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Correction Procedure for the Determination of Soil Specific Surface
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Publication Date
Wed Nov 28 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Engineering & Technology
Crude Oil Effect on the Clayey Soil Mechanical and Physical Properties
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Soil defilement with "raw petroleum" is a standout amongst the most across the board and genuine ecological issues going up against both the industrialized and oil country like Iraq. Along these lines, the impact of "raw petroleum" on soil contamination is one of most critical subjects that review these days. The present examination expects to research "unrefined oil"effectson the mechanical and physical properties of clayey soils. The dirt examples were acquired from Al-Doura area in Baghdad city and arranged by the "Brought together Soil Grouping Framework (USCS)" as silty mud of low pliancy (CL). Research center tests were done on contaminated and unpolluted soil tests with same thickness. The dirtied tests are set up by blending

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 08 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
The effect of mouth rinses on surface micro hardness of two esthetic restorative materials
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Objective: To evaluate the effect of mouth rinses (Biofresh and ZAK) on the surface micro hardness
of two light cure restorative material (Tetric ceram ivoclar-vivadent) and (3M Z 250) dental
Methodology: The microhardness values of (sixty) composite specimens were measured at the top
surfaces after 24 hours of immersion in different solutions (Biofresh, Zak mouth wash and distilled
water as control). Comparison done using descriptive statistics (mean, SD, SEM, minimum and
maximum values) and inferential statistics (ANOVA and LSD) test.
Results: The biofresh mouth rinse which has high alcohol containing has less effect on
microhardness of tetric ceram than the zak &distiled water , while the effect

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Proceedings Of 2nd International Multi-disciplinary Conference Theme: Integrated Sciences And Technologies, Imdc-ist 2021, 7-9 September 2021, Sakarya, Turkey
Investigation of the Effect of Diabetes on Lower Limb Muscles with Surface Electromyography (EMG)
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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Effect of Surface Pavement Type on Traffic Noise
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This paper investigates the issue of surface-type effects on traffic noise in Baghdad. Since the raw materials for both flexible and rigid paving are available from local sources, the decision on selecting the type of paving which depends on the budget of the project and the road's importance and function. Knowing that for high traffic volumes and a high percentage of heavy vehicles, rigid pavement is more suitable compared to flexible pavement. In Baghdad, some highways consist of flexible pavement and others of combined pavement (flexible segments and rigid segments), so the study of the effect of surface type on traffic noise becomes an important matter. This study selected three highways: one with flexible pavement a

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Effect of Surface Pavement Type on Traffic Noise
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This paper investigates the issue of surface-type effects on traffic noise in Baghdad. Since the raw materials for both flexible and rigid paving are available from local sources, the decision on selecting the type of paving which depends on the budget of the project and the road's importance and function. Knowing that for high traffic volumes and a high percentage of heavy vehicles, rigid pavement is more suitable compared to flexible pavement. In Baghdad, some highways consist of flexible pavement and others of combined pavement (flexible segments and rigid segments), so the study of the effect of surface type on traffic noise becomes an important matter. This study selected three highways: one with flexible pavement and two with combined

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Estimation of Surface Runoff to Bahr AL-Najaf
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The estimation of the amounts of Surface runoff resulting from rainfall in the water basins is of great importance in water resources management. The study area (Bahr Al-Najaf) is located on the western edge of the plateau and the southwestern part of the city center of Najaf, with an area of 2729.4 (km2). The soil and water assessment tool (SWAT) with ArcGIS software was used to simulate the runoff coming from the three main valleys (Kharr (A and B)), Shoaib Al-Rahimawi, and Maleh), that contribute the flow to the study area. The results of the model showed that the SWAT software was successfully simulating the flow conditions based on the coefficient of determination (R2), the Nash coefficient (NS

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2020
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Improvement of the Gypseous soil properties by using Copolymer and Styrene-butadiene rubber
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Abstract<p>Gypseous soils are spread in several regions in the world including Iraq, where it covers more than 28.6% [1] of the surface region of the country. This soil, with high gypsum content causes different problems in construction and strategic projects. As a result of water flow through the soil mass, permeability and chemical arrangement of these soils vary over time due to the solubility and leaching of gypsum. In this study the soil of 36% gypsum content, is taken from one location about 100 km (62 mi) southwest of Baghdad, where the sample is taken from depth (0.5 - 1) m below the natural ground surface and mixed with (3%, 6%, 9%) of Copolymer and Styrene-butadiene Rubber to improve t</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Wed Oct 28 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Modeling the Contamination of Soil Adjacent to Mohammed AL-Qassim Highway in Baghdad
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The aim of this paper is to estimate the concentrations of some heavy metals in Mohammed AL-Qassim Highway in Baghdad city for different distances by using the polynomial interpolation method for functions passing from the data, which is proposed by using the MATLAB software. The sample soil in this paper was taken from the surface layer (0-25 cm depth) at the two sides of the road with four distances (1.5, 10, 25 and 60 m) in each  side of the road. Using this method, we can find the concentrations of heavy metals in the soil at any depth and time without using the laboratory, so this method reduces the time, effort and costs of conducting laboratory analyzes.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 12 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Study Productivity of Glutamic Acid by Bacillus subtilis EN3 Isolated from the Soil
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The genus Bacillus bacterium isolated from soil and tests their ability to produce glutamic acid, the bacteria are diagnosed by traditional methods and VITEK-2 system. And we studied the optimal conditions for production and try to improve the productivity of the isolation by manipulating the components of the production medium and of the circumstances environmental of production medium. There is 43 isolates of the 70 bacterial isolates belonging to the genus Bacillus depending on phenotypic characteristics of the colonies and microscopic characteristics and found that 13 isolated revert to species B.subtilis depending on physiological and biochemical characteristics. As well as on microscopic and biochemical tests, 13 isolates were subj

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Using Spatial Analysis Methods to Evaluate the Soil Contamination of Baghdad City, Iraq
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Abstract<p>The current study aims to identify soil pollutants from heavy metals The study utilized 40 topsoil (5 cm) samples, which adapted and divided into seven regions lies in Baghdad governorate, included (Al-Husainya,(Hs) Al-Doura (Do), Sharie Al-Matar (SM), Al-Waziria (Wz), Nharawan (Nh), Abu Ghraib (Abu) and Al-Mahmoodyia (Mh)). Spatial distribution maps of Nickel (Ni), Manganese (Mn), Lead (Pb) and Zinc (Zn) were created for Baghdad city using Geographic Information Systems (GIS). The concentrations of four heavy metals in the soil of different area of Baghdad were measured and observed using XRF instrument. The result found highest values of Pb and Zn at the middle of the Baghdad in (Wz</p> ... Show More
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