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Optical and structural characteristics of carbon quantum dots manufacturing by electrochemical method
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Electrochemical method was used to prepare carbon quantum dots (CQDs). Size of matter was nature when evaluate via X-ray diffraction (XRD). A distinct peak at 2θ equal to 31.6° and three other small peaks at 38.28°, 56.41° and 66.12° were observed. The measures of Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) showed the bonds in the transmittance spectrum are manufactured with carbon nanostructures in view. The first peaks are the O–H stretching vibration bands at (3417 and 2922) cm−1, (C–O–H at 1400, and 1317) cm−1, (C–H), (C=C), (C–O–H), (C=O), and (C–O) bonds at 2850, 1668, 1101, and 1026 cm−1 sequentially. The transmission electron microscopy (TEM) results presented that the spherical CQDs are in shape and on average possess a restricted distribution of sizes of fairly 10 nm. Also, optical properties were investigated by the UV–VIS absorption spectrum, peak at 225 nm showed absorption spectrum of it. Photoluminescence emission was studied using FS-Spectrometer operating at 364 nm, 374 nm, 384 nm, 384 nm, and 404 nm wavelength to excite a broad range of quantum dots. The PL test of the top of the surface of CQDs permitted the expectation that an excessive exciting will occur at the CQDs, where the upper layer has large energy gap with small quantum dots. As a result, the optical constants are analyzed, such as the energy gap, the extinction coefficient, and photoluminescence band and its applicability in optoelectronics.

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 28 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Morphological and Optical Properties of CdS Quantum Dots Synthesized with different pH values
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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Polluted Water Sensor Based on Carbon Quantum Dots/Alq3 Using Drop Casting and Spin Coating Techniques
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Water quality sensors have recently received a lot of attention due to their impact on human health. Due to their distinct features, environmental sensors are based on carbon quantum dots (CQDs). In this study, CQDs were prepared using the electro-chemical method, where the structural and optical properties were studied. These quantum dots were used in the environmental sensor application after mixing them with three different materials: CQDs, Alq3 polymer and CQDs and Alq3 solutions using two different methods: drop casting and spin coating, and depositing them on silicon. The sensitivity of the water pollutants was studied for each case of the prepared samples after measuring the change in resistance of the samples at a temperature of

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Structural and optical properties of CdS:Sn thin films prepared by chemical spray pyrolysis method
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CdS and CdS:Sn thin films were successfully deposited on glass
substrates by spray pyrolysis method. The films were grown at
substrate temperatures 300 C°. The effects of Sn concentration on the
structural and optical properties were studied.
The XRD profiles showed that the films are polycrystalline with
hexagonal structure grown preferentially along the (002) axis. The
optical studies exhibit direct allowed transition. Energy band gap
vary from 3.2 to 2.7 eV.

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sun Mar 05 2017
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Preparation and study of the structural and optical properties of Bi2S3 thin films by Spray pyrolysis method
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In this research Bi2S3 thin films have been prepared on glass substrates using chemical spray pyrolysis method at substrate temperature (300oC) and molarity (0.015) mol. Structural and optical properties of the thin films above have been studied; XRD analysis demonstrated that the Bi2S3 films are polycrystalline with (031) orientation and with Orthorhombic structure. The optical properties were studied using the spectral of the absorbance and transmission of films in wavelength ranging (300-1100) nm. The study showed that the films have high transmission within the range of the visible spectrum. Also absorption coefficient, extinction coefficient and the optical energy gap (Eg) was calculated, found that the film have direct ener

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 04 2018
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Optical, Structural and Electrical Properties of Electrochemical Synthesis of Thin Film of Polyaniline
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Polyaniline membranes of aniline were produced using an electrochemical method in a cell consisting of two poles. The effect of the vaccination was observed on the color of membranes of polyaniline, where analysis as of blue to olive green paints. The sanction of PANI was done by FT-IR and Raman techniques. The crystallinity of the models was studied by X-ray diffraction technique. The different electronic transitions of the PANI were determined by UV-VIS spectroscopy. The electrical conductivity of the manufactured samples was measured by using the four-probe technique at room temperature. Morphological studies have been determined by Atomic force microscopy (AFM). The structural studies have been measured by (SEM).

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Publication Date
Thu May 25 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Optical and Structural Properties of SnO2 Thin Films Prepared by Sputtering Method
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SnO2 thin films of different two thicknesses were prepared an glass substrate by DC magnetron sputtering. The crystal structure and orientation of the films were investigated by XRD patterns. All the deposited films are polycrystalline. The grain size was calculated as 25.35, 28.8 nm. Morphological and compositions of the films were performed by SEM and EDX analyses respectively. The films appeared compact and rougher surface in nature. The allowed direct band gap was evaluated as 3.85 eV, and other optical constants such as refractive index, extinction coefficient, real and imaginary parts of dielectric constants were determined from transmittance spectrum in the wavelength range (300-900) nm and also analyzed.

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 05 2022
Journal Name
Nano Hybrids And Composites
Structural and Optical Properties of ZnO Nanostructures Synthesized by Hydrothermal Method at Different Conditions
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ZnO nanostructures were synthesized by hydrothermal method at different temperatures and growth times. The effect of increasing the temperature on structural and optical properties of ZnO were analyzed and discussed. The prepared ZnO nanostructures were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), UV–Vis. absorption spectroscopy (UV–Vis.), Photoluminescence (PL), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). In this work, hexagonal crystal structure prepared ZnO nanostructures was observed using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and the average crystallite size equal 14.7 and 23.8 nm for samples synthesized at growth time 7 and 8 hours respectively. A nanotubes-shaped surface morphology was found using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The optic

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 13 2023
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Structural and optical properties of iron oxide α-Fe2O3 nanowires prepared by hydrothermal method
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Apr 05 2022
Journal Name
Nano Hybrids And Composites
Structural and Optical Properties of ZnO Nanostructures Synthesized by Hydrothermal Method at Different Conditions
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Zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles were synthesized using a modified hydrothermal approach at different reaction temperatures and growth times. Moreover, a thorough morphological, structural and optical investigation was demonstrated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), x-ray diffraction (XRD), ultra-violate visible light spectroscopy (UV-Vis.), and photoluminescence (PL) techniques. Notably, SEM analysis revealed the occurrence of nanorods-shaped surface morphology with a wide range of length and diameter. Meanwhile, a hexagonal crystal structure of the ZnO nanoparticles was perceived using XRD analysis and crystallite size ranging from 14.7 to 23.8 nm at 7 and 8 ℎ𝑟𝑠., respectively. The prepared ZnO samples showed good abso

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 04 2015
Journal Name
International Journal Of Advanced Technology In Engineering And Science
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In this work, ZnO quantum dots (Q.dots) and nanorods were prepared. ZnO quantum dots were prepared by self-assembly method of zinc acetate solution with KOH solution, while ZnO nanorods were prepared by hydrothermal method of zinc nitrate hexahydrate Zn (NO3)2.6H2O with hexamethy lenetetramin (HMT) C6H12N4. The optical , structural and spectroscopic properties of the product quantum dot were studied. The results show the dependence of the optical properties on the crystal dimension and the formation of the trap states in the energy band gap. The deep levels emission was studied for n-ZnO and p-ZnO. The preparation ZnO nanorods show semiconductor behavior of p-type, which is a difficult process by doping because native defects.