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Precarity and Gender Performativity in Morrison’s Home

Precarity means the lack of social and economic networks; a considerable exposure to danger and harm. Minority groups are precariat for they lack rights and full citizenship. Precarity is related, states Judith Butler, with the individual’s performativity, and his ability to perform his gender role. Toni Morrison continually goes to past to retell the history of African Americans. The issues of race, gender and national identity are recurrent in her work. Reading her book Home (2012) evokes the idea of precarity and performativity since the two main characters, Frank and Cee are precarious characters that fail to perform their gender role properly, and eventually are exposed to hazard and harm. This research displays how African American people were precariat during the 1950s. It traces Frank and Cee’s attempts to perform their gender roles to gain recognizability. It shows the failure of precarious people to be recognized in the society that denies Blacks’ rights

Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
AL-Takfir in the thought of Islamic movements and organizations and its social repercussions

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Takfir is an ancient phenomenon that accompanied the emergence of Islam, and this phenomenon took its political dimension during the time of the fourth Rashidi Caliph with the emergence ofthe Kharijites sect that disbelieved many Muslims.

The study started from the hypothesis that "contemporary Islamicmovements and organizations have relied in their takfir on the ideas and fatwas presented by the predecessors which applied ontocontemporary rea

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Energy Procedia
Humidity effect on diffusion and length coefficient of radon in soil and building materials

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Publication Date
Wed May 18 2016
Journal Name
Abstraction and exaggeration formalism and its reflection in the industrial product: نور عباس حسين

This study deals with the reality of the design of a washing machine automation available in the markets Mahlah.otata importance of this issue is through the development of technological and technical exploited for the benefit of the consumer and always seeking perfection in industrial product through providing comfort to the user and reduce fatigue and the effort and time-saving as well. On this basis, the research aims of this study put the foundations for the development of design automation washer. The boundaries of the study were products company LG producing Sna2012.uahtot this study on five chapters included Allvsal first importance of research and the need for a mechanism in addition to Alchuklh research objectives and Hdodh.ama

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Localization and counting of CD68-labelled macrophages in placentas of normal and preeclamptic women

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of Zakat in supporting and stimulating the flow of consumption and investment

الزكاة فريضة من فرائض الإسلام وعبادة من العبادات التي اقرها الشرع الإسلامي هذه الفريضة المالية التعبدية بالإضافة الى دورها المعنوي الذي يهدف الى إرساء قواعد العدالة الاجتماعية والقضاء على مشكلة الفقر في المجتمع الاسلامي وكما ينص عليها الدين الإسلامي فان لها ابعادها ووظائفها الكثيرة التي تخدم اليات العمل الاقتصادي في مجتمع يعمل وفق نظام اقتصادي أسلامي .

ان انفاق الاموال المتحصلة من فريض

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2013
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
CMC Determination and Thermodynamic Micellisation Of NPE Surfactant In Aqueous And CH3OH – H2O Solvents

The critical micelle concentration (CMC) of nonylphenolethoxylate (NPE) surfactant has been determined by measuring the surface tension as a function of the molar concentration of the surfactant in aqueous and binary mixture of water + methanol solutions at a temperature range from 20?C to 35?C. The interfacial parameters ?max, Amin, ?cmc and ?G?ads were calculated. The results indicate that the CMC increases as the temperature increases and that the addition of methanol the CMC decreases. The thermodynamic parameters such as standard Gibbs free energy (?G?), enthalpy (?H?), and entropy (?S?) of micellization were estimated using the change of CMC with temperature. The enthalpy – entropy compensation behavior of the surfactant was evaluat

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 15 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Oral Health Condition and Nutritional Status among Cleft Lip and Palate in Baghdad-Iraq

Background: Orofacial cleft is the most common craniofacial birth defect and the fourth most common congenital malformation in humans that have an effect on oral health in addition to nutrient intake affected in those children. This research aims to investigate gingival condition, dental caries experience and nutritional status among children with orofacial cleft and compare them with normal children. Materials and methods: The study group included 36 children with an age ranged (4-9) years of orofacial cleft. The control group included 37 children matched the control group in age and gender. Gingival condition measured by Gingival Index (Löe and Silness, 1963), while dental caries status was measured by (D1-4MFs/d1-4mfs) index according

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 19 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering

A numerical investigation has been performed to study the effect of eccentricity on unsteady state, laminar aiding mixed convection in a horizontal concentric and eccentric cylindrical annulus. The outer cylinder was kept at a constant temperature
while the inner cylinder was heated with constant heat flux. The study involved numerical solution of transient momentum (Navier-Stokes) and energy equation using finite difference method (FDM), where the body fitted coordinate system (BFC) was
used to generate the grid mesh for computational plane. The governing equations were transformed to the vorticity-stream function formula as for momentum equations and to the temperature and stream function for energy equation.
A computer progra

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Analytical Study Compared Between Poisson and Poisson Hierarchical Model and Applied in Healthy Field

Through this research, We have tried to evaluate the health programs and their effectiveness in improving the health situation through a study of the health institutions reality in Baghdad to identify the main reasons that affect the increase in maternal mortality by using two regression models, "Poisson's Regression Model" and "Hierarchical Poisson's Regression Model". And the study of that indicator (deaths) was through a comparison between the estimation methods of the used models. The "Maximum Likelihood" method was used to estimate the "Poisson's Regression Model"; whereas the "Full Maximum Likelihood" method were used for the "Hierarchical Poisson's Regression Model

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2016
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)

    A total of 215 sheep and 87 goats were carefully searched for ixodid ticks from January to December 2015 at different regions of the middle and south of Iraq. The detached ticks count 1533 ticks from sheep with intensity of 8.4 and count 332 ticks from goats with intensity of 6.8. Tick species recovered from sheep and their incidence rates were: Rhipicephalus turanicus (39%), Hyalomma anatolicum (28%), R. (Boophilus) annulatus (11%), Hyalomma sp. (9%), H. turanicum (6%), H. excavatum (6%) and R. leporis (1%) while the tick species recovered from goats and their incidence rates were: R. turanicus (64%), H. anatolicum (24%)

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