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The role of e-Government on corruption and its impact on the financial performance of the government: An empirical analysis on the Iraqi government
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This study aimed to provide a conceptual model for the use and benefits of the e-Government as related to administrative fraud and financial corruption. The study also looked into their concepts, forms, dimensions and types and the role of e-Government on fraud reduction, corruption in administration and finance and its impact on the government performance. From the result, it is revealed that there is need for electronic government for implementation in order to curb the rate of fraud and administrative and financial corruption and improve the quality of service provision for better performance

Publication Date
Tue Oct 23 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
“The impact of using the of the Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) on The General Budget in Iraq”
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This research is aiming  to analyze the impacts of the current budget in Iraq by using  the Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) , the research is based on hypothesis: (There is an impact on the using of the Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) In public budget in Iraq) .This hypothesis was demonstrated by using the questionnaire, a number of conclusions were reached, the most important being the lack of terminology adopted in the government accounting system and the Iraqi financial and accounting manual as a result of their adoption of the monetary basis for the lack of accounting terminology that meets t

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Transparency of government performance to the state of iraq
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The most important recommendations of this research are:-

1.The benefit of the other countries experiences about the transparency of the government performance, without depending on the transparency that imitating the other experiences; that may not fit with the Iraqi government units.

2.The Ministry of Finance has to prepare the citizen guidebook about the government performance which is considered an essential document, it should be simple and available for all the parties of relation; and for not specialized citizen for the purpose of simplifying the understanding of government performance details.

3.The benefit of the government units websites of inte

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Publication Date
Thu May 10 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
E-Government Public Cloud Model (EGPCM)
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   The concept of implementing e-government systems is growing widely all around the world and becoming an interest to all governments. However, governments are still seeking for effective ways to implement e-government systems properly and successfully. As services of e-government increased and citizens’ demands expand, the e-government systems become more costly to satisfy the growing needs. The cloud computing is a technique that has been discussed lately as a solution to overcome some problems that an e-government implementation or expansion is going through. This paper is a proposal of a  new model for e-government on basis of cloud computing. E-Government Public Cloud Model EGPCM, for e-government is related t

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 02 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
New Research Trends in Designing E-Government Architecture Based on Blockchain Technology
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Blockchain has garnered the most attention as the most important new technology that supports recent digital transactions via e-government. The most critical challenge for public e-government systems is reducing bureaucracy and increasing the efficiency and performance of administrative processes in these systems since blockchain technology can play a role in a decentralized environment and execute a high level of security transactions and transparency. So, the main objectives of this work are to survey different proposed models for e-government system architecture based on blockchain technology implementation and how these models are validated.  This work studies and analyzes some research trends focused on blockchain

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 03 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Educational activities in the role of government nurseries and its relationship to some variables
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The skill of management educational activities gradually grow with the experience, but they differ from personal skill educator to another, because each style nanny personally and the way to work. There educator and active movement and vitality that look like happiness and clear during the implementation of the activity, and the other runs educational activities quietly, efficiently and without emotion and clear (dry, 2001: p. 274). And the stage of childhood is one of the most important stages that are based upon the future life as a whole because the man also confirmed by the School of analysis psychological is the son of his childhood and the best example to us what the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him): (Every child i

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of government and private banks in the financing of small projects: An Applied Research
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 Sought the search to find out what small businesses, the importance of funding, and the role of funders in supporting such projects, which have been addressed in the search through a sample of government banks (Rafidain and Rasheed) and private banks (the Middle East, the Gulf, North, Assyria) and a sample of Small projects borrowed from these banks, but in order to achieve that rely researchers on scientific methods discreet marked by the curriculum descriptive analytical method which is based on the compilation of facts and information then collated and analyzed to reach acceptable results, as well as data collection tool (checklist) was whereby examine questions of a sample of

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 06 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Human Resources Investment as an Introduction to improve the efficiency & activity of workers in E – Government
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The human resources are considered to be the main pillar of the organizations , economic development and the foundation of moving wheels of individual growth. This is considered as the basic tasks for any productive and economic activity . The investment of the human resources is the economic pillar of production , but the most important element of the production . This research tried to access the method of resource investment and to identify the problems and training as key element in establishment of E –government . A questionnaire document have been distributed to the workers at different levels in the colleges and institutes. The research concluded the necessity of job description , continuous training of the workers , usi

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Publication Date
Mon May 15 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Professional Business Review
Is It Possible To Adopt A Budget Of Performance In The Iraqi Government Companies?
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Purpose: The study aims to investigate the extent to which material and non-material requirements are available in applying budgeting programs and performance in Iraqi governmental companies that are not aimed at achieving profits. whose activities are limited to providing services of public interest. This is done by studying the extent to which the requirements of each stage of preparing the programs and performance budget can be met.   Theoretical framework: The process of evaluating financial performance is the main objective of all economic units, whether they are governmental or private economic units. Budgets contribute to the evaluation process by analyzing deviations in the application. The study includes an analytical pres

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Fri Oct 01 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad College Of Economic Sciences University Journal (bcesuj)
The effect of international auditing standards in limiting financial violations in government service
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The aim of the research is to show the importance of international auditing standards and the effect of this in reducing the incidence of financial irregularities in government service units and how to address them. The research adopted the descriptive, analytical and inductive approaches. In the analytical approach, a questionnaire model was designed and distributed to internal auditors in some of the subordinate government units. For the Ministry of Health, appropriate statistical methods were used that showed the extent of the general understanding of the internal auditor’s relationship with international standards and the impact of this on preserving public money and the role of the internal auditor in detecting financial irregulariti

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 21 2018
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The credibility of the official government spokesman to the Iraqi public / Survey Study
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The official spokesperson considered responsible for the transmission of information and communication messages that convey the government’s view on the various political and economic issues that affect the public opinion towards the performance achieved by the various governmental institutions and for the purpose of communicating with the media in a positive and effective manner, a number of institutions in the world in general and in Iraq in particular have nominated a spokesman to coordinate the efforts and the dissemination of news and the preparation of press conferences to contribute to the achievement of a positive and effective level between the government and the media, so this study has tackled to deal with the credibility of

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