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Spectral Behaviour of the low concentrations of Coumarin 334 with Broadband Cavity Enhanced Absorption Spectroscopy
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The current research is a spectroscopic study of Coumarin 334 dissolved in methanol. The range of concentrations of the prepared stock solution was (3.39x10-9 to 2.03x10-8) M. Some optical characteristics of this dye were investigated such as absorbance and transmission spectra, absorption coefficient, refractive and extinction coefficients, oscillation and dispersion energies, and energy band gap. The absorbance spectra were recorded at 452 nm using Broad Band Cavity Enhanced Absorption Spectroscopy (BBCEAS) which depends on increasing the path length of the traveling light from the source to the detector. The minimum absorbance amount was 0.07 with a low concentration of 3.39x10-9 M. As a result, the other optical properties were calculated on the basis of the lowest values of absorbance. The energy band gap, which is important to detect the electronic band structure of the material,  was determined; it was found to be equal to ~2.55 eV. The low values of the concentration made less collision between the molecules in the materials and the incident light. This led to a reduction in the background noise and in the percentages of losses. Furthermore, the dispersion and single oscillator energies, which help to calculate the average strength of the inter-band optical transitions and to prepare the quantifiable information about the band structure of the material, were calculated to reduce with the increasing concentrations. The refractive and extinction coefficients were determined because they are considered important factors for the optical materials and found to increase with the increasing concentrations. As a result, the study of the optical behavior of Coumarin 334 highlighted the promising materials for photonics applications at very low concentrations. All these properties are considered the main factors to determine the usefulness of the materials in advanced applications and to develop the performance of the devices which depend on the optical characteristics.

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 09 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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This study was carried out to measure the percentage of heavy metals pollution in the water of the Diyala river and to measure the percentage of contamination of these elements in the leafy vegetables grown on both sides of the Diyala river, which are irrigated by the contaminated river water (celery, radish, lepidium, green onions, beta vulgaris subsp, and malva). Laboratory analysis was achieved to measure the ratio of heavy element contamination (Pb, Fe, Ni, Cd, Zn and Cr) using flame atomic absorption spectrophotometer during the summer months of July and August for the year 2017. The study showed that the elements of zinc, chromium, nickel and cadmium were high concentrations and exceeded. The maximum concentration of these

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Design and construction of anair pollution detection system using a laser beam and absorption spectroscopy
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Air pollution is one of the important problems facing Iraq. Air pollution is the result of uncontrolled emissions from factories, car exhaust electric generators, and oil refineries and often reaches unacceptable limits by international standards. These pollutants can greatly affect human health and regular population activities. For this reason, there is an urgent need for effective devices to monitor the molecular concentration of air pollutants in cities and urban areas. In this research, an optical system has been built consisting of aHelium-Neonlaser,5mWand at 632.8 nm, a glass cell with a defined size, and a power meter(Gentec-E-model: uno) where a scattering of the laser beam occurs due to air pollution. Two pollutants were examin

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics, 2016
Energy transfer process between two laser compounds coumarin 334 & rhodamine 590
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Abstract: In the current research the absorption and fluorescence spectrum of Coumarin (334) and Rhodamine (590) in ethanol solvent at different concentration (10-3, 10-4, 10-5) M had been studied. The absorption intensity of these dyes increases as the Concentration increase in addition to that the spectrum was shifted towards the longer wavelength (red shift). The energy transfer process has been investigated after achievement this condition. The fluorescence peak intensity of donor molecule was decrease and its bandwidth will increases on the contrary of the acceptor molecule its intensity increase gradually and its bandwidth decreases as the acceptor concentration increase.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 13 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Energy transfer process between two laser compounds coumarin 334 & rhodamine 590
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In the current research the absorption and fluorescence spectrum
of Coumarin (334) and Rhodamine (590) in ethanol solvent at
different concentration (10-3, 10-4, 10-5) M had been studied. The
absorption intensity of these dyes increases as the Concentration
increase in addition to that the spectrum was shifted towards the
longer wavelength (red shift). The energy transfer process has been
investigated after achievement this condition. The fluorescence peak
intensity of donor molecule was decrease and its bandwidth will
increases on the contrary of the acceptor molecule its intensity
increase gradually and its bandwidth decreases as the acceptor
concentration increase.

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 12 2006
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Line Narrowing in the Sulforhodamine B Dye Solution with TiO2 Scattering Center
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A random laser is a non-conventional laser whose feedback mechanism is based on dissorder-induced light. However, random lasers occur in gain media with numerous scatterers and produce coherent laser emission without any predesigned cavity. The generation of coherent emission from multiple scattering is quite general and its basic principles are shown here using sulforhodamine B-TiO suspensions system. These suspensions were pumped with 337.1 nm pulses from N2 laser and the spectral and temporal behavior of light emitted from the pumped surface was recorded. When we pump power above a certain threshold a dramatic narrowing of the emission line width and a shortening of the emitted pulses were observed. We have experimentally found that i

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 17 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Studying the Flux Density of Bright Active Galaxies at Different Spectral Bands
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Statistical studies are reported in this article for an active galactic nuclei sample of different type of active galaxies Seyferts 1, Seyferts 2, and Quasars. These sources have been selected from a Catalogue for bright X-ray galaxies. The name of this index is ROSAT Bright Source Catalogue (RBSC) and the NRAO VLA Sky Survey (NVSS). In this research, multi-wavelength observational bands Radio at 1.4 GHz, Optical at 4400 A0, and X-ray at energy 0.1-2.4 KeV have been adopted in this study. The behavior of flux density ratios has been studied ,  with respect to the absolute magnitude . Furthermore, the Seyfert1 and Seyfert 2 objects are combined in one group and the QSOs are collectest in another group. Also, it has been fo

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Reducing the Mutual Coupling of Cylindrical Circular Microstrip Antennas (CCMAs) Array Using EBG Structure
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A theoretical study to design a conformal microstrip antennas was introduced in this work. Conformal microstrip antennas define antennas which can be conformed to a certain shape or to any curved surface. It is used in high-speed trains, aircraft, defense and navigation systems, landing gear and various communications systems, as well as in body wearable. Conformal antennas have some advantages such as a wider-angle coverage compared to flat antennas and low radar cross-sectional (RCS) and they are suitable for using in Radome. The main disadvantage of these antennas is the narrow bandwidth. The FDTD method is extremely useful in simulating complicated structures because it allows for direct integration of Maxwell's equations depending o

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Mar 17 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Plasma Spectroscopy Diagnostics of V2O5 at a Variable of Operating Power and Pressure With Radio Frequency Magnetron Sputtering.
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   In this paper, we investigate the basic characteristics of "magnetron sputtering plasma" using the target V2O5. The "magnetron sputtering plasma" is produced using "radio frequency (RF)" power supply and Argon gas. The intensity of the light emission from atoms and radicals in the plasma measured by using "optical emission spectrophotometer", and the appeared peaks in all patterns match the standard lines from NIST database and employed are to estimate the plasma parameters, of computes electron temperature and the electrons density. The characteristics of V2O5 sputtering plasma at multiple discharge provisos are studied at the "radio frequency" (RF) power ranging from 75 - 150 Wat

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 01 2008
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Impact Energy of 100Cr6 under low different velocities
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This study has been undertaken to postulate the mechanism of impact test at low velocities. Thin-walled tubes of 100Cr6 were deformed under axial compression. In the present work there are seven velocities (4.429,4.652,5.240,5.600,5.942,6.264, 6.569) m\sec were applied to show how they effect the load, change in length, also the kinetic energy. However, the comparison between the obtained results and the other studies (Alexandar[3] , Abramowicz[4], Ayad[5]) was made the present work and Ayad data show good agreement. Load, change in length, kinetic energy were determined to understand the impact test.

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Applied Acoustics
Theoretical model of absorption coefficient of an inhomogeneous MPP absorber with multi-cavity depths
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