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The Water Footprint and Virtual Water and Their Effect on Food Security in Iraq
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Abstract<p>The study aimed to explaining the concepts of water footprint and virtual water and how these two concepts could use to achieve water savings at the local level to meet the water supply deficit in Iraq, which is expected to increase in the coming years and influence of that on food security in Iraq by using these concepts when drawing production, irrigated and import plans in Iraq. The study aimed to studying the water footprint and virtual water and their impact on the foreign trade for wheat and rice crops during the period 2000-2022 and estimating the most important indicators of virtual water and the water footprint of the study crops due to the importance of these criteria in determining the amount of increase or decrease in the area of the studied crops, according to the foreign trade policy. This study was concluded that the average total water footprint of the wheat and rice crops during the study period is (20.27,13.89) billion m3 respectively, and the average percentage of dependence on external water resources for both crops are (20.49%,67.98%) respectively, and the average percentage of self-sufficiency in water resources are (79.51%,32.01%) respectively, and the average unit productivity of irrigation water for both crops is (0.19,0.10) kg/m3 respectively during 2000-2022.The average for the water needs of wheat and rice crops during the study period were (6.04,10.19) m3/kg respectively, the average amounts of water used in local production for both crops are (14.23,4.01) billion m3 respectively, the average amounts of virtual water imported for both crops are (6.19,10.03) billion m3 respectively, and the average value of the imported virtual water for both crops is (382,529) thousand dollars during the period 2000-2022. The study recommended to taking in account these concepts in plans of production and distributing irrigation water.</p>
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Publication Date
Mon Apr 30 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Theoretical And Applied Information Technology
An efficient artificial fish swarm algorithm with harmony search for scheduling in flexible job-shop problem
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Flexible job-shop scheduling problem (FJSP) is one of the instances in flexible manufacturing systems. It is considered as a very complex to control. Hence generating a control system for this problem domain is difficult. FJSP inherits the job-shop scheduling problem characteristics. It has an additional decision level to the sequencing one which allows the operations to be processed on any machine among a set of available machines at a facility. In this article, we present Artificial Fish Swarm Algorithm with Harmony Search for solving the flexible job shop scheduling problem. It is based on the new harmony improvised from results obtained by artificial fish swarm algorithm. This improvised solution is sent to comparison to an overall best

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 15 2021
Journal Name
Semiotics of Visual Composition in Iraqi Contemporary Theatrical Show: اسيل ليث احمد-عبد الرحمن داخل احمد
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The theatrical field has witnessed a huge development that included the semantic and formal sides, considering that the theatrical experience has gone through a long period of description and the dominance of literature and linguistics, thus the theatrical experience has been open to many workings and uses of high quality in forming and composing the visual system. The semiotics had a role in presenting transformed sign forms and features generated in the theatrical space. Thus (costumes, décor, makeup, lighting, and actor) are considered elements with sign forms and attributes that together constitute integrated semiotic unit that include all the layouts in the scenographic space. The two researchers determined on semiotics due to its

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 06 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Disorder Activity of Some Enzymes Plays an Important Role in Pathological Mechanism of Rheumatoid Arthritis Disease
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The aim of this research to show the role of some enzymes in pathological mechanism of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) disease. Sixty patients with RA and matched number of apparently healthy volunteers were included in the study. Spectrophotometric methods were used to determine Peroxy nitrite (ONOO), Nitric oxide (NO), Nitric oxide synthase activity (NOS) cycloxygenase-2 activity (COX-2), glutathione peroxidase (GPX) activity and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in serum of both groups. Colorimetric assay kits were used to determine Iron. Rheumatoid factor (RF) was determined using Imuno-Latex kit. ONOO, NO levels, and NOS activity were significantly higher in the patients compared to the control group. Conversely, Iron level, SOD

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 11 2024
Journal Name
Maaen Journal For Medical Sciences
Pharmacological Supplements Efficacy in Management of chronic pain associated with Sickle Cell Disease: A narrative review
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Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a hereditary ailment that can cause severe pain and suffering to people who are affected. However, with continued investment in research and treatment options, we can make progress towards improving the lives of those with SCD. Over 40% of patients experience painful vaso-occlusive crises (VOCs), so we must work towards finding solutions and providing support for those living with this condition, These episodes, a hallmark of SCD, significantly contribute to morbidity, mortality, and a diminished quality of life, while also incurring substantial healthcare costs. Chronic pain particularly affects older adolescents and adults with SCD, with over half reporting daily discomfort. Opioid-based analgesics, though sti

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Simulation of Temperature Distribution in TIG Spot Welds of (Al-Mg) Alloy Using Finite Element Method
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      This research concern to analyse and simulate the temperature distribution in the spot welding joints using tungsten arc welding shielded with inert gas (TIG Spot) for the aluminum-magnesium alloy type  (5052-O).

      The effect of and the quantity of the heat input that enter the weld zone has been investigated welding current, welding time and arc length on temperature distribution. The finite element method (by utilizing programme ANSYS 5.4) is presented  the temperature distribution in a circular weld pool and the weld pool penetration (depth of welding) through the top sheet ,across the interface into the lower sheet forming a weld spot.   &nbs

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 09 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Assessment of Nurses’ Knowledge Regarding Oxytocin Administration during Labor at Maternity Hospitals in Al-Kut City
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Objectives of the study: To assess nurses knowledge regarding oxytocin administration during labor and
delivery in maternity hospitals, and to find out the relationship between nurses knowledge and studied
variables (age, level of education, work times (shift) experience year, training course in nursing field).
Methodology: Descriptive analytic study was conducted on non-probability sample (convenient) of (70) nurses
to assess nurse’s knowledge related to oxytocin administration. The study is conducted at Al- kut Hospital for
Gynecology Obstetrics and Pediatrics and Al- Zahraa Teaching Hospital during periods 5th February to 24th
April 2013, A questionnaire was used as a tool of data collection to fulfill with objecti

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 26 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Contemporary Medical Sciences
Molecular detection of mononucleotide biomarkers of microsatellite instability in sporadic colorectal carcinoma patients with clinicopathological correlation
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Objectives: To identify the frequency and types of microsatellite instability among a group of sporadic CRC patients and to correlate the findings with clinicopathological characteristics. Methods: During an 8-month period, all patients with sporadic CRC who attended to two teaching hospitals in Baghdad, Iraq were recruited to this cross-sectional study regardless of age, sex, ethnicity, or tumor characteristics. Demographic, clinical, and histopathological features were recorded. DNA was extracted from FFPE-blocks of the resected tumors and normal tissues. PCR amplification of five microsatellite mononucleotide repeat loci (BAT25, BAT26, NR-21, NR-24, and MONO-27) and 2 pentanucleotide repeat control markers (Penta C and Pent

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 15 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Science& Research Archive
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in a group of Iraqi obese children attending children welfare teaching hospital
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Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in a group of Iraqi obese children attending children welfare teaching hospital

Publication Date
Wed Oct 07 2020
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Forensic Medicine &amp; Toxicology
CA 27-29: A Valuable Marker for Breast Cancer Management in Correlation with CA 15-3
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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2013
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Occurrence of Amoebic Versus Bacillary Dysentery among Children Under Five Years of Age in Baghdad City
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Background: During Annual statistical report published by the Iraqi ministry of health the year 2004 showed that mortality rate was 0.15 per 1000 of diarrheal episodes among children under five years.Objectives: To study the occurrence of Shigellosis and Entamoeba histolytica in a sample of children from certain hospitals in Baghdad and determine its relation to some demographic factors.Methods: This cross sectional study was carried out in Baghdad city involving 400 children with bloody diarrhea under five years of age attending four hospitals, 130 cases from Central Pediatric Hospital, 110 cases from Al Mansoor Pediatric Hospital, 90 cases from Al Kadhimya Teaching Hospital and 70 cases from Mohammed Baaqir Al Hakeem Hospital for the p

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