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Study of the Spectral Energy Distribution Model of the Protoplanetary Disk Geometric around the Brown Dwarf CFHT-BD-Tau 4
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The accretion circumstellar disk of young stars and the Brown dwarf plays an essential role in the formation and evaluation of the planet. Our main work in this paper is to investigate the geometrical shape model for the protoplanetary disk around one of the Brown Dwarfs. The photometric measurements for the brown dwarf CFHT-BD-Tau 4 were extracted from the Vizier archive. We used a numerical simulation to build a model of the spectral energy distribution of our target CFHT-BD-Tau 4. The spectral energy distribution model was fitted with observational data for the brown dwarf CFHT-BD-Tau 4. A transitional disk has been assumed around CFHT-BD-Tau 4. We obtained physical properties of the two disks and the size of the gap between them by fitting the SED. The gap in the protoplanetary disk proves that a planet formation process occurred around the Brown dwarf.

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 29 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Determination of the Physical Properties of the Protoplanetary Disk Around WW Cha Stars
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     The main goal of this work is to put a simple model of the spectral energy distribution of binary stars called WW Cha. This model is built up on the extracted data from various telescopes and archives for the target WW Cha stars and then analyzing them using a python environment. The result of the fitting proposes that there are two protoplanetary disks around the WW Cha star, with different physical properties for each disk, such as the size of the inner disk being 10 AU, while the size of the outer disk being 300 AU. The shape of the outer disk is a flaring disk not a flat disk according to the value of the power law for the surface density (1.5). The emission in the disk is caused by small amorphous olivine grains rangin

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 06 2022
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Theoretical Study of Photons Spectra around High Energy of Quark-antiquark Using QCD Theory
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In this paper, we study and investigate the quark anti-quark interaction mechanism through the annihilation process. The production of photons in association with interaction quark and gluon in the annihilation process. We investigate the effect of critical temperature, strength coupling and photons energy in terms of the quantum chromodynamics model theory framework. We find that the use of large critical temperature Tc =134 allows us to dramatically increase the strength coupling of quarks interaction. Its sensitivity to decreasing in photons rate with respect to strength coupling estimates. We also discuss the effect of photons energy on the rate of the photon , such as energies in range (1.5 to 5 GeV).The photons rate increases

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Theoretical Study of the Effects Type of Host’s Crystal on the Lasing Output of High – Power Thin –Disk Laser
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Ytterbium-doped (Y2O3), (Sc2O3) and (YAG) crystals are very important for high-power thindisk lasers. These lasers have shown their ability to operate quasi-three-level materials with high
efficiency as well as high thermal conductivity ratio for crystalline hosts. All these reasons have
required studying this type of laser. In the present work, the analytical solution was found for the
equation of laser output power, pumping threshold power, and efficiency of a quasi-three-level
thin disk laser. The numerical solution of these equations was also found through the Matlab
program at the fundamental transverse mode, at a temperature of 299K0
and with high pumping
capabilities in order to know the e

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Determination of the energy and kick velocity of Crab Nebula pulsar from the distribution morphology of the remnant
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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2015
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Determination of the energy and kick velocity of Crab Nebula pulsar from the distribution morphology of the remnant
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The Plerion nebula is characterized by its pulsar that fills the center of the supernova remnant with radio and X-ray frequencies. In our galaxy there are nine naked plerionic systems known, of which the Crab Nebula is the best-known example. It has been studied this instance in order to investigate how the pulsar energy affect on the distribution and evolution of the remnant as well as study the pulsar kick velocity and its influence on the remnant. From the obtained results it's found that, the pulsar of the Crab Nebula injects about (2−3)𝑥 1047 erg of energy to the remnant, although this energy is small compared to the supernova explosion energy which is about 1051 erg but still plays a significant role in the distribution and the m

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 09 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Science And Research (ijsr)
Fingerprints Recognition Using the Local Energy Distribution over Haar Wavelet Subbands
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Fingerprints are commonly utilized as a key technique and for personal recognition and in identification systems for personal security affairs. The most widely used fingerprint systems utilizing the distribution of minutiae points for fingerprint matching and representation. These techniques become unsuccessful when partial fingerprint images are capture, or the finger ridges suffer from lot of cuts or injuries or skin sickness. This paper suggests a fingerprint recognition technique which utilizes the local features for fingerprint representation and matching. The adopted local features have determined using Haar wavelet subbands. The system was tested experimentally using FVC2004 databases, which consists of four datasets, each set holds

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 02 2023
Journal Name
East European Journal Of Physics
A Study of the Weakly Bound Structure of Nuclei Around the Magic Number N=50
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An investigation of the quadrupole deformation of Kr, Sr, Zr, and Mo isotopes has been conducted using the HFB method and SLy4 Skyrme parameterization. The primary role of occupancy of single particle state 2d5/2 in the existence of the weakly bound structure around N=50 is probed. Shell gaps are performed using a few other calculations for the doubly magic number 100Sn using different Skyrme parameterizations. We explore the interplays among neutron pairing strength and neutron density profile in two dimensions, along with the deformations of 100Sn.

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Determine the best model to predict the consumption of electric energy in the southern region
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                Interest in the topic of prediction has increased in recent years and appeared modern methods such as Artificial Neural Networks models, if these methods are able to learn and adapt self with any model, and does not require assumptions on the nature of the time series. On the other hand, the methods currently used to predict the classic method such as Box-Jenkins may be difficult to diagnose chain and modeling because they assume strict conditions.


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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2013
Journal Name
International Journal Of Contemporary Mathematical Sciences
Equivalent between the Criterion and the Three Open Set's Conditions in Disk-Cyclicity
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A vector in a separable infinite dimensional Hilbert space is called disk-cyclic for bounded operator if the orbit α : 0, α∈;|∝| 1is dense in. The useful tool used to discover codisk-cyclic operation is called the disk-cyclic Criterion. In this paper we will show that some equivalent conditions of the

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Spectral fluctuations in <sup>24</sup>Mg nucleus using the framework of the nuclear shell model
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Abstract<p>Random matrix theory is used to study the chaotic properties in nuclear energy spectrum of the <sup>24</sup>Mg nucleus. The excitation energies (which are the main object of this study) are obtained via performing shell model calculations using the OXBASH computer code together with an effective interaction of Wildenthal (W) in the isospin formalism. The <sup>24</sup>Mg nucleus is assumed to have an inert <sup>16</sup>O core with 8 nucleons (4protons and 4neutrons) move in the 1d<sub>5/2</sub>, 2s<sub>1/2</sub> and 1d<sub>3/2</sub> orbitals. The spectral fluctuations are studied by two statistical measures: the nearest neighb</p> ... Show More
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