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Increasing confidence in full field modelling and water flood planning for a giant reservoir under primary depletion through Material Balance modelling
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Abstract<p>One of the principle inputs to project economics and all business decisions is a realistic production forecast and a practical and achievable development plan (i.e. waterflood). Particularly this becomes challenging in supergiant oil fields with medium to low lateral connectivity. The main objectives of the Production Forecast and feasibility study for water injection are:</p><p>1- Provide an overview of the total expected production profile, expected wells potential/spare capacity, water breakthrough timing and water cut development over time</p><p>2- Highlight the requirements to maintain performance, suggest the optimum development pattern</p><p>3- Increasing confidence in business decisions to develop the reservoir in question</p><p>The main tool used for these purposes is a sophisticated reservoir simulation software, namely CMG©, since it can predict reservoir behavior, honor physical constraints and capture the heterogeneity within the reservoir to accurately predict performance. However, the starting point for this kind of complicated studies needs to start from the basics, in order to understand the big picture and be able to plan properly for the scope to be delivered, hence, utilizing analytical tools like MBAL becomes quite necessary, if not crucial, to the success of full field modelling and choosing an optimum water flood pattern and design.</p><p>This paper covers the methodology for building the reservoir component utilizing a Material Balance model, of which the results will be used as an input to reservoir simulation to evaluate and accurately predict reservoir performance, which directly feeds into planning for water flooding projects and selection of an optimum flood pattern.</p><p>A Tank model was built at first to assess and understand the driving forces (energies) of the reservoir in question, utilizing pressure and production data from legacy wells, the prepared model is also supported by geological and petro physical studies to give representative results. Acquired Static Bottom Hole Pressures (SBHPs) in wells were used as anchor points for the tank pressure and to test the validity of the history match. Multiple analytical methods to QC the results and STOIIP volume were conducted, e.g. the Havlena-Odeh method.</p><p>This methodology has been tested successfully in the stated super giant oil field, in which the reservoir in question is a carbonate rock formation. An example of this is covered in the paper. It was concluded that utilizing a history matched and coherent MBAL model before conducting a detailed reservoir simulation study can save a lot of time and effort by providing guidance to the path which needs to be followed, and sheds light on the critical elements to be looked after. This has also helped to uncover the driving mechanisms and energies in the reservoir, hence allowing the engineer to plan for the necessary voidage replacement and water injection rates to sustain the reservoir pressure and pattern development. Another technical advantage of the described method is the higher sustainability of the model.</p><p>The suggested method, in combination with geological and petro physical information available, can be applied to majority of the reservoirs. This combination is paramount to ensure optimum time and planning that is followed for each reservoir development study that involves water flooding.</p>
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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of Zakat in supporting and stimulating the flow of consumption and investment
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الزكاة فريضة من فرائض الإسلام وعبادة من العبادات التي اقرها الشرع الإسلامي هذه الفريضة المالية التعبدية بالإضافة الى دورها المعنوي الذي يهدف الى إرساء قواعد العدالة الاجتماعية والقضاء على مشكلة الفقر في المجتمع الاسلامي وكما ينص عليها الدين الإسلامي فان لها ابعادها ووظائفها الكثيرة التي تخدم اليات العمل الاقتصادي في مجتمع يعمل وفق نظام اقتصادي أسلامي .

ان انفاق الاموال المتحصلة من فريض

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2013
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
CMC Determination and Thermodynamic Micellisation Of NPE Surfactant In Aqueous And CH3OH – H2O Solvents
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The critical micelle concentration (CMC) of nonylphenolethoxylate (NPE) surfactant has been determined by measuring the surface tension as a function of the molar concentration of the surfactant in aqueous and binary mixture of water + methanol solutions at a temperature range from 20?C to 35?C. The interfacial parameters ?max, Amin, ?cmc and ?G?ads were calculated. The results indicate that the CMC increases as the temperature increases and that the addition of methanol the CMC decreases. The thermodynamic parameters such as standard Gibbs free energy (?G?), enthalpy (?H?), and entropy (?S?) of micellization were estimated using the change of CMC with temperature. The enthalpy – entropy compensation behavior of the surfactant was evaluat

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 15 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Oral Health Condition and Nutritional Status among Cleft Lip and Palate in Baghdad-Iraq
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Background: Orofacial cleft is the most common craniofacial birth defect and the fourth most common congenital malformation in humans that have an effect on oral health in addition to nutrient intake affected in those children. This research aims to investigate gingival condition, dental caries experience and nutritional status among children with orofacial cleft and compare them with normal children. Materials and methods: The study group included 36 children with an age ranged (4-9) years of orofacial cleft. The control group included 37 children matched the control group in age and gender. Gingival condition measured by Gingival Index (Löe and Silness, 1963), while dental caries status was measured by (D1-4MFs/d1-4mfs) index according

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2016
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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    A total of 215 sheep and 87 goats were carefully searched for ixodid ticks from January to December 2015 at different regions of the middle and south of Iraq. The detached ticks count 1533 ticks from sheep with intensity of 8.4 and count 332 ticks from goats with intensity of 6.8. Tick species recovered from sheep and their incidence rates were: Rhipicephalus turanicus (39%), Hyalomma anatolicum (28%), R. (Boophilus) annulatus (11%), Hyalomma sp. (9%), H. turanicum (6%), H. excavatum (6%) and R. leporis (1%) while the tick species recovered from goats and their incidence rates were: R. turanicus (64%), H. anatolicum (24%)

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The most prominent philosophical and rhetorical concepts in the perspective of philosophers and theologians
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     This research aims to clarify and define the most important philosophical and rhetorical concepts to which many philosophical and rhetorical issues refer، since they have an effective role in the diversity and difference of intellectual schools، which are indispensable in proving major dogmatic issues، such as the concept of (existence، being، essence، and authenticity). Existence or Essence in contrast to the consideration of the other concept)، because it is one of the complex concepts and common words that carry different connotations among thinkers.

   And from (the rule of judging something is a branch of its perception)، the researchers began to define these concepts، as evidence of the sincerity of perce

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Iraq after war and strategy of reconstruction : Analytical study in reality and future horizon
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Abstract (Iraq post – war reconstruction strategy: analytical study in fact and future prospects.) There search aims at identifying the causes of internal instability in Iraq from the political ,economic , social and security aspects , to diagnose the imbalance and to work towards finding real solutions to this . The study also aims at identifying the reconstruction proposals to completely eliminate the organizationof the terrorist advocate, as well as to know. theproblem of research lies in the ability of Iraqi political elites to achieve internal stability and to employ reconstruction proposals at all levels . The hypothesis of the research lies in the equation that the process of building stability (political – economic)and (socia

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
African landlocked countries problems and outlets in the study and classification of geo-political
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Landlocked countries are displayed geopolitical new geo-political and intended to
countries that do not have sea views, a phenomenon present in four continents of the world
are: Africa, Europe, and Asia, and South America and the number arrived at the present time
to the (44) state the largest number of them in the continent it arrived in Africa (16) countries
in Asia (13) countries and Europe (13) In the State of South America two. This phenomenon
emerged due to the division of federations and empires and colonial treaties and others. But
the negative effects suffered by these countries may vary from one country to another, since
these countries in the continent of Europe, for example, is different from the same cou

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 22 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Applied Pharmaceutics
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Objective: Carbamazepine is typically used for the treatment of seizure disorders and neuropathic pain. One of the major problems with this drug is its low solubility in water; therefore the objective of this study was to enhance the solubility of carbamazepine by complexation with cyclodextrin to be formulated as effervescent and dispersible granules.Methods: Solvent evaporation method was used to prepare, binary (Carbamazepine/β-cyclodextrin) complex and ternary (Carbamazepine/β-cyclodextrin/hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (HPMC E5). The more soluble complex will be further formulated as unit dose effervescent and dispersible granules. The complexes were evaluated for their solubility, drug content, percentage practical yield and

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Conference: 4th International Conference On Innovative Studies Of Contemporary Sciences
An anatomical and chemical comparison study of Epipremnum aureum cultivated in soil and soilless
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The present study took up the different ways to cultivate the species Epipremnum aureum by two habitat water and soil and comber the anatomical features of the root, stem, and leaf. The results showed amazing significant anatomical features to the ecosystem. The root and stem anatomy showing decrease in all characters that studied but the leaf anatomy showing increase of palisade, spongy tissue thickness, midrib thickness, number of vessels in the xylem also the long and width of stomata of the soilless plants than soil ones. The upper epidermis empty from the stomata for the two treatment and the stoma diffuse in the lower epidermis, the type of it paracytic type. Also the total of flavonoids in the plant that were growth in soil reached 1

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 16 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Positive School Psychology
Electronic Publishing And Its Impact On Building And Developing Groups In Jordanian University Libraries
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