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Reduction of the Dimensionality of the EEG Channels during Scoliosis Correction Surgeries Using a Wavelet Decomposition Technique
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This paper presents a comparison between the electroencephalogram (EEG) channels during scoliosis correction surgeries. Surgeons use many hand tools and electronic devices that directly affect the EEG channels. These noises do not affect the EEG channels uniformly. This research provides a complete system to find the least affected channel by the noise. The presented system consists of five stages: filtering, wavelet decomposing (Level 4), processing the signal bands using four different criteria (mean, energy, entropy and standard deviation), finding the useful channel according to the criteria’s value and, finally, generating a combinational signal from Channels 1 and 2. Experimentally, two channels of EEG data were recorded from six patients who underwent scoliosis correction surgeries in the Pusat Perubatan Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (PPUKM) (the Medical center of National University of Malaysia). The combinational signal was tested by power spectral density, cross-correlation function and wavelet coherence. The experimental results show that the system-outputted EEG signals are neatly switched without any substantial changes in the consistency of EEG components. This paper provides an efficient procedure for analyzing EEG signals in order to avoid averaging the channels that lead to redistribution of the noise on both channels, reducing the dimensionality of the EEG features and preparing the best EEG stream for the classification and monitoring stage.

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 20 2022
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A new Technique For Solving Fractional Nonlinear Equations By Sumudu Transform and Adomian Decomposition Method
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A novel technique Sumudu transform Adomian decomposition method (STADM), is employed to handle some kinds of nonlinear time-fractional equations. We demonstrate that this method finds the solution without discretization or restrictive assumptions. This method is efficient, simple to implement, and produces good results. The fractional derivative is described in the Caputo sense. The solutions are obtained using STADM, and the results show that the suggested technique is valid and applicable and provides a more refined convergent series solution. The MATLAB software carried out all the computations and graphics. Moreover, a graphical representation was made for the solution of some examples. For integer and fractional order problems, solu

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Publication Date
Mon May 22 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Image Improvement Using The Combination of Wavelet and Multiwavelet Transform
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      This paper introduces method of image enhancement using the combination of both wavelet and Multiwavelet transformation. New technique is proposed for image enhancement using one smoothing filter.

    A critically- Sampled Scheme of preprocessing method is used for computing the Multiwavelet.It is the 2nd norm approximation used to speed the procedures needed for such computation.

  An improvement was achieved with the proposed method in comparison with the conventional method. 

The performance of this technique has been done by computer using Visual Baisec.6 package.

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Robust Estimation OF The Partial Regression Model Using Wavelet Thresholding
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            Semi-parametric regression models have been studied in a variety of applications and scientific fields due to their high flexibility in dealing with data that has problems, as they are characterized by the ease of interpretation of the parameter part while retaining the flexibility of the non-parametric part. The response variable or explanatory variables can have outliers, and the OLS approach have the sensitivity to outliers. To address this issue, robust (resistance) methods were used, which are less sensitive in the presence of outlier values in the data. This study aims to estimate the partial regression model using the robust estimation method with the wavel

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2016
Journal Name
2016 38th Annual International Conference Of The Ieee Engineering In Medicine And Biology Society (embc)
Changes in the EEG amplitude as a biomarker for early detection of Alzheimer's disease
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The rapid increase in the number of older people with Alzheimer's disease (AD) and other forms of dementia represents one of the major challenges to the health and social care systems. Early detection of AD makes it possible for patients to access appropriate services and to benefit from new treatments and therapies, as and when they become available. The onset of AD starts many years before the clinical symptoms become clear. A biomarker that can measure the brain changes in this period would be useful for early diagnosis of AD. Potentially, the electroencephalogram (EEG) can play a valuable role in early detection of AD. Damage in the brain due to AD leads to changes in the information processing activity of the brain and the EEG which ca

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 29 2016
Journal Name
Al- Mustansiriyah J. Sci.
The Approximate Solution of Newell Whitehead Segel and Fisher Equations Using The Adomian Decomposition Method
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In the present work, we use the Adomian Decomposition method to find the approximate solution for some cases of the Newell whitehead segel nonlinear differential equation which was solved previously with exact solution by the Homotopy perturbation and the Iteration methods, then we compared the results.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
BCI-Based Smart Room Control using EEG Signals
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In this paper, we implement and examine a Simulink model with electroencephalography (EEG) to control many actuators based on brain waves. This will be in great demand since it will be useful for certain individuals who are unable to access some control units that need direct contact with humans. In the beginning, ten volunteers of a wide range of (20-66) participated in this study, and the statistical measurements were first calculated for all eight channels. Then the number of channels was reduced by half according to the activation of brain regions within the utilized protocol and the processing time also decreased. Consequently, four of the participants (three males and one female) were chosen to examine the Simulink model during di

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
BCI-Based Smart Room Control using EEG Signals
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In this paper, we implement and examine a Simulink model with electroencephalography (EEG) to control many actuators based on brain waves. This will be in great demand since it will be useful for certain individuals who are unable to access some control units that need direct contact with humans. In the beginning, ten volunteers of a wide range of (20-66) participated in this study, and the statistical measurements were first calculated for all eight channels. Then the number of channels was reduced by half according to the activation of brain regions within the utilized protocol and the processing time also decreased. Consequently, four of the participants (three males and one female) were chosen to examine the Simulink model duri

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 01 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal For Electrical And Electronic Engineering
A Systematic Review of Brain-Computer Interface Based EEG
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The futuristic age requires progress in handwork or even sub-machine dependency and Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) provides the necessary BCI procession. As the article suggests, it is a pathway between the signals created by a human brain thinking and the computer, which can translate the signal transmitted into action. BCI-processed brain activity is typically measured using EEG. Throughout this article, further intend to provide an available and up-to-date review of EEG-based BCI, concentrating on its technical aspects. In specific, we present several essential neuroscience backgrounds that describe well how to build an EEG-based BCI, including evaluating which signal processing, software, and hardware techniques to use. Individu

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 17 2019
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
The correction of the line profiles for x-ray diffraction peaks by using three analysis methods
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In this study used three methods such as Williamson-hall, size-strain Plot, and Halder-Wagner to analysis x-ray diffraction lines to determine the crystallite size and the lattice strain of the nickel oxide nanoparticles and then compare the results of these methods with two other methods. The results were calculated for each of these methods to the crystallite size are (0.42554) nm, (1.04462) nm, and (3.60880) nm, and lattice strain are (0.56603), (1.11978), and (0.64606) respectively were compared with the result of Scherrer method (0.29598) nm,(0.34245),and the Modified Scherrer (0.97497). The difference in calculated results Observed for each of these methods in this study.

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Investigations on the Impact of Using Elliptic Groynes on the Flow in Open Channels
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This paper presents a numerical simulation of the flow around elliptic groynes by using CFD ‎software. The flow was simulated in a flume with 4m long, 0.4m wide, ‎and 0.175m ‎high ‎‎with a constant bed slope. Moreover, the first Groyne placed at 1m from the flow ‎‎inlet with a ‎constant the Groyne height of 10cm and a 1cm thickness, and the ‎width of Groynes equals ‎7cm‎. A submergence ratio of the elliptic Groynes of 75% was assumed, corresponding to a discharge of ‎0.0057‎m3/sec. The CFD ‎model showed a good ability to simulate the flow ‎around ‎Groynes with ‎ good accuracy. The results of ‎CFD software showed that when using double elliptic Groy

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