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Histopathological and Immunohistochemical Study of Aflatoxin B1 in Freshly Slaughtered Iraqi Sheep Meat, using CD Marker of TNF-α
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The current study was conducted in Baghdad governorate (Karkh and Al-Rasafa regions) which included collecting 50 samples of freshly slaughtered sheep meat randomly collected from local slaughter areas and approved governmental slaughterhouses (25 liver and 25 ulna muscles). The results of the aflatoxin B1 detection showed that all samples were contaminated with this toxin at different concentrations ranging from 25–422 ppb and 65–492 ppb for each ulna muscles and liver, respectively. The histopathological and immunological study was conducted in meat samples containing higher and lower concentrations of the toxin. The results of the pathological study in the liver revealed that the concentration (492 ppb) caused thickening of the nuclei, water degeneration and necrosis, but the concentration (467 ppb) caused several damages represented by thickening of the nuclei and an increase in the number of kepffer cells. In contrast, no obvious damages was observed at the concentration (65 ppb). In the muscles, the results showed that the concentrations (422 and 384 ppb) caused tissue damage represented by the homogeneous acid aggregation, while no damage was found at the concentration 25 ppb. The findings of the immunohistochemical study showed the same concentrations for both liver and muscle samples using CD marker of TNF-α; in the liver, at the concentration (492 ppb), there was strong immune expression (+++), while the immune expression was (++) at the concentration (467 ppb), and no expression (-) was detected at the concentration (65 ppb). In addition, the results in the muscles samples showed that samples that contain (422 ppb), the immune expression was (+++), while the expression at the concentration (384 ppb) was (++), whereas no expression was seen at the concentration (25 ppb).

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
“Impact of culvature and magnetic force on waveform transition of Pseudo plastic fluid in flexible channel”
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Abstract<p>Waveform transport of Pseudo plastic fluid in complaint symmetric channel with culvature properties has designed. The efforts of magnetic force, which has applied by radiate direction in the analysis, is considered by using the influence of Hartmann number. Walls properties with slip conditions on velocity distribution as well as stream function are used. The analysis of" heat and mass transfer" has taken into account. More popularized factual constraints known by the convective conditions are applied. The partial differential equations of motion, temperature and concentration is reduced under the simulation of low quantity of wave number and Reynolds number and then transformed to or</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2006
Journal Name
Ipmj-iraqi Postgraduate Medical Journal
Elucidation of a role for the aqueous extract of borage in mammary gland growth and development
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Herbal remedies are used in induction of lactation. In view of that .Borage Officinalis was employed to ensure an abundant milk supply or rectify milk insufficiency .However, this remedy has not been scientifically tested .The animals were treated with the aqueous extract of Borage Officinalis flowers at a daily concentration of 100 mg / kg body weight /ml for each rat through Oro-gastric tube for 14 days. Animals were subdivided into subgroups according to their physiological status. Mammary glands of these animals were processed for histological, histochemical and immunohistochemical studies. Parameters indicated that the aqueous extract of Borage Officinalis flowers induced lactogenesis in the mammmary glands of virgin and pregnant rats

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 04 2006
Journal Name
The Iraqi Postgraduate Medical Journal
Elucidation of a Role for the Aqueous Extract of Borage in Mammary Gland Growth and Development
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Publication Date
Sun Nov 01 2020
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Identification and Characterization of Highly Fluorescent Pigment Cells in Embryos of the Arabian Killifish (Aphanius Dispar)
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Publication Date
Sat Dec 28 2019
Journal Name
International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health
Predominant Mechanisms in the Treatment of Wastewater Due to Interaction of Benzaldehyde and Iron Slag Byproduct
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Iron slag is a byproduct generated in huge quantities from recycled remnants of iron and steel factories; therefore, the possibility of using this waste in the removal of benzaldehyde from contaminated water offers an excellent topic in sustainability field. Results reveal that the removal efficiency was equal to 85% for the interaction of slag and water contaminated with benzaldehyde at the best operational conditions of 0.3 g/100 mL, 6, 180 min, and 250 rpm for the sorbent dosage, initial pH, agitation time, and speed, respectively with 300 mg/L initial concentration. The maximum uptake capacity of iron slag was 118.25 mg/g which was calculated by the Langmuir model. Physical sorption may be the major mechanism for the removal of

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 13 2022
Journal Name
Water Supply
Stable isotope composition in precipitation and groundwater of Shwan Sub-Basin, Kirkuk governorate, northeast of Iraq
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Abstract<p>Stable isotope composition of δ2H and δ18O was investigated in the water resources of the Shwan sub-Basin northeast of Iraq. The study objects conceived the possible factors that affect the stable isotopes’ composition in precipitation additionally to achieve information concerning recharge processes and estimate the groundwater recharge sources. In this study, four precipitation samples were collected at the study area for the 2020–2021 hydrological year. Thirty-two groundwater samples and one surface water sample from Lesser Zab River (LZR) were collected during the same period for two sampling seasons. The results of observed meteorological data show a very small amount of pr</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2015
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Effects of local Infiltration of Bupivacaine in total hip and knee replacement for post - operative analgesia
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Background: Pain is one of the most postoperative complications of surgical wound especially within first 24 hrs. leading to delay hospital discharge, stress gastritis and increasing blood pressure. As wound infiltration with long acting local anesthetic (bupivacaine) has been proved to be effective after orthopedic surgeries especially total hip and knee replacements.Objective: our study was designed to determine theeffectiveness of local infiltration of 0.5% of bupivacainebefore closure of surgical wounds in controllingpostoperative pain and improve patient’s outcome after totalhip and knee replacement surgeries in first 24hrspostoperative period.Methods: Twenty patients from class I (healthy patients) and class II (patients mild sys

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 13 2012
Journal Name
South African Journal Of Animal Science
Effect of in ovo injection with L-arginine on productive and physiological traits of Japanese quail
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This study evaluated the influence of administering different levels of L-arginine into eggs of 0-day-old Japanese quail embryos. On day 0 of incubation, 480 eggs (120 for each treatment group) were injected with 0% arginine (C group), 1% arginine (T1), 2% arginine (T2) or 3% arginine (T3). After hatching, 336 quail chicks (84 chicks produced from each in ovo injection treatment) were placed in an experimental quail house and allocated to four treatment groups of three replicates, with 16 quail chicks for each replicate. Traits involved in this study were hatchability rate, initial body weight (7 days of age), final body weight (42 days old), feed intake, weight gain, feed conversion ratio and blood serum glucose, protein, cholesterol, tota

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2020
Journal Name
Plant Archives
Effect of soil salinity on spectral reflectance of red and nir wavelengths in al-salamiyat project
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Publication Date
Wed Mar 18 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Mixed Micelles of Binary Mixtures of Sodium Dodecylbenzene Sulfate and Tween 80 Surfactants in Aqueous Solutions
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In the present work, the surface properties of mixed binary surfactants containing sodium dodecylbenzene sulfate (SDBS) and Tween 80 (TW80) surfactants in aqueous solutions were studied at temperature 293 K using surface tension measurements. The critical micelle concentration (cmc) magnitude for both individual surfactants and their mixtures were established the obtained results revealed  that the magnitude of cmc of the mixtures are less than the magnitude of individual surfactants and decrease with the increase in Tween 80 percent in solution which indicate the nonideal  mixing of the two surfactants. The values of molecular interaction parameters  and the mole fraction of surfactants in the micelle (X1) were calculated

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