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The Water Footprint and Virtual Water and Their Effect on Food Security in Iraq
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Abstract<p>The study aimed to explaining the concepts of water footprint and virtual water and how these two concepts could use to achieve water savings at the local level to meet the water supply deficit in Iraq, which is expected to increase in the coming years and influence of that on food security in Iraq by using these concepts when drawing production, irrigated and import plans in Iraq. The study aimed to studying the water footprint and virtual water and their impact on the foreign trade for wheat and rice crops during the period 2000-2022 and estimating the most important indicators of virtual water and the water footprint of the study crops due to the importance of these criteria in determining the amount of increase or decrease in the area of the studied crops, according to the foreign trade policy. This study was concluded that the average total water footprint of the wheat and rice crops during the study period is (20.27,13.89) billion m3 respectively, and the average percentage of dependence on external water resources for both crops are (20.49%,67.98%) respectively, and the average percentage of self-sufficiency in water resources are (79.51%,32.01%) respectively, and the average unit productivity of irrigation water for both crops is (0.19,0.10) kg/m3 respectively during 2000-2022.The average for the water needs of wheat and rice crops during the study period were (6.04,10.19) m3/kg respectively, the average amounts of water used in local production for both crops are (14.23,4.01) billion m3 respectively, the average amounts of virtual water imported for both crops are (6.19,10.03) billion m3 respectively, and the average value of the imported virtual water for both crops is (382,529) thousand dollars during the period 2000-2022. The study recommended to taking in account these concepts in plans of production and distributing irrigation water.</p>
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Publication Date
Sat Aug 25 2018
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Minimizing the Principle Stresses of Powerhoused Rock-Fill Dams Using Control Turbine Running Units: Application of Finite Element Method
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This study focuses on improving the safety of embankment dams by considering the effects of vibration due to powerhouse operation on the dam body. The study contains two main parts. In the first part, ANSYS-CFX is used to create the three-dimensional (3D) Finite Volume (FV) model of one vertical Francis turbine unit. The 3D model is run by considering various reservoir conditions and the dimensions of units. The Re-Normalization Group (RNG) k-ε turbulence model is employed, and the physical properties of water and the flow characteristics are defined in the turbine model. In the second phases, a 3D finite element (FE) numerical model for a rock-fill dam is created by using ANSYS®, considering the dam connection with its powerhouse

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Risk Analysis of Projects Accordance with the Professional Project Management System: A case- Study Mansur Construction Contracting Company here
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The research aims to identify the risks faced by projects and work on the administration, such as those risks by using professional Project Management System (Project Management Professional) by identifying those risks and their impact on the objectives of the project, if they occur and to provide appropriate responses to Ha.autam search application on the draft Law Faculty port by the General Mansour Construction Contracting company has been using a method personal interview with the heads of departments and project managers in the Al-Mansour and tools descriptive and quantitative analysis as was used (likelihood and impact of risk analysis, Ai_kaoa scheme Sbb- effect, analysis of probability and impact, risk matrix (probability

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 29 2015
Journal Name
Separation Science And Technology
An acidic injection well technique for enhancement of the removal of copper from contaminated soil by electrokinetic remediation process
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Publication Date
Thu Jun 15 2023
Journal Name
Alustath Journal For Human And Social Sciences
The Effectiveness of a Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment Program to Reduce Nervous Fatigue for Mothers of Children with Cerebral Palsy
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Cognitive-behavioral therapy is one of the most important relatively recent; treatment programs that attempt to modify behavior and control psychological disorders by modifying the individual's thinking style and awareness of himself and his environment, and cognitive reconstruction by replacing negative thoughts with positive ones. The current study aimed to know the effectiveness of a cognitive behavioral treatment program in reducing nervous fatigue among mothers of children with cerebral palsy. The sample on which the nervous fatigue scale was applied consisted of (30) mothers whose son suffers from cerebral palsy, and the results indicated that (24) mothers suffer from nervous fatigue. This sample was divided

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Meanings of Colours as a Medium Reflecting the World Linguistic Image: Значение цветов как способ отражения языковой картины мира
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 The paper sheds light on the meanings of colours as a significant  medium reflecting the world linguistic image which represents the culture of any country since language is closely related with culture. Language goes hand in hand with people's daily expressions, specifically those cultural ones. Language is a way to store historical and cultural information, and is a means of transferring the experience of a group to outside groups. 

The world linguistic image identifies the standards of human behavior in dependence upon the human view of the surrounding world, along with the type of behavior with which the world interacts and to whose challenges and effects it responds. So, multi-cultural people perceive the sam

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Molecular detection by some virulence genes of Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica isolated from the stool of children with diarrhea
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Diarrhea is a real disease in childhood which could cause death. Therefore, this study was conducted to isolate Salmonella from 350 stool samples taken from children under five years in age, suffering from diarrhea during the period from March 2019 to March 2020 in Tikrit city / Iraq. The results showed the possibility to isolate ten isolates of Salmonella enterica subsp. Enterica, an infection rate, represents 2.875% of the total rate of patients who suffer from diarrhea. The virulence genes were investigated for ten isolates of S. enterica subsp. enterica, the result is that all isolates possessed the genes stn, invA, lpfA with an appearance percentage of 100%, whi

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 27 2022
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Improving the Melting Duration of a PV/PCM System Integrated with Different Metal Foam Configurations for Thermal Energy Management
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The melting duration in the photovoltaic/phase-change material (PV/PCM) system is a crucial parameter for thermal energy management such that its improvement can realize better energy management in respect to thermal storage capabilities, thermal conditions, and the lifespan of PV modules. An innovative and efficient technique for improving the melting duration is the inclusion of an exterior metal foam layer in the PV/PCM system. For detailed investigations of utilizing different metal foam configurations in terms of their convective heat transfer coefficients, the present paper proposes a newly developed mathematical model for the PV/PCM–metal foam assembly that can readily be implemented with a wide range of operating condition

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Using Project Management Maturity Model to Evaluate Construction Sector -Organizations. Case Study at the Department of buildings - Karkh first
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The education sector suffers from many problems, including the scarcity of schools that can absorb the increasing number of students in light of the increasing population growth rate, as some regions suffer from a lack of opening of new schools or the expansion of existing schools to increase their capacity so that attention is required. The research sought to identify the level of maturity of project management at the research site (Building Department in Al-Karkh I/ Ministry of Education) Being responsible for educational projects and their implementation and to know that, the ten areas of the knowledge guide to project management PMBOK have been adopted according to the PM3 model (one of the models of maturity

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 30 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Deep Learning-based Predictive Model of mRNA Vaccine Deterioration: An Analysis of the Stanford COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Dataset
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The emergence of SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic, has resulted in a global health crisis leading to widespread illness, death, and daily life disruptions. Having a vaccine for COVID-19 is crucial to controlling the spread of the virus which will help to end the pandemic and restore normalcy to society. Messenger RNA (mRNA) molecules vaccine has led the way as the swift vaccine candidate for COVID-19, but it faces key probable restrictions including spontaneous deterioration. To address mRNA degradation issues, Stanford University academics and the Eterna community sponsored a Kaggle competition.This study aims to build a deep learning (DL) model which will predict deterioration rates at each base of the mRNA

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A study of adsorption isotherms for the removal of herbicide Atlantis WG from aqueous solutions by using Bentonite clay
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The subject of this research involves studying adsorption to removal herbicide Atlantis WG from aqueous solutions by bentonite clay. The equilibrium concentration have been determined spectra photometry by using UV-Vis spectrophotometer. The experimental equilibrium sorption data were analyzed by two widely, Langmuir and Freundlish isotherm models. The Langmuir model gave a better fit than Freundlich model The adsorption amount of (Atlantis WG) increased when the temperature and pH decreased. The thermodynamic parameters like ?G, ?H, and ?S have been calculated from the effect of temperature on adsorption process, is exothermic. The kinetic of adsorption process was studied depending on Lagergren ,Morris ? Weber and Rauschenberg equati

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