This paper proposes a new method to tune a fractional order PID controller. This method utilizes both the analytic and numeric approach to determine the controller parameters. The control design specifications that must be achieved by the control system are gain crossover frequency, phase margin, and peak magnitude at the resonant frequency, where the latter is a new design specification suggested by this paper. These specifications results in three equations in five unknown variables. Assuming that certain relations exist between two variables and discretizing one of them, a performance index can be evaluated and the optimal controller parameters that minimize this performance index are selected. As a case study, a third order linear time invariant system is taken as a process to be controlled and the proposed method is applied to design the controller. The resultant control system exactly fulfills the control design specification, a feature that is laked in numerical design methods. Through matlab simulation, the step response of the closed loop system with the proposed controller and a conventional PID controller demonstrate the performance of the system in terms of time domain transient response specifications (rise time, overshoot, and settling time).
This paper presents calculat,ion of thermal conductivity (K) of palm
leaf experimentally using Lee s disc method to be used as thermal
insulator. The therma l conducti vity is found to be equal to (k=0.03W/mK)
indicating that palm l eaf is a good thermal insulator com pared to the other insulators. The effect of the thermal insulator thickness on temperature di lTt::rence, heat transfer coefficient, thermal conductance, thermal resistance, thermal insulation are in vestigated in this paper. It was found that
... Show MoreComputer analysis of simple eye model is performed in the present work by using the Zemax optical design software 2000E . The most important optical parameters of the eye were calculated such as the effective focal length (EFL) , the image spot size at the retina and found to be in a reasonable agreement with the values needed for the laser retinal treatment .The present eye model leads to an effective wavelength and we found the image spot diagram at the surface of the retina and the wavefront error which are provided at zero field angle. This gives a good evidence of the validity of the model in one hand, and can be used to determine the compatibility of any optical design intended for visual applications. By using the pulse fre
... Show MoreThis research includes theoretical and evaluation design of a polarizer filter of high transmission in the near IR region of (900-1200nm) for different incidence angles to obtain a long wave and short wave pass filter using analytical calculations. Results refer to a new configuration design in fewer layers than used in previous studies in the long wave pass at incidence angles (45o,50o,55o). Adopted Hafnium dioxide (HfO2) and Magnesium fluoride (MgF2) as coating material at design wavelength (933nm), the study also included design short wave pass polarizer by using the same coating material.
Rivest Cipher 4 (RC4) is an efficient stream cipher that is commonly used in internet protocols. However, there are several flaws in the key scheduling algorithm (KSA) of RC4. The contribution of this paper is to overcome some of these weaknesses by proposing a new version of KSA coined as modified KSA . In the initial state of the array is suggested to contain random values instead of the identity permutation. Moreover, the permutation of the array is modified to depend on the key value itself. The proposed performance is assessed in terms of cipher secrecy, randomness test and time under a set of experiments with variable key size and different plaintext size. The results show that the RC4 with improves the randomness and secrecy with
... Show MoreIn this paper, some commonly used hierarchical cluster techniques have been compared. A comparison was made between the agglomerative hierarchical clustering technique and the k-means technique, which includes the k-mean technique, the variant K-means technique, and the bisecting K-means, although the hierarchical cluster technique is considered to be one of the best clustering methods. It has a limited usage due to the time complexity. The results, which are calculated based on the analysis of the characteristics of the cluster algorithms and the nature of the data, showed that the bisecting K-means technique is the best compared to the rest of the other methods used.
In this paper, chaotic and periodic dynamics in a hybrid food chain system with Holling type IV and Lotka-Volterra responses are discussed. The system is observed to be dissipative. The global stability of the equilibrium points is analyzed using Routh-Hurwitz criterion and Lyapunov direct method. Chaos phenomena is characterized by attractors and bifurcation diagram. The effect of the controlling parameter of the model is investigated theoretically and numerically.
A sample of 168 tonsillitic subjects (93 males and 75 females), livin g in Baghdad was evaluated microbiologically. The patients had an age range of 3-35 years. Four bacterial species were isolated and identified. They were P-haemolyt ic Streptococcus ,(39.3%) Staphylococcus
... Show MoreCongenital hand and forearm anomalies pose a unique challenge in plastic and pediatric surgery. We present a case report of an 8- months-old girl with a congenital left sided hand and forearm anomaly, provisionally diagnosed as atypical left mirror hand anomaly. Classically there is absence of radius and duplication of ulna; however, our case had normal radius and ulna and a hand with seven digits arranged in two groups. We did a surgery which involved a ray amputation of the finger ulnar to the most radial digit, aiming to preserve an adequate first web space to reconstruct the thumb. The result of the surgical treatment in both functional and cosmetic aspects was, in authors’ opinion, good.
Variable-Length Subnet Masks (VLSM), often referred to as "subnetting a subnet", is used to maximize addressing efficiency. The network administrator is able to use a long mask on networks with few hosts, and a short mask on subnets with many hosts. This addressing scheme allows growth and does not involve wasting addresses. VLSM gives a way of subnetting a network with minimal loses of IP addresses for a specific range. Unfortunately, the network administrator has to perform several mathematical steps (or use charts) to get the required results from VLSM. In this paper, a simple graph simulator is proposed (using Visual Basic 6.0 Language) to perform all the required mathematical steps and to display the obtained required information (the
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