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Experimental and Numerical Behavior of Encased Pultruded GFRP Beams under Elevated and Ambient Temperatures
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In this research, experimental and numerical studies were carried out to investigate the performance of encased glass-fiber-reinforced polymer (GFRP) beams under fire. The test specimens were divided into two peer groups to be tested under the effect of ambient and elevated temperatures. The first group was statically tested to investigate the monotonic behavior of the specimens. The second group was exposed to fire loading first and then statically tested to explore the residual behavior of the burned specimens. Adding shear connectors and web stiffeners to the GFRP beam was the main parameter in this investigation. Moreover, service loads were applied to the tested beams during the fire. Utilizing shear connectors, web stiffeners, and both enhanced the load-carrying capacities of the encased beams by 100.6%, 97.3%, and 130.8%, respectively. Comparisons between the burned and unburned peer beams were presented with losses in the load-carrying capacity of the burned beams. These losses were the highest in the cases of shear connectors and web stiffeners due to the obtained severe damage, which led to more reductions in the residual behavior of the burned beams. Numerical analyses were performed using the general-purpose finite element (FE) ABAQUS package to conduct a parametric study. The investigated parameters included the effect of the exposure duration and the temperature level. The results of the FE analysis showed good agreement with the experimental results. Additional reductions in the residual capacities of the fire-damaged beams were observed due to exposure to longer fire durations. The improvements in the beam capacities due to using shear connectors and web stiffeners relative to the reference beams under the same exposure time decreased as the exposure duration increased. Furthermore, increasing the temperature to 700 °C, 800 °C, 900 °C, and 950 °C caused reductions in the residual capacities by about 25%, 45%, 70%, and 80%, respectively, for the encased beams in comparison to their peers at ambient temperature.

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 28 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Flexural Behavior of Partially Pretensioned Continuous Concrete Beams
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This paper describes flexural behavior of two spans continuous rectangular concrete beams reinforced with mild steel and partially prestressing strands, to evaluate using different prestressing level and prestressing area in continuous prestressed beams at serviceability and ultimate stages. Six continuous concrete beams with 4550 mm length reinforced with mild steel reinforcement and partially prestressed with two prestressing levels of (0.7fpy  or 0.55fpy.) of and different amount of 12.7 mm diameter seven wire steel strand were used. Test results showed that the partially prestressed reinforced beams with higher prestressing level exhibited the narrowest crack width, smallest deflection and strain in both steel and concrete at ul

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 27 2023
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Numerical Modeling and Analysis of Strengthened Steel–Concrete Composite Beams in Sagging and Hogging Moment Regions
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Strengthening of composite beams is highly needed to upgrade the capacities of existing beams. The strengthening methods can be classified as active or passive techniques. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to provide detailed FE simulations for strengthened and unstrengthened steel–concrete composite beams at the sagging and hogging moment regions with and without profiled steel sheeting. The developed models were verified against experimental results from the literature. The verified models were used to present comparisons between the effect of using external post-tensioning and CFRP laminates as strengthening techniques. Applying external post-tensioning at the sagging moment regions is more effective because of the e

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2020
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Experimental and Numerical Comparison of Prestressed Perforated Concrete Rafters of Different Configurations
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Abstract<p>This paper demonstrates an experimental and numerical study aimed to compare the influence of openings of different configurations on the flexural behavior of prestressed concrete rafters. The experimental program consisted of testing six simply supported prestressed concrete rafters; 5 rafters are perforated, and the other one is solid as a reference. All rafters were tested under monotonic midpoint load. The variable which has been investigated in this work was the opening’s configuration (quadrilateral or circular) with the same upper and lower chords depths. The results indicate improvement in the beam flexural behavior using the circular openings compared to the quadrilateral o</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Laser Surface Melting by Using Enthalpy Method
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Abstract<p>In this study, experimental and numerical applied of heat distribution due to pulsed Nd: YAG laser surface melting. Experimental side was consists of laser parameters are, pulse duration1.3<italic>ms</italic>, wavelength 1064nm, laser energies 1.5, 2. 6 and 4.3 J, laser beam diameter is 0.6 mm and spot diameter 0.78 mm was applied a low carbon steel type St37 with a dimension 10, 10, 3 mm, length, width and thickness respectively. Numerical analysis side consist of a mathematical model and calculating a thermal cycle by using equation in the enthalpy method applied to determine the cooling rate in fusion zone. The simulation by using the enthalpy method, applied on conduction heat transfer </p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Mon Dec 18 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Experimental and Numerical Study of Collector Geometry Effect on Solar Chimney Performance
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There have been many advances in the solar chimney power plant  since 1930 and the first pilot work was built in Spain (Manzanares) that produced 50 KW. The solar chimney power plant is considered of a clean power generation that needs to be investigated  to enhance the performance by studying the effect of changing the area of passage of air to enhance the velocity towards the chimney to maximize design velocity. In this experimental and numerical study, the reduction area of solar collector was investigated. The reduction area that mean changing the height of glass cover from the absorbing plate (h1=3.8cm, h2=2.6cm and h3=1.28cm). The numerical study was performed using ANSYS Fluent software package (version 14.0) to solve go

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Advances In Mechanical Engineering
Experimental and Numerical Investigations of Heat Transfer Characteristics for Impinging Swirl Flow
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This paper reports experimental and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modelling studies to investigate the effect of the swirl intensity on the heat transfer characteristics of conventional and swirl impingement air jets at a constant nozzle-to-plate distance ( L = 2 D). The experiments were performed using classical twisted tape inserts in a nozzle jet with three twist ratios ( y = 2.93, 3.91, and 4.89) and Reynolds numbers that varied from 4000 to 16000. The results indicate that the radial uniformity of Nusselt number (Nu) of swirl impingement air jets (SIJ) depended on the values of the swirl intensity and the air Reynolds number. The results also revealed that the SIJ that was fitted with an insert of y = 4.89, which correspo

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 19 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Composites Science
Sawdust-Based Concrete Composite-Filled Steel Tube Beams: An Experimental and Analytical Investigation
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Incorporating waste byproducts into concrete is an innovative and promising way to minimize the environmental impact of waste material while maintaining and/or improving concrete’s mechanical characteristics and strength. The proper application of sawdust as a pozzolan in the building industry remains a significant challenge. Consequently, this study conducted an experimental evaluation of sawdust as a fill material. In particular, sawdust as a fine aggregate in concrete offers a realistic structural and economical possibility for the construction of lightweight structural systems. Failure under four-point loads was investigated for six concrete-filled steel tube (CFST) specimens. The results indicated that recycled lightweight co

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 03 2018
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Degradation of Dazomet by Thermal Fenton and Photo-Fenton Processes under UV and Sun lights at Different Temperatures
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In this research, the degradation of Dazomet has been studied by using thermal Fenton process and photo-Fenton processes under UV and lights sun. The optimum values of amounts of the Fenton reagents have been determined (0.07g FeSO4 .7H2O, 3.5µl H2O2) at 25 °C and at pH 7 where the degradation percentages of Dazomet were recorded high. It has been found that solar photo Fenton process was more effective in degradation of Dazomet than photo-Fenton under UV-light and thermal Fenton processes, the percentage of degradation of Dazomet by photo-Fenton under sun light are 88% and 100% at 249 nm and 281 nm respectively, while the percentages of degradation for photo-Fenton under UV-light are 87%, 96% and for thermal Fenton are 70% and 66.8% at 2

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Publication Date
Thu May 31 2012
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Experimental and Numerical Study of Crack Effect on Frequency of Simple Supported Beam
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In this research the natural frequency of a cracked simple supported beam (the crack is in many places and in different depths) is investigated analytically, experimentally and numerically by ANSYS program, and the results are compared. The beam is made of iron with dimensions of L*W*H= (0.84*0.02* 0.02m), and density = 7680kg/m3, E=200Gpa. A comparison made between analytical results from ANSYS with experimental results, where the biggest error percentage is about (7.2 %) in crack position (42 cm) and (6 mm) depth. Between Rayleigh method with experimental results the biggest error percentage is about (6.4 %) for the same crack position and depth. From the error percentages it could be concluded that the Rayleigh method gives

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 01 2019
Journal Name
International Journal Of Geomate
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