يعد التحليل العاملي Factor Analysis أحد الأساليب الإحصائية المهمة والتي يصعب تنفيذها يدويا ً أو بالألات الحاسبة الصغيرة لذا لاقى الباحثين صعوبة في إستخدامه في البداية بل كان من المستحيل القيام به ، لذا فالمؤلف قد تناول التحيلي العاملي الاستكشافي لكونه إسلوب إحصائي يستخدم في تحليل البيانات ويتطلب شروطا ً لأستخدامه ودقة في مراعاة هذه الشروط ويتطلب أيضا ً معايير يجب أن يتأكد الباحث من توافرها في البيانات وهذا ما تم تناوله وتوضيحه في هذا الكتاب وبإسلوب علمي معززا ً بتوضيح إسلوب إدخال البيانات في البرنامج الجاهز SPSS للحصول على النتائج النهائية وبجميع طرقه .
لقد كان حرص المؤلف على إصدار هذا الكتاب نابعا ً من قناعة تامة بأن مجال التقويم والقياس بحاجة إلى كتاب علمي حديث يتناول عرض أدوات الاختبار والقياس والمتمثلة بالصدق والثبات ويتسم بالوضوح في التعبير عن المفاهيم والمصطلحات والأنواع لكل منها ليكون وسيلة مبسطة بأيدي الأساتذة والباحثين وطلبتي الدراسات العليا الماجستير والدكتوراه لإستخراج صدق وثبات الاختبارات والمقاييس بطرق إحصائية متقدمة من خلال إستخدام البرنا
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The analysis of the orientations of Iraqi art commodification contributed to the discovery of deliberation, which was founded in the deliberative discourse in the trends towards commodification in the Iraqi art, since the important transformations in social structures and relations produced a dictionary with new vocabulary and tools that replaced the traditions and norms that have been in circulation for a century. Deliberation and commodification have become more prevalent in the mechanics and trends of the art where the pace of change is becoming increasingly frantic towards the market. The general market for art constitutes one of the most effective phenomena within contemporary art, that there has been a proliferation of sales auctio
... Show MoreThe concept of employees voice has received a great deal of attention by researchers in the field of organizational behavior and human resources management especially in the last three decades of the twentieth century , this importance has deep ranges limits in terms of its discussion history, so it became a behavioral variable received a great attention and care in managerial and organizational studied and basic pillar in the success and excellence of organizations in maintaining its human resources, the research explain the concept and benefits of paying attention to the voice of employees in business organizations , and the theories interpreted to employees voicing and clearing the motivations behind employees voicing, and dis
... Show MoreThis research reveals the treatment mechanisms followed in the media for covering the topic of displacement and captivity of Yazidi in the Iraqi press, through studying all the publishing in one of the Iraqi newspapers concerning the research subject. The research problem is in the following questions:
- What are the journalistic arts that are tackled by the newspaper concerning the subject of the Yazidi women?
- What are the editing forms for the model of the press subjects that have been employed about the event and what are its sources?
- What are the highlighting means used in presenting the subjects within the journalistic arts?
- What are the i
Since the emergence of the science of international relations as an independent academic scientific field, various theories and trends have appeared and have tried to understand and explain the international reality and give a clear picture of what is happening within the international system of interactions and influences and the search for tools for stability and peace in international relations. Among these theories is the feminist theory, which is a new intellectual trend on the level of international relations theories, which tried to give an explanation of what is happening in world politics and in international relations in particular. The main issue that feminist theory is concerned with is the lack of women’s subordination
... Show MoreEducation in it s different levels becomes development in any country. There fore, nations pay great attention to educational systems, because they perceive that preparing human resources is essential to the development of these nations.
The present study deals with the a academic frames which formulate education in each educational system such as educational philosophy , educational aims , educational strategies by which the academic frames are carried out, which is limited to curriculum, teacher preparations, school activities, in addition to guidance and counseling.
This study reaches some conclusion which are derived from the description of the academic and practical frames some suggestion are made for the mechanism which facil