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Numerical Modeling of Circular Tunnel Alignment Under Seismic Loading
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The continuous increase in population has led to the development of underground structures like tunnels to be of great importance due to several reasons. One of these reasons is that tunnels do not affect the living activities on the surface, nor they interfere with the existing traffic network. More importantly, they have a less environmental impact than conventional highways and railways. This paper focuses on using numerical analysis of circular tunnels in terms of their behavior during construction and the deformations that may occur due to overburden and seismic loads imposed on them. In this study, the input data are taken from an existing Cairo metro case study; results were found for the lateral and vertical displacements, the Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA), Arias Intensity (IA), and the Fourier amplitude spectrum. It was found that the vertical displacement was 26.2 mm under overburden pressure and reached 28 mm under seismic loading. These results were discussed and compared to other information and given a logical explanation based on the findings.

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2023
Journal Name
Measurement: Sensors
Dynamic monitoring of saturated stiff clay soil foundation structure by falling weight deflectometer system under impact loads sensors effect
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Experiments research is done to determine how saturated stiff clayey soil responds to a single impulsive load. Models made of saturated, stiff clay were investigated. To supply the single pulse energy, various falling weights from various heights were tested using the falling weight deflectometer (FWD). Dynamic effects can range from the major failure of a sensitive sensor or system to the apparent destruction of structures. This study examines the response of saturated stiff clay soil to a single impulsive load (vertical displacement at the soil surface below and beside the bearing plates). Such reactions consist of displacements, velocities, and accelerations caused by the impact occurring at the surface depth induced by the impact loads

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Desalination And Water Treatment
Combination of the artificial neural network and advection-dispersion equation for modeling of methylene blue dye removal from aqueous solution using olive stones as reactive bed
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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Under Different Priors &Two Loss Functions To Compare Bayes Estimators With Some of Classical Estimators For the Parameter of Exponential Distribution
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          في هذا البحث , استعملنا طرائق مختلفة لتقدير معلمة القياس للتوزيع الاسي كمقدر الإمكان الأعظم ومقدر العزوم ومقدر بيز في ستة أنواع مختلفة عندما يكون التوزيع الأولي لمعلمة القياس : توزيع لافي  (Levy) وتوزيع كامبل من النوع الثاني وتوزيع معكوس مربع كاي وتوزيع معكوس كاما وتوزيع غير الملائم (Improper) وتوزيع

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Publication Date
Wed May 12 2021
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
The Effect of the Programmed Education Strategy to Learning the Under Hand Service and Receiving Service Skills of Volleyball for Juniors
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In order to advance the education process and raise the educational level of the players, it became necessary to introduce new educational aids, programmed education in the education process, through which the basic skills to be learned are explained and clarified, and immediate feedback is provided that would enhance the information of the learner, and Reaching the goal to be achieved, taking into account the individual differences between the players, and thus it is possible to move away from the educational methods used in learning skills, which requires great effort and time, in addition to that the open playground may not perform the skill accurately and the player looks from one side, while when using the computer you look from severa

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The Mechanical Behavior Of Materials
Performance of concrete thrust block at several burial conditions under the influence of thrust forces generated in the water distribution networks
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Abstract<p>This study was prepared to investigate the performance and behavior of concrete thrust blocks supporting pipe fittings. In the water distribution networks, it is always necessary to change the path of the pipes at different degrees or to create new branches. In these regions, an unbalanced force called the thrust force is generated. In order to counter this force, these regions are supported with concrete blocks. In this article, the system components (soil, pipe with its bend and thrust blocks) have been numerically modeled and simulated by the ABAQUS CAE/2019 software program in order to study the behavior and stability of the thrust block with different burial conditions (several b</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of Humic acid, Cytokinin and Arginine on Growth and Yield Traits of Bean Plant Phaseolus vulgaris L. under salt stress
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To achieve optimal plant growth and production under salt stress, some products were added in adequate quantities to give a good yield, especially bean plants which are sensitive to salinity. For this purpose, this experiment was carried out during the spring growing season in 2022 in Baghdad, to study the effects of humic acid, cytokinin, arginine and their interaction with 9 parameters that reflect the overall traits of vegetative growth and yield of common bean plants Phaseolus vulgaris L. var. Astraid (from MONARCH seeds, China). The factorial design with 3 replicates was used, each with 7 plants treated via foliar spraying or by addition to the soil. The first factor included three groups; H0, H1 and H2 (0, 6, 12 Kg.h-1 H

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 13 2021
Journal Name
Eureka: Physics And Engineering
A numerical study to improve the position and angle of the producer gas injector inside the intake manifold to minimize emissions and efficiency enhancement of a bi engine
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To develop a petrol engine so that it works under the bi-engine pattern (producer gas-petrol) without any additional engine modifications, a single-point injection method inside the intake manifold is a simple and inexpensive method. Still, it leads to poor mixing performance between the air and producer gas. This deficiency can cause unsatisfactory engine performance and high exhaust emissions. In order to improve the mixing inside the intake manifold, nine separate cases were modelled to evaluate the impact of the position and angle orientation inside the intake manifold on the uniformity and spread of the mixture under AFR=2.07. A petrol engine (1.6 L), the maximum engine speed (8000 rpm), and bi-engine mode (petrol-producer ga

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 23 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Investigate of the Ability of Cronobacter sakazakii Isolated from Clinical Samples of Children Under Two Years to Induce Swimming, Swarming and Biofilm
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      The study included 200 samples were collected   from   children  under two   years included (50 samples from each of Cerebrospinal fluid, Blood, Stool and Urine) from, Central Children Hospital and Children's Protections Educational Hospital. Isolates bacterial were obtained cultural, microscopic and biochemical examination and diagnosed to the species by using vitek2 system. The results showed there were contamination in 6.5% of clinical samples. The diagnosed colonies which gave pink color on the MacConkey agar , golden yellow color on the Trypton Soy agar and green color on the Birillent Enterobacter sakazakii agar and gave  a probability of 99% in the vit

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 12 2016
Journal Name
International Journal Of Advanced Engineering, Management And Science
Whole body, Arm-Hand Vibration and Performance Drivers Tractors during Conservation Tillage under different Velocity and Soils
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The Experiment was carried out to determine the level vibration transfer in three axes Horizontal X, Lateral Y and Vertical Z direction to seat driver tractor, Vector sum of vibration and Daily Vibration Exposure (8 hours) in seat driver tractor, and vibration in steering wheel tractor, Heart Rate, Systolic and Diastolic blood pressure and temperature were measure to all Drivers before and after used Chisel plow in operation tillage. Statistical analysis system was used, Split-Split Plot Design under Randomized Complete Block Design, Three factors were used in this experiment included Two types of Soil Moist and Dry soil which represented main plot, Three Velocity Tractor was second factor included 1.6,3.5 and 5.4 km/hr and Three Drivers Tr

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Comparing Weibull Stress – Strength Reliability Bayesian Estimators for Singly Type II Censored Data under Different loss Functions
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     The stress(Y) – strength(X) model reliability Bayesian estimation which defines life of a component with strength X and stress Y (the component fails if and only if at any time the applied stress is greater than its strength) has been studied, then the reliability; R=P(Y<X), can be considered as a measure of the component performance. In this paper, a Bayesian analysis has been considered for R when the two variables X and Y are independent Weibull random variables with common parameter α in order to study the effect of each of the two different scale parameters β and λ; respectively, using three different [weighted, quadratic and entropy] loss functions under two different prior functions [Gamma and extension of Jeffery

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