This paper proposes a new method to tune a fractional order PID controller. This method utilizes both the analytic and numeric approach to determine the controller parameters. The control design specifications that must be achieved by the control system are gain crossover frequency, phase margin, and peak magnitude at the resonant frequency, where the latter is a new design specification suggested by this paper. These specifications results in three equations in five unknown variables. Assuming that certain relations exist between two variables and discretizing one of them, a performance index can be evaluated and the optimal controller parameters that minimize this performance index are selected. As a case study, a third order linear time invariant system is taken as a process to be controlled and the proposed method is applied to design the controller. The resultant control system exactly fulfills the control design specification, a feature that is laked in numerical design methods. Through matlab simulation, the step response of the closed loop system with the proposed controller and a conventional PID controller demonstrate the performance of the system in terms of time domain transient response specifications (rise time, overshoot, and settling time).
Одной из активно развивающихся отраслей лексикологии является неология, объект её изучения - новое слово или неологизм. В задачу неологии входит выявление новых слов и новых значений у уже существующих в языке слов, анализ причин и способов их появления, описание факторов, влияющих на появление нового в лексической системе языка, разработка языковой политики в отношении новых номинаций. Лексикограф
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... Show MoreSubcutaneous vascularization has become a new solution for identification management over the past few years. Systems based on dorsal hand veins are particularly promising for high-security settings. The dorsal hand vein recognition system comprises the following steps: acquiring images from the database and preprocessing them, locating the region of interest, and extracting and recognizing information from the dorsal hand vein pattern. This paper reviewed several techniques for obtaining the dorsal hand vein area and identifying a person. Therefore, this study just provides a comprehensive review of existing previous theories. This model aims to offer the improvement in the accuracy rate of the system that was shown in previous studies and
... Show MoreLentic ecosystems are important for fish production and are a critical habitat for waterfowl and numerous migratory birds. In this study we have gathered data on primary productivity of lakes across Iraq to provide updated information to strategize conservation and management. Tigris and Euphrates rivers are the primary sources of filling up major lakes in Iraq the overall assessment shows that the primary productivity is dependent on the algal composition and environmental factors with coincident role of macrophytes. An average of 37 to 637 mg carbon/m3/day of primary productivity was calculated for most of the lakes comprised of Bacillariophyceae and followed by
Interface bonding between asphalt layers has been a topic of international investigation over the last thirty years. In this condition, a number of researchers have made their own techniques and used them to examine the characteristics of pavement interfaces. It is obvious that test findings won't always be comparable to the lack of a globally standard methodology for interface bonding. Also, several kinds of research have shown that factors like temperature, loading conditions, materials, and others have an impact on surface qualities. This study aims to solve this problem by thoroughly investigating interface bond testing that might serve as a basis for a uniform strategy. First, a general explanation of how the bonding strength
... Show MoreSeveral Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) have been proposed in the current decade. Most datasets which associate with intrusion detection dataset suffer from an imbalance class problem. This problem limits the performance of classifier for minority classes. This paper has presented a novel class imbalance processing technology for large scale multiclass dataset, referred to as BMCD. Our algorithm is based on adapting the Synthetic Minority Over-Sampling Technique (SMOTE) with multiclass dataset to improve the detection rate of minority classes while ensuring efficiency. In this work we have been combined five individual CICIDS2017 dataset to create one multiclass dataset which contains several types of attacks. To prove the eff
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Cressa cretica (Shuwwayl) is a halophytic that belongs to Convolvulaceae, naturally grown in the Middle East including Iraq. Traditionally the plant is used as a paste for sore treatment, also it is used for fever, jaundice, and other illness. Regarding nonclinical use it is used as goat, sheep, and camel feed also as an oil source. Flavonoids including quercetin, kamepferol, apigenin, and their glycosides, phenolic acid as chlorogenic acid, and phytosterols mainly ?–sitosterol were the most important phytochemicals that were detected in this halophyte. Crude ethanolic, methanolic extracts and ethyl acetate fraction of the areal parts were used in clinical studies and demonstrated various effe
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