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The Effect of the Siberian Air Altitude on the Characteristics of the Climate of the Northern Arabian Peninsula
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The field of climatic geography focuses on the study of the Earth's surrounding atmosphere, particularly the lower (surface) part close to the Earth's surface. This field examines the interactions within the atmosphere resulting from the solar radiation that reaches the Earth and the subsequent distribution of atmospheric pressure. Consequently, certain surface pressure systems, both high and low, emerge and vary in their temporal and spatial impacts on the climate of the Arabian Peninsula. Therefore, it is essential to conduct a comprehensive and detailed study to understand the causes, development, movement, geographical distribution, and monthly and seasonal recurrence of these pressure systems. For this purpose, a minor climatic cycle spanning eleven years (2007/2008 to 2021/2022) was selected. The study relied on analysing weather maps at the 1000 millibar pressure level to analyse the recurrence of the Siberian high-pressure system over the study area, using observations at both 00:00 and 12:00 during the study period.

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Reducing the Pollutants from Municipal Wastewater by Chlorella Vulgaris Microalgae
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In the present work, the pollutants of the municipal wastewater are reduced using Chlorella vulgaris microalgae. The pollutants that were treated are: Total organic carbon (TOC), Chemical oxygen demand (COD), Nitrate (NO3), and Phosphate (PO4). Firstly, the treatment was achieved at atmospheric conditions (Temperature = 25oC), pH 7 with time (1 – 48 h). To study the effect of other microorganisms on the reduction of pollutants, sterilized wastewater and unsterilized wastewater were used for two types of packing (cylindrical plastic and cubic polystyrene) as well as algae's broth (without packing), where the microalgae are grown on the packing then transported to the wastewater for treatment. Th

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Choose the best model for building life tables in Iraq
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Demography or population studies or demography is the science that is based on the different characteristics of the population scientific study, and represent a population studies principled way to understand the population of society, in addition to verification of the population in a given area determine the reason for the increase or decrease this number from the previous statistical As these studies estimate future trends for the occurrence of demographic change in terms of birth, death and migration That the registration of deaths of paramount importance narrated that way can the demographic reality of the population analysis, and coverage of the health authorities' needs and enable government institutions of decision-making

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2016
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Unconventional materials in the contemporary sculptural composition: علاء محسن كَبيّش
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This study aimed to knowledge of the effects of the Traditional ore upon the structure of sculpture form, as well as to knowledge of new materials that was used for the contemporary sculpture. This study included four chapter: first chapter was specialized for methodical frame. such as problem of research. that it was abstracted by question about the reason that lead the sculptor to search from new raw to carry out his sculpture works? As well as the important of research and its limits was that define between year 1950 up to 2000. The second chapter included the theoretical field and previous studies, that formed from three researches, such as the fist about the materials, as it was considered master element at the sculpture formal. the

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Communicative Integration in New Media: Building a Communicative Model
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The internet, unlike other traditional means of communication, has a flexibility to stimulate the user and allows him to develop it. Perhaps, the reason for the superiority of the internet over other traditional means of communication is the possibility of change and transmission from one stage to another in a short period. This means that the internet is able to move from the use to the development of the use and then the development of means and innovation as the innovation of the internet is a logical product of the interaction of the user with the network. The internet invests all the proposals and ideas and does not ignore any even if it is simple. This is represented in social networking sites which in fact reflects personal emotio

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 29 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Repetition in Bushra Al Bustany Poetry: A Stylistic Study
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يعد التكرار من الظواهر الاسلوبية التي اتخذت دورها في بناء النص الشعري الحديث ويقوم على جملة من الاختيارات الاسلوبية لمادة دون أخرى ولصياغة لغوية دون سواها ، مما  يكشف في النهاية عن سرّ ميل هذا النص الشعري أو ذاك لهذا النمط الاسلوبي دون غيره ، وعلى الرغم من ان التكرار يعد مسألة عامة وشائعة في العمل الأدبي ، فأن الاهتمام بهذا الجانب من المنهج الاسلوبي يأتي من جهة كونه مهيمناً له ايحاءاته ودلال

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 27 2024
Journal Name
International Journal Of Medical Science And Dental Health
The relationship between Fatty Acids and Type II Diabetes Mellitus
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We can summarize the main risk factors for type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) by looking at our nutrition, age, and lifestyle. β-cell dysfunction and insulin resistance (IR) are outcomes of the pathophysiology of type 2 diabetes. As an indirect result of IR on important metabolic enzymes, lipid and lipoprotein abnormalities are also a factor in T2DM patients. Recent research has indicated that lipid fluctuation may be the cause of poor glucose metabolism as well as one of its effects. Fatty acids (FAs) affect cell membrane fluidity and permeability, insulin receptor binding and signaling, and the translocation of glucose transporters. Therefore, it is suggested that FAs might play a crucial part in the emergence of IR and T2DM.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Basmaya Residential Complex compatibility with the Iraqi Green Architecture Code
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The increase in the Iraqi population put pressure on urban cities as there were no new cities built since the 1980s due to the wars and the economic blockade imposed in 1991 and the deteriorating security situation after 2003, where the population in 2018 reached about forty million people. Iraq also suffered during the past decades from problems and challenges in many respects that affected the local environment, and the constructed buildings had a role in increasing these impacts, so the Ministry of Housing worked to issue the Iraqi Green Architecture Code in 2019 to reduce damage to the environment and use resources more efficiently. And because the constructed buildings were not constructed according to green standards, including Bas

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
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Expressive Discourse in the Rural Singing Form: وليد حسن الجـــــــابري
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The expressive discourse, in the form of the rural singing, is considered one of the interactive framework and the metaphorical dialogues in creating the aesthetic climate that connects the circles of its basic elements, singing, playing music, expression, costumes, sham movements and so forth.  

     The rhetorical language in this field includes all those parts and turns them into an integrated idea within the culture of the musical science, specifically the heart of the rural singing. This research dealt with a number of topics of relevance in the expressive discourse for the form of the rural singing. The first chapter consists of the methodological framework of the research, represented by the r

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Estimate the Partial Linear Model Using Wavelet and Kernel Smoothers
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This article aims to estimate the partially linear model by using two methods, which are the Wavelet and Kernel Smoothers. Simulation experiments are used to study the small sample behavior depending on different functions, sample sizes, and variances. Results explained that the wavelet smoother is the best depending on the mean average squares error criterion for all cases that used.



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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Permeability Estimation by Using the Modified and Conventional FZI Methods
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There many methods for estimation of permeability. In this Paper, permeability has been estimated by two methods. The conventional and modified methods are used to calculate flow zone indicator (FZI). The hydraulic flow unit (HU) was identified by FZI technique. This technique is effective in predicting the permeability in un-cored intervals/wells. HU is related with FZI and rock quality index (RQI). All available cores from 7 wells (Su -4, Su -5, Su -7, Su -8, Su -9, Su -12, and Su -14) were used to be database for HU classification. The plot of probability cumulative of FZI is used. The plot of core-derived probability FZI for both modified and conventional method which indicates 4 Hu (A, B, C and D) for Nahr Umr forma

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