يعد التحليل العاملي Factor Analysis أحد الأساليب الإحصائية المهمة والتي يصعب تنفيذها يدويا ً أو بالألات الحاسبة الصغيرة لذا لاقى الباحثين صعوبة في إستخدامه في البداية بل كان من المستحيل القيام به ، لذا فالمؤلف قد تناول التحيلي العاملي الاستكشافي لكونه إسلوب إحصائي يستخدم في تحليل البيانات ويتطلب شروطا ً لأستخدامه ودقة في مراعاة هذه الشروط ويتطلب أيضا ً معايير يجب أن يتأكد الباحث من توافرها في البيانات وهذا ما تم تناوله وتوضيحه في هذا الكتاب وبإسلوب علمي معززا ً بتوضيح إسلوب إدخال البيانات في البرنامج الجاهز SPSS للحصول على النتائج النهائية وبجميع طرقه .
That the government sector takes a big place in the countries and represents a significant role in the face of challenges and adaptation to the important and necessary changes that occur today, including the use of electronic. The electronic computer is a requirement of modern technology in various fields of science, including accounting, Because it derives its entity and content from the spirit of society and its mentality in all its branches, especially the subject of the research system of government accounting Because of its impact on the planning and financial implementation, especially in the preparation and implementation of the State budget, along with expenditure and revenue. Addressing tells us that the first of the sear
... Show MoreWe have investigated in this research, the contents of the electronic cigarette (Viber) and the emergence of the phenomenon of electronic smoking (vibing) were discussed, although the topic of smoking is one of the oldest topics on which many articles and research have been conducted, electronic smoking has not been studied according to statistical scientific research, we tried in this research to identify the concept of electronic smoking to sample the studied data and to deal with it in a scientific way. This research included conducting a statistical analysis using the factor analysis of a sample taken randomly from some colleges in Bab Al-medium in Baghdad with a size of (70) views where (КМО) and a (bartlett) tests
... Show More Thsst researcher problem of delays faced by researchers are all waiting to evaluate their standards by the experts who must take their views to extract the truth Virtual important step first step in building standards whatsoever, then the difference of opinion among experts about the paragraphs Whatever the scope of their functions, leading to confusion in maintaining these paragraphs or delete? Or ignore the views and opinion of the researcher to maintain the same? Or as agreed upon with the supervisor if he was a student? Especially if the concepts of a modern new building.
Therefore, the researcher sought to try to find a solution to her problem to conduct an experiment to test building steps
The research aimed to modeling a structural equation for tourist attraction factors in Asir Region. The research population is the people in the region, and a simple random sample of 332 individuals were selected. The factor analysis as a reliable statistical method in this phenomenon was used to modeling and testing the structural model of tourism, and analyzing the data by using SPSS and AMOS statistical computerized programs. The study reached a number of results, the most important of them are: the tourist attraction factors model consists of five factors which explain 69.3% of the total variance. These are: the provision of tourist services, social and historic factors, mountains, weather and natural parks. And the differenc
... Show MoreFactors affecting consumer consumerism Iraqi The research aims to shed light on the factors influencing consumer consumerism Iraqi and arranged in terms of the degree of importance in influencing through poll sample, which amounted to (85) members of the shoppers of electrical goods in the markets of Baghdad, Questionnaire has been used as a tool head to collect data and information from the sample surveyed and their answers were analyzed using factor analysis and test ( ), and The research group was the most prominent
This study aims at discussing the theoretical and applicable parts of the reading comprehension to help the teachers of Arabic. This study shows that the students have a general weakness in reading comprehension. The researcher handles issues related to reading comprehension and to practicing exercises of the training strategies such as: dialogue, discussion, discussion questions, continuous training, group works. Such skills will be used to analyze a poem to see the level of the students’ reading comprehension and to develop the students’ skills. The study answers two questions:
1- What is the reading comprehension from a theoretical perspective?
2- How can we develop the skills of the reading comprehension from the practical
من أجل فهم دور سلطنة عُمان في المفاوضات الإقليمية والوساطة وحل النزاعات يجب تقدير سياستها الخارجية، والتي سيتم تقييمها من أجل فهم كيفية نشأتها وتشكلها وأثر ذلك على مواقفها السياسية طوال سنوات حكم السلطان الراحل قابوس بن سعيد. وتقع عُمان في منطقة مضطربة، وقد طُلب منها في عدة مناسبات أن تعمل كمفاوض أو وسيط في الصراعات الإقليمية. سيبحث هذا البحث في كيفية قيام السلطنة بالوساطة الدولية، خاصة في الصراع الأمريكي
... Show Moreتعد فرقة المعتزلة من الفرق الإسلامية الكبيرة التي شغلت حيزاً كبيراً في التاريخ الإسلامي, فقد ظهرت المعتزلة كفرقة ذات نسق عقيدي مميز الى الوجود في العصر الأموي , ولكنها شغلت الفكر الإسلامي في العصر العباسي عندما بلغت أوج قوتها ردحاً طويلاً من الزمن .
The Imam Al-Ghazali was born in 450 AH and died in 505 AH; he is considered the most prominent scholars of his time, intellectuals and one of the main poles of Education and Psychology.
Imam Ghazali was talk about the self-humanitarian and used four words, namely (self and heart and soul and mind) and wanted by the substance existing in human terms is the fact that not separates between what is myself and what is my body and turned his attention on the theoretical aspects and use three scientific methods in this direction (method of introspection and the method of observation and psychological analysis method).
This research is of great significance for several reasons
... Show MoreThe present art icle discusses the prob lems of understanding and translating the lingu istic and cult ural aspect of a foreign lite rary text. The article considers the trans lation process through the pr ism of cult ural orientation. In the process of transl ation, the nati onal cultural iden tity should be expressed to the max imum extent, through all me ans of expre ssion that include imagery and inton ation. In addi tion to the author's sty le, special atte ntion should al so be pa id to tro pes, phraseological uni ts, colloquial wo rds and dial&n
... Show More