Because the Coronavirus epidemic spread in Iraq, the COVID-19 epidemic of people quarantined due to infection is our application in this work. The numerical simulation methods used in this research are more suitable than other analytical and numerical methods because they solve random systems. Since the Covid-19 epidemic system has random variables coefficients, these methods are used. Suitable numerical simulation methods have been applied to solve the COVID-19 epidemic model in Iraq. The analytical results of the Variation iteration method (VIM) are executed to compare the results. One numerical method which is the Finite difference method (FD) has been used to solve the Coronavirus model and for comparison purposes. The numerical simulation methods which are Mean Monte Carlo Finite difference (MMC_FD) and Mean Latin Hypercube Finite difference (MLH_FD), are also used to solve the proposed epidemic model under study. The obtained results are discussed, tabulated, and represented graphically. Finally, the absolute error is the tool used to compare the numerical simulation solutions from 2020 to 2024 years. The behavior of the Coronavirus in Iraq has been expected for 4 years from 2020 to 2024 using the proposed numerical simulation methods.
The logistic regression model of the most important regression models a non-linear which aim getting estimators have a high of efficiency, taking character more advanced in the process of statistical analysis for being a models appropriate form of Binary Data.
Among the problems that appear as a result of the use of some statistical methods I
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In this paper new methods were presented based on technique of differences which is the difference- based modified jackknifed generalized ridge regression estimator(DMJGR) and difference-based generalized jackknifed ridge regression estimator(DGJR), in estimating the parameters of linear part of the partially linear model. As for the nonlinear part represented by the nonparametric function, it was estimated using Nadaraya Watson smoother. The partially linear model was compared using these proposed methods with other estimators based on differencing technique through the MSE comparison criterion in simulation study.
In this paper, author’s study sub diffusion bio heat transfer model and developed explicit finite difference scheme for time fractional sub diffusion bio heat transfer equation by using caputo fabrizio fractional derivative. Also discussed conditional stability and convergence of developed scheme. Furthermore numerical solution of time fractional sub diffusion bio heat transfer equation is obtained and it is represented graphically by Python.
The aim of our study is to solve a nonlinear epidemic model, which is the COVID-19 epidemic model in Iraq, through the application of initial value problems in the current study. The model has been presented as a system of ordinary differential equations that has parameters that change with time. Two numerical simulation methods are proposed to solve this model as suitable methods for solving systems whose coefficients change over time. These methods are the Mean Monte Carlo Runge-Kutta method (MMC_RK) and the Mean Latin Hypercube Runge-Kutta method (MLH_RK). The results of numerical simulation methods are compared with the results of the numerical Runge-Kutta 4th order method (RK4) from 2021 to 2025 using the absolute error, which prove
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