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The correction of the line profiles for x-ray diffraction peaks by using three analysis methods
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In this study used three methods such as Williamson-hall, size-strain Plot, and Halder-Wagner to analysis x-ray diffraction lines to determine the crystallite size and the lattice strain of the nickel oxide nanoparticles and then compare the results of these methods with two other methods. The results were calculated for each of these methods to the crystallite size are (0.42554) nm, (1.04462) nm, and (3.60880) nm, and lattice strain are (0.56603), (1.11978), and (0.64606) respectively were compared with the result of Scherrer method (0.29598) nm,(0.34245),and the Modified Scherrer (0.97497). The difference in calculated results Observed for each of these methods in this study.

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 08 2023
Journal Name
Technologies And Materials For Renewable Energy, Environment, And Sustainability: Tmrees23fr
Analysis of x-ray diffraction lines of cuprous oxide nanoparticles by using variance analysis method
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In this study, the results of x-ray diffraction methods were used to determine the Crystallite size and Lattice strain of Cu2O nanoparticles then to compare the results obtained by using variance analysis method, Scherrer method and Williamson-Hall method. The results of these methods of the same powder which is cuprous oxide, using equations during the determination the crystallite size and lattice strain, It was found that the results obtained the values of the crystallite size (28.302nm) and the lattice strain (0.03541) of the variance analysis method respectively and for the Williamson-Hall method were the results of the crystallite size (21.678nm) and lattice strain (0.00317) respectively, and Scherrer method which gives the value of c

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Scopus (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Jan 11 2022
Journal Name
3rd International Scientific Conference Of Alkafeel University (iscku 2021)
Elimination of the broadening in X-ray diffraction lines profile for nanoparticles by using the analysis of diffraction lines method
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In this research, the results of the Integral breadth method were used to analyze the X-ray lines to determine the crystallite size and lattice strain of the zirconium oxide nanoparticles and the value of the crystal size was equal to (8.2nm) and the lattice strain (0.001955), and then the results were compared with three other methods, which are the Scherer and Scherer dynamical diffraction theory and two formulas of the Scherer and Wilson method.the results were as followsScherer crystallite size(7.4nm)and lattice strain(0.011968),Schererdynamic method crystallite size(7.5 nm),Scherrer and Wilson methodcrystallite size( 8.5nm) and lattice strain( 0.001919).And using another formula for Schearer and Wilson methodwe obtain the size of the c

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Scopus (3)
Crossref (2)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Studying the Connection Between Partical Size and Lattice Distortions Through X - Ray Diffraction Line Profile Analysis for CaO Powder
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The integral  breadth  method  has been utilized to analyse line

proIiles broadening and lattice strain of CaO at different temperatures

The effect of tcmperattre on crystallite size and strain has also been investigated  . The crystall i tes are found to be highly anisotropic even at high temperatures

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
3rd International Scientific Conference Of Alkafeel University (iscku 2021)
Analysis of X-ray diffraction lines profile of Tio2 nanoparticles to determine the energy per unit volume and stress by using Halder-Wagner method
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In this study, the Halder-Wagner method was used for an analysisX-ray lines of Tio2 nanoparticles. Where the software was used to calculate the FWHM and integral breath (β) to calculate the area under the curve for each of the lines of diffraction. After that, the general equation of the halder- Wagner method is applied to calculate the volume (D), strain (ε), stress (σ), and energy per unit(u). Volume (β). Where the value of the crystal volume was equal to (0.16149870 nm) and the strain was equal to (1.044126), stress (181.678 N / m2), and energy per unit volume (94.8474 J m-3).The results obtained from these methods were then compared with those obtained from each of the new paradigm of the HalderWagner method, the Shearer developm

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Jul 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Study the Effect of Manganese Ion Doping on the Size- Strain of SnO2 nanoparticles Using X-Ray Diffraction Data
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In this study, SnO2 nanoparticles were prepared from cost-low tin chloride (SnCl2.2H2O) and ethanol by adding ammonia solution by the sol-gel method, which is one of the lowest-cost and simplest techniques. The SnO2 nanoparticles were dried in a drying oven at a temperature of 70°C for 7 hours. After that, it burned in an oven at a temperature of 200°C for 24 hours. The structure, material, morphological, and optical properties of the synthesized SnO2 in nanoparticle sizes are studied utilizing X-ray diffraction. The Scherrer expression was used to compute nanoparticle sizes according to X-ray diffraction, and the results needed to be scrutinized more closely. The micro-strain indi

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 25 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering Science And Technology
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Scopus (30)
Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Effect of indium content on X- ray diffraction and optical constants of InxSe1-x thin films
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Alloys of InxSe1-x were prepared by quenching technique with
different In content (x=10, 20, 30, and 40). Thin films of these alloys
were prepared using thermal evaporation technique under vacuum of
10-5 mbar on glass, at room temperature R.T with different
thicknesses (t=300, 500 and 700 nm). The X–ray diffraction
measurement for bulk InxSe1-x showed that all alloys have
polycrystalline structures and the peaks for x=10 identical with Se,
while for x=20, 30 and 40 were identical with the Se and InSe
standard peaks. The diffraction patterns of InxSe1-x thin film show
that with low In content (x=10, and 20) samples have semi
crystalline structure, The increase of indium content to x=30
decreases degree o

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Tue Jan 08 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
X- ray diffraction and dielectric properties of PbSe thin films
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Lead selenide PbSe thin films of different thicknesses (300, 500, and 700 nm) were deposited under vacuum using thermal evaporation method on glass substrates. X-ray diffraction measurements showed that increasing of thickness lead to well crystallize the prepared samples, such that the crystallite size increases while the dislocation density decreases with thickness increasing. A.C conductivity, dielectric constants, and loss tangent are studied as function to thickness, frequency (10kHz-10MHz) and temperatures (293K-493K). The conductivity measurements confirm confirmed that hopping is the mechanism responsible for the conduction process. Increasing of thickness decreases the thermal activation energy estimated from Arhinus equation is

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Fri Apr 21 2023
Journal Name
Technologies And Materials For Renewable Energy, Environment And Sustainability: Tmrees22fr
Study of the x-ray diffraction lines of calcium titanate nanoparticle using SSP method and Scherrer method
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In this study, the modified size-strain plot (SSP) method was used to analyze the x-ray diffraction lines pattern of diffraction lines (1 0 1), (1 2 1), (2 0 2), (0 4 2), (2 4 2) for the calcium titanate(CaTiO3) nanoparticles, and to calculate lattice strain, crystallite size, stress, and energy density, using three models: uniform (USDM). With a lattice strain of (2.147201889), a stress of (0.267452615X10), and an energy density of (2.900651X10-3 KJ/m3), the crystallite was 32.29477611 nm in size, and to calculate lattice strain of Scherrer (4.1644598X10−3), and (1.509066023X10−6 KJ/m3), a stress of(6.403949183X10−4MPa) and (26.019894 nm).

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Scopus (1)
Crossref (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Jul 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Study the Effect of Manganese Ion Doping on the Size- Strain of SnO2 nanoparticles Using X-Ray Diffraction Data
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In this study, SnO2 nanoparticles were prepared from cost-low tin chloride (SnCl2.2H2O) and ethanol by adding ammonia solution by the sol-gel method, which is one of the lowest-cost and simplest techniques. The SnO2 nanoparticles were dried in a drying oven at a temperature of 70°C for 7 hours. After that, it burned in an oven at a temperature of 200°C for 24 hours. The structure, material, morphological, and optical properties of the synthesized SnO2 in nanoparticle sizes are studied utilizing X-ray diffraction. The Scherrer expression was used to compute nanoparticle sizes according to X-ray diffraction, and the results needed to be scrutinized more closely. The micro-strain indicates the broadening of diffraction peaks for nano

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