phenomenon which we define as channel abundance. To cope with the existence of multi-channels, we use two types of rendezvous protocols: naive ones which do not guarantee a common channel and advanced ones which do. We show that, with more channel abundance, even with the use of either type of rendezvous protocol, it becomes difficult for two nodes to agree on a common channel, thereby potentially remaining invisible to each other. We model this

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 02 2019
Journal Name
Alanbar Journal
Precarity and Gender Performitivity in Morrison’s Home
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Precarity means the lack of social and economic networks; a considerable exposure to danger and harm. Minority groups are precariat for they lack rights and full citizenship. Precarity is related, states Judith Butler, with the individual’s performativity, and his ability to perform his gender role. Toni Morrison continually goes to past to retell the history of African Americans. The issues of race, gender and national identity are recurrent in her work. Reading her book Home (2012) evokes the idea of precarity and performativity since the two main characters, Frank and Cee are precarious characters that fail to perform their gender role properly, and eventually are exposed to hazard and harm. This research displays how African American

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2002
Journal Name
Alustath Journal For Human And Social Sciences
The development of Islamic periodicals in Iraq
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Islamic periodicals are defined as: publications issued periodically, and containing articles, research, or studies that convey Islamic thought and culture. Islamic periodicals have a prominent place among other types of sources of documentary and non-documentary Islamic information, because they are characterized by the speed of their issuance and the modernity and diversity of their Islamic information. This study aims to explain the reality of Islamic periodicals published in Iraq, graphically analyze their bibliographic characteristics and emphasize the importance of their issuance, as well as give a historical overview of the issuance and publication of Islamic periodicals in the Arab world and the world, while presenting examples of I

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Publication Date
Sat Nov 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Science
Spectrophotometric Determination of Allopurinol in Tablet Formulation
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A new spectrophotometric method for the determination of allopurinol drug was investigated. The proposed method was based on the reaction of the intended drug with catechol and Fe(II) to form a blue soluble complex which was measured at λmax 580 nm. A graph of absorbance versus concentration shown that Beer’s law was obeyed over the concentration range of 2–10 μg ml–1 with molar absorptivity of 9.4 x 103 l mol–1 cm–1 and Sandell sensitivity of 1.4 x 10–2 μg cm–2. A recovery percentage of 100% with RSD of 1.0%–1.3% was obtained. The proposed method was applied successfully for the determination of allopurinol drug in tablets with a good accuracy and

Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2012
Journal Name
Knowledge And Awareness Towards Cryptosporidiosis In Baghdad
Knowledge and awareness towards Cryptosporidiosis in Baghdad
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Knowledge and awareness towards cryptosporidiosis were assessed in this study during the period from April 2009 till June 2011, among 188 person of both gender which were divided in different groups and sub groups as following Group 1: include 48 physician from different hospitals and primary health care centers in Baghdad this group were sub divided into 30 Specialist doctors and 18 General practitioners doctors. Group 2 : include 45 teaching staff member from Biology department , Biotechnology department in University of Baghdad and AL-Nahrain University as well as teaching staff member from the college of medicine – University of Baghdad and University of Mustansiryah, this group were sub divided into 9 Ph.D and 36 M.Sc. + B.Sc. me

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