تكمن أهمية ألبحث : تأثير تمرينات تأهيلية مصاحبة لجهاز التحفيز الكهربائي للعضلات العاملة في تخفيف الالآم أسفل الظهر للنساء بعمر (25-35) سنة والتعرف على مدى تأثير تلك التمرينات في تخفيف الألأم أسفل الظهر. وتكمن مشكلة البحث نتيجة للتقدم التكنولوجي حيث أصبحت حركة الفرد تقل شيئا فشيئا مما جعله أكثر عرضة للإصابات مما أدى الى ارتفاع نسبة عدد المصابات بالالآم أسفل الظهر وما لتلك الالام من تأثيراتها السلبية على حياتهم العملية والنفسية مما دفعت الباحثتان الى الدراسة هذا المشكلة من خلال تقوية المجاميع العضلية العاملة التي لها الدور في تخفيف الالام أسفل الظهر واختارت الباحثتان المنهج التجريبي ذو الاختبار القبلي والبعدي لملائمته لطبيعة ألبحث وتم تحديد مجتمع البحث بالطريقة العمدية إذ تكونت العينة (12) من المصابات بالألم اسفل ألظهر ووقع الاختيار على العينة المتكونة من (7) مصابات الالم اسفل الظهر وتراوحت أعمار عينة البحث ما بين (25-35) سنة وقامت بجمع أفراد العينة الذين حصلت لديهم الإصابة ضمن مدة زمنية من شهر الى ستة اشهر من تأريخ حدوث الإصابة لهم )، وتم تحديد درجة الإصابة وهي من الحالة ألمتوسطة حيث قامت الباحثتان باستبعاد (5) مصابات أخريات ممن لم يكن ضمن الشروط المناسبة للبحث واللاتي شعرن بتحسن الحالة الصحية وزوال الألم فتوقفن عن أداء الجلسات وبذلك تشكل العينة نسبة (58,333%) مـن مجموع المصابات فـي المدة الزمنية لجمعهم والـذين تـثـبت مـراجعتهم في (كلية الرافدين المركز الطبي للتأهيل الطبي والعلاج الطبيعي)،وتحققت الباحثتان من النتائج بنظام (SPSS) لتكون الاستنتاجات ان استخدام (التحفيز الكهربائي) كعامل مساعد قبل أداء التمرينات كان له الدور في زيادة التدفق الدموي بالإضافة لتسخين المنطقة مما سهل على المصابة أداء التمرينات بحرية مما يحسن من أداء العضلات بدرجة أكبر. وأوصت الباحثتان ممارسة الرياضة وتعديل السلوك اليومي من خلال الاهتمام بالأوضاع القوامية الصحيحة اثناء أداء المهام اليومية
In this article, the partially ordered relation is constructed in geodesic spaces by betweeness property, A monotone sequence is generated in the domain of monotone inward mapping, a monotone inward contraction mapping is a monotone Caristi inward mapping is proved, the general fixed points for such mapping is discussed and A mutlivalued version of these results is also introduced.
Vocational education is the basis of contemporary educational movement that aims at satisfying human needs. Societies can develop their human resources via setting programs for the working class as an aspect of the comprehensive national development. Vocational education is the main source of technical cadres the Iraqi labor market requires of the vocational preparatory schools to provide after three years of schooling.
The vocational schools of the governorate of Basra have a number of problems that lead to the lack of proficiency of their graduates. This study is an attempt to identify these problems or obstacles
... Show MoreThis paper proposes improving the structure of the neural controller based on the identification model for nonlinear systems. The goal of this work is to employ the structure of the Modified Elman Neural Network (MENN) model into the NARMA-L2 structure instead of Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) model in order to construct a new hybrid neural structure that can be used as an identifier model and a nonlinear controller for the SISO linear or nonlinear systems. Two learning algorithms are used to adjust the parameters weight of the hybrid neural structure with its serial-parallel configuration; the first one is supervised learning algorithm based Back Propagation Algorithm (BPA) and the second one is an intelligent algorithm n
... Show MoreThis paper is concerned with introducing and studying the o-space by using out degree system (resp. i-space by using in degree system) which are the core concept in this paper. In addition, the m-lower approximations, the m-upper approximations and ospace and i-space. Furthermore, we introduce near supraopen (near supraclosed) d. g.'s. Finally, the supra-lower approximation, supraupper approximation, supra-accuracy are defined and some of its properties are investigated.
Using the Neural network as a type of associative memory will be introduced in this paper through the problem of mobile position estimation where mobile estimate its location depending on the signal strength reach to it from several around base stations where the neural network can be implemented inside the mobile. Traditional methods of time of arrival (TOA) and received signal strength (RSS) are used and compared with two analytical methods, optimal positioning method and average positioning method. The data that are used for training are ideal since they can be obtained based on geometry of CDMA cell topology. The test of the two methods TOA and RSS take many cases through a nonlinear path that MS can move through that region. The result
... Show MoreUsing the Neural network as a type of associative memory will be introduced in this paper through the problem of mobile position estimation where mobile estimate its location depending on the signal strength reach to it from several around base stations where the neural network can be implemented inside the mobile. Traditional methods of time of arrival (TOA) and received signal strength (RSS) are used and compared with two analytical methods, optimal positioning method and average positioning method. The data that are used for training are ideal since they can be obtained based on geometry of CDMA cell topology. The test of the two methods TOA and RSS take many cases through a nonlinear path that MS can move through tha
... Show MoreThe main aim of image compression is to reduce the its size to be able for transforming and storage, therefore many methods appeared to compress the image, one of these methods is "Multilayer Perceptron ". Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) method which is artificial neural network based on the Back-Propagation algorithm for compressing the image. In case this algorithm depends upon the number of neurons in the hidden layer only the above mentioned will not be quite enough to reach the desired results, then we have to take into consideration the standards which the compression process depend on to get the best results. We have trained a group of TIFF images with the size of (256*256) in our research, compressed them by using MLP for each
... Show MoreThe essential objective of this paper is to introduce new notions of fibrewise topological spaces on D that are named to be upper perfect topological spaces, lower perfect topological spaces, multi-perfect topological spaces, fibrewise upper perfect topological spaces, and fibrewise lower perfect topological spaces. fibrewise multi-perfect topological spaces, filter base, contact point, rigid, multi-rigid, multi-rigid, fibrewise upper weakly closed, fibrewise lower weakly closed, fibrewise multi-weakly closed, set, almost upper perfect, almost lower perfect, almost multi-perfect, fibrewise almost upper perfect, fibrewise almost lower perfect, fibrewise almost multi-perfect, upper* continuous fibrewise upper∗ topol
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