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Parental Perceptions of Silver Diamine Fluoride Discoloration in Baghdad/Iraq
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Introduction: The major drawback of Silver diamine ϔŽuor‹de was the dark discoloration of the treated carious lesion. Aim: This study was conducted to determine the parental acceptability and perceptions to the discoloration and assess whether the degree of their acceptability could be altered with the position of the discoloured teeth, child attitude and the demographic characteristics of parents. Method: The parents who attended the dental clinic received a questionnaire which formulated with short summery about silver diamine ϔŽuor‹de with photographs (before and after treatment) and containing questions about the demographical data, attitude of the child in the dental clinic and the acceptability of SDF discoloration at different locations and situation according to child attitude. Coded data were processed in IBM SPSS statistics software for calculating the result by using independent t- test and P-value < 0.05 was considered statistically s‹‰n‹ϔ‹cƒntǤ Results: 79 mothers and 23 fathers with different backgrounds were participated in this study. The acceptance of silver diamine ϔŽuor‹de discoloration was more in the back teeth 71.6% and less in the front teeth 43.2%. Statistically, nonǦ s‹‰n‹ϔ‹cƒnt differences were obtained with the demographic data like age, gender, community, and educational level while high associations were found with the different child attitudes. Conclusion: Silver diamine ϔŽuor‹de discoloration showed widely different acceptability. The position of the tooth and child attitude were the most ‹nϔŽuenced factors in the perception of the parents that the discoloration was more tolerable when the tooth located posteriorly, and the child acting was worse. Key words Iraq, Parental perception, SDF, Silver diamine fluoride Black discoloration:

Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Minar International Journal Of Applied Sciences And Technology
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Astragalus mesogitanus is a new recorded species for Iraqi flora, from Onobrychium genus section, was collected from Erbil district, all morphological features were described in details as well as some micromorphological character as the trichomes and were provided with dimensions and plates, section key was also updated which illustrated the importance of standard (corolla) trichomes in species identification. Keywords: Astragalus, Fabaceae, Iraq, New record, Onobrychium, Trichomes.

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Tuberculosis
Epidemiological profile of tuberculosis in Iraq during 2011–2018
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Publication Date
Thu Apr 01 2021
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Disadvantages of using Nano-particles as fertilizers in Iraq
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Abstract<p>The agriculture around the world faced many difficulties and the important was to reduce inputs of chemical fertilizers and pesticides and increase the total yield specially with the continuous grow of populations numbers at the world expected to reach more than 9 billion by 2050. In other hand there are other problems which make the challenges bigger such as wars, biotic and abiotic stress, and diseases. The scientists tried to find solutions by using Nano-fertilization which consider a modern way to quickly grow up the yield and decrease use the chemicals. The use of nanotechnology may be destructive on human and the environment due to fast accumulation in the tissues of alive bodie</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Open Engineering
Geotechnical correlations of soil properties in Hilla City – Iraq
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Abstract<p>In this research, the geotechnical properties of the soil profile in Hilla city within Babylon Governorate in the middle parts of Iraq are described. The geotechnical data at the specific sites were collected from some geotechnical investigation reports performed at some selected locations. This article is devoted to studying the distribution of soil properties (the physical and mechanical) in the horizontal and vertical directions. Moreover, a correlation between different physical and mechanical properties is performed. The correlation is executed using statistical analysis by Microsoft Excel Software (2016). From the regression results, it was found that the nature of the soil is c</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Thu Mar 22 2018
Journal Name
Association Of Arab Universities Journal Of Engineering Sciences
Assessment of medical solid waste generation rates for teaching hospitals in Baghdad city
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Publication Date
Tue Nov 11 2014
Journal Name
European Journal Of Psychotraumatology
Prevalence of traumatic events and PTSD symptoms among secondary school students in Baghdad
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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Assessing the quality of health services applied research 5qs in Baghdad teaching hospital
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       This research aims to assess and measure the quality of health services provided by the Baghdad Educational Hospital using  five dimensions of 5Qs , Developer model by (Zinelidin), 2006), the problem of the research is to try to determine the quality of health services provided at the hospital as well as the investigation of the existence of the elements of quality contribute to achieve the requirements of customers and their needs, and used for the purposes of this research two approaches, first used Applied Research to 5Qs dimension model and use the Checklist as a Key tool to collection and analysis of data and the second descriptive analytical me

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 09 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Assessment of stressful life events for patients with substance abuse in Baghdad city
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Objective: The present study aims to assess the stressful life events for patients with substance abuse in Baghdad city.
Methodology: A descriptive study was carried out at (Baghdad teaching hospital and Ibn-Rushed Psychiatric hospital).
Starting from 1
st of December 2012 to 3
rd of July 2013, A non-probability (purposive) sample of 64 patients that
diagnosed with substance abuse, the data were collected through the use of semi-structured interview by
questionnaire, which consists of three parts sociodemographic data, medical information, and Life events scale
consists of 49-items distributed to six domains including, family and social domain, health domain, security, legal and
criminal domain, work and school do

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Publication Date
Mon May 28 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Use Citrus aurantium plant as bio-indicator of air pollution in Baghdad city
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The current study was conducted to demonstrate the effects of air pollution on different biochemical parameters inCitrus aurantium plant and calculation the Air Pollution Tolerance Index (APTI). Five sites were selected tocollect plant leaves, four of them within the city of Baghdad, namely Al-Jadriya, Al-Andlous, Al-Doura and closeto the private generators to represent the urban areas and Abu Ghraib site to represent the rural area. Seasonalsamples were collected for the period from October 2016 to June 2017. Eleven biochemical parameters totalchlorophyll, ascorbic acid, leaf extract pH, relative water content, total nitrogen, total protein content, total sugarcontent, proline, electrical conductivity, cadmium and lead. The results of Citr

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 28 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Modeling the Contamination of Soil Adjacent to Mohammed AL-Qassim Highway in Baghdad
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The aim of this paper is to estimate the concentrations of some heavy metals in Mohammed AL-Qassim Highway in Baghdad city for different distances by using the polynomial interpolation method for functions passing from the data, which is proposed by using the MATLAB software. The sample soil in this paper was taken from the surface layer (0-25 cm depth) at the two sides of the road with four distances (1.5, 10, 25 and 60 m) in each  side of the road. Using this method, we can find the concentrations of heavy metals in the soil at any depth and time without using the laboratory, so this method reduces the time, effort and costs of conducting laboratory analyzes.

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