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Investigating the Difference between the Conditionals (In) and (Itha) as Mentioned in the Holy Qur'an with Reference to Translation: Selected Verses
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According to grammarians In ( نإ) and Itha (اذإ) are conditionals and sometimes they may be used interchangeably. However, when they are mentioned in the Holy Qur’an, they have their own specific use. This paper attempts to investigate their meanings in the source language as well as investigate their translations and find out any differences or similarities. The translations that are adopted in this research are as follows: Pickthall, Al-Hilali & Khan, and Shakir.

Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Effectiveness of Indicators of Financial Discipline in Strengthening the Exchange Rate, with a Special Reference to Iraq
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Controlling public expenditures is one of the main objectives of the public budget. The public budget often suffers from a deficit, whether in developed or developing countries, because expenditures are usually greater than the revenues generated. This requires the existence of financial rules that are adhered to by the government, which in turn leads to discipline. Fiscal policy leads to a reduction in the obligations incumbent on the government.  Adhering to the financial rules would correct the course of fiscal policy in Iraq, with the need to direct oil revenues in the years of financial abundance when global oil prices rise to sovereign funds similar to other rentier countries, which contributes to maintaining the stabi

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 29 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Tasks of the Intermediate Schoolmasters in Reference to Time Administration according to Headmaster’s Viewpoint
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The aim of this research is to recognize the tasks undertaken by   the   headmasters   of   intermediate   schools   concerning   time- administration,   in   accordance   to   the   viewpoints   of   the headmasters   of   intermediate   schools   in   the   Administration   of Education   of   Al-Karkh   the   Third.   The   sample   of   this   research consists   of   (60)   headmasters   and &n

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The Holy Qur’an Approach to Evidence (Signs of branding as a template)
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The aim of the current research is to study a topic from the Qur’anic topics, few have researched it and realized its content, so people knew it in one name in the Qur’an in another name, and due to the ancientity of the topic and its contemporaneity, I wanted to write about it. The research has an introduction, three demands, and a conclusion with the most important results of the research:
As for the introduction: It was to indicate the importance of the topic and an optional reason for it.
As for the first requirement: it included the definition of reasoning, its divisions, and its characteristics.
As for the second requirement, it was to indicate the meaning, types, and methods of labeling it.
As for the third require

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 23 2017
Journal Name
Proceedings Of The International Conference On Web Intelligence
Primarily investigating into the relationship between talent management and knowledge management in business environment
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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Acoustic significance of the comma in the Qur'an Al-Jinn
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Interval lies at rest in the speech; so as to improve to speak out, which is how Evaln Koran by other speech, called separators; for the secession of Alkalaman then, as the last verse separation between it and its aftermath in the Al-Jinn had a comma significant impact on the statement of the case of gin, as portrayed interval Gin and like the distraught after hearing of the Koran
This Sura carried various types of repetition represent wordy repeat itself and repeat some of the votes as well as the repeated sound of a thousand who remained in Sura breaks Bhaa also repeat the voice of the shredder breaks
Linguistic sounds of Koranic breaks played a significant role in a statement carried by the linguistic meaning of these interludes

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Investigating Color Idioms and their Translation from English into Arabic
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Colors are universal, and throughout the ages, they have been associated with
various religious, social and spiritual meanings. They symbolize a galaxy of things
to designate certain ideas or symbols that are sometimes contradictory.
The present study is an attempt to investigate colors, their meanings and
symbolism, and the approaches to translating color idioms from English into
Arabic. It fathoms one of the thorny areas for translation theorists let alone
practitioners. Various definitions, classifications of types and symbolism across
cultures are provided. After reviewing idioms and methods of translating them, a
survey of 114 sentences that include color idioms was conducted to see which
method is mostly

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Shortcomings mentioned by the Torah about the prophet Lot in the prophecies and the respond of Quran
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Praise be to Allah , and peace and blessings of God sent mercy to the worlds Muhammad
Amin and his family and his friends and followers to the Day of Judgement .
Savants Jews worked to distort the Torah calamity on the Prophet Moses ( peace be upon
him ) to achieve their goals and objectives , which are decorating sin to their followers , and
spreading corruption on earth, through the charge prophets Bmvassad , morality, as the
example and the example that emulate the human in the book of the Lord of the worlds and
their Prophet Lot, described the weak, and cheese, and lack of modesty, and disobedience ,
drinking alcohol , and his failure to raise his two daughters , Jews are corrupt in the ground .
Koran , which

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Linguistic Analysis of Deduction in The Holy Qur’an: Surat Ghafir as a Model
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This paper aims at discovering the real implication of deduction in the Arabic culture
with concentration on its applications in Arabic grammar, logic, and fundamentals of Islamic
legislations. Some light has been shed on deduction in the Arabic culture but most of recent
works did not analyze deduction according to the pragmatic analysis. This paper will answer
the following questions:
 to what extent deduction in Arabic grammar could comprehend with deduction l logic and
fundamentals of thinking in Islamic thought?
 how can we find the deduction thinking in the Qur’anic surah if Ghafir?
 Can we find parts of deduction in the surah?
The methodology in this paper is descriptive analytical. This metho

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2009
Journal Name
J. Of University Of Anbar For Pure Science
Estimation of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) Variation for Selected Regions in Iraq for two Years 1990 & 2001
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The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) is commonly used as a measure of land surface greenness based on the assumption that NDVI value is positively proportional to the amount of green vegetation in an image pixel area. The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index data set of Landsat based on the remote sensing information is used to estimate the area of plant cover in region west of Baghdad during 1990-2001. The results show that in the period of 1990 and 2001 the plant area in region of Baghdad increased from (44760.25) hectare to (75410.67) hectare. The vegetation area increased during the period 1990-2001, and decreases the exposed area.

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 15 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Investigating the Correlations between Physical Parameters of Elliptical and Lenticular Galaxies
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This study aims to investigate the features of stellar-gaseous kinematics and dynamics mass using scaling coefficient relationships (such as the Faber–Jackson relation (FJR)) of two samples of elliptical and lenticular galaxies. These two samples of 80 ellipticals and 97 lenticulars were selected from previous literature works. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences )SPSS( and Matrix Laboratory (MATLAB) program were used to find out the associations of multiple factors under investigation such as main kinematic properties of the gaseous-stellar (effective radius Re, surface density within the effective radius (Ʃeff) , stellar mass in the blue band (Mstar (B)), gas mass ( Mgas), dynamic (Mdyn) and baryonic (Mbar), supermassiv

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