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Formulation and In Vitro Evaluation of Mucoadhesive Antimicrobial Vaginal Tablets of Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride
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Ciprofloxacin is a broad spectrum fluoroquinolone, effective in the treatment of a wide range of infections, including genitourinary tract infections.In this study, bioadhesive vaginal tablets of ciprofloxacin hydrochloride were prepared by direct compression method using a combination of bioadhesivepolymers carbopol 934P(Cp), carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) and sodium alginate (SA) in different ratios.The prepared tablet formulations were characterized by measuring their swelling capacity, surface pH, bioadhesive properties, and in-vitro drug dissolution. It was found that the bioadhesive force was directly proportional to carbopol 934P content in different formulae and was further enhanced by the inclusion of carboxymethylcellulose. Swelling studies indicated that formulae containing a combination of carbopol 934P and sodium alginate or carboxymethylcellulose had greater swelling index than those containing carbopol 934P alone. Formulations containing Carbopol 934P and carboxymethylcellulose were found to swell to a greater extent than those composed of similar ratios of carbopol and sodium alginate. In vitro drug release study showed that the release of ciprofloxacin hydrochloride from formulae containing carboxymethylcellulose was faster than from those containing sodium alginate.Formula F5 composed of CP/CMC in a ratio of 2:1 showed moderate swelling, suitable bioadhesion and retardation of drug release. Thus, it may be considered a good candidate as a base for bioadhesive vaginal tablet

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Publication Date
Sun May 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Pharmaceutical, Chemical And Biological Sciences
Review on: Vaginitis. A problem to be solved!!
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Candida is the scientific name for yeast. It is a fungus that lives almost everywhere, including in human body. Usually, the immune system keeps yeast under control. If the individual is sick or taking antibiotics, it can multiply and cause an infection. Yeast infections affect different parts of the body in different ways including thrush is a yeast infection that causes white patches in oral cavity ,Candida esophagitis is thrush that spreads to esophagus, women can get vaginal yeast infections,(vaginitis) causing itchiness, pain and discharge, yeast infections of the skin cause itching and rashes ,yeast infections in bloodstream can be life-threatening . The current review article will concentrate on vaginal infection (vaginitis), project

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 29 2022
Journal Name
Current Trends In Geotechnical Engineering And Construction
Optimal Bedding Selection with the Specific Soil Type According to the Thrust Forces Generated in the Water Distribution Networks Using the Restraining Joint System
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A study has been performed to compare the beddings in which ductile iron pipes are buried. In water transmission systems, bends are usually used in the pipes. According to the prescribed layout, at these bends, unbalanced thrust forces are generated that must be confronted to prevent the separation of the bend from the pipe. The bed condition is a critical and important factor in providing the opposite force to the thrust forces in the restraint joint system. Due to the interaction between the native soil and the bedding layers in which the pipe is buried and the different characteristics between them. Also, the interaction with the pipe material makes it difficult to calculate the real forces opposite to the thrust forces and the way they

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Jan 24 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Accounting For Investments In Joint Projects Accounting to the International Accounting Standard: An applied Study at the General Company for food Stuff Trading
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   As a result of the entry of  multinationals companies in Iraq for investing in the joint projects through conducting agreements and contracts for work on important and strategic projects to get the necessary funds and various experiences which characterize the foreign participant sides that Iraq currently needs them and because of the non-applying the accounting processing stipulated in the unified accounting system in addition to the absence of a local accounting bases as well as the default of the participant contracts on indicating the accounting methods about those projects which are considered one of the bases that enables auditors in the public sector to depend on it, thus the research paper deals with studying an

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 02 2023
Journal Name
8th Engineering And 2nd International Conference For College Of Engineering – University Of Baghdad: Coec8-2021 Proceedings
Using WO3/AlPO4 as a solid catalyst for the transesterification of waste edible oils
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AlPO4 catalysts supported with WO3 were prepared by impregnating the catalysts with ammonium metatungstate. The catalysts were checked by X-ray Diffraction (XRD), AFM, and SEM; also, the catalysts analysis was done by X-Ray (EDX). Finally, the N2 adsorption-desorption was used to measure the pore volume and surface area of the catalyst. The prepared catalyst has a surface area of 185.83 m2/g, pore volume of 0.645 cm3/g at a calcination temperature of 500°C for 3 hrs, and particle size of AlPO4 with an average of 35.36 nm. Transesterification of edible oil using WO3/AlPO4 was performed, it was observed that WO3/AlPO4 catalysts give high conversion of edible oil, and this is attributed to the high surface area, smaller particle size, and the

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Fire Flame Influence on the Behavior of reinforced Concrete Beams Affected by Repeated Load
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The influence and hazard of fire flame are one of the most important parameters that affecting the durability and strength of structural members. This research studied the influence of fire flame on the behavior of reinforced concrete beams affected by repeated load. Nine self- compacted reinforced concrete beams were castellated, all have the same geometric layout (0.15x0.15x1.00) m, reinforcement details and compressive strength (50 Mpa). To estimate the effect of fire flame disaster, four temperatures were adopted (200, 300, 400 and 500) oC and two method of cooling were used (graduated and sudden). In the first cooling method, graduated, the tested beams were leaved to cool in air while in the second method, sudden, water splash was use

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Some Mechanical Properties of Concrete by using Manufactured Blended Cement with Grinded Local Rocks
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The use of blended cement in concrete provides economic, energy savings, and ecological benefits, and also provides. Improvement in the properties of materials incorporating blended cements. The major aim of this investigation is to develop blended cement technology using grinded local rocks . The research includes information on constituent materials, manufacturing processes and performance characteristics of blended cements made with replacement (10 and 20) % of grinded local rocks (limestone, quartzite and porcelinite) from cement. The main conclusion of this study was that all types of manufactured blended cement conformed to the specification according to ASTM C595-12 (chemical and physical requirements). The percentage of the compress

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Structural Concrete
Enhancement of RC T‐beams toughness using laced stirrups reinforcement for blast response predictions
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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2015
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Simulation the Radiation Zone of Al-Mussaib Power Plant by Using Monte Carlo Method
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The temperature distributions are to be evaluated for the furnace of Al-Mussaib power plant. Monte Carlo simulation procedure is used to evaluate the radiation heat transfer inside the furnace, where the radiative transfer is the most important process occurring there. Weighted sum of gray-gases model is used to evaluate the radiative properties of the non gray gas in the enclosure. The energy balance equations are applied for each gas, and surface zones, and by solving these equations, both the temperature, and the heat flux are found.

   Good degree of accuracy has been obtained, when comparing the results obtained by the simulation with the data of the designing company, and the data obtained by the zonal method. In

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 01 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Greenhouse Gas Control
Wettability of nano-treated calcite/CO2 /brine systems: Implication for enhanced CO2 storage potential
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Nanofluids are proven to be efficient agents for wettability alteration in subsurface applications including enhanced oil recovery (EOR). Nanofluids can also be used for CO2-storage applications where the CO2-wet rocks can be rendered strongly water-wet, however no attention has been given to this aspect in the past. Thus in this work we presents contact angle (θ) measurements for CO2/brine/calcite system as function of pressure (0.1 MPa, 5 MPa, 10 MPa, 15 MPa, and 20 MPa), temperature (23 °C, 50 °C and 70 °C), and salinity (0, 5, 10, 15, and 20% NaCl) before and after nano-treatment to address the wettability alteration efficiency. Moreover, the effect of treatment pressure and temperature, treatment fluid concentration (SiO2 wt%) and

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 13 2016
Journal Name
International Journal Of Mathematics Trends And Technology
Designed Algorithms for Compute the Tenser Product of Representation for the Special Linear Groups
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The main objective of this paper is to designed algorithms and implemented in the construction of the main program designated for the determination the tenser product of representation for the special linear group.

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