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Electrical Conductivity as a General Predictor of Multiple Parameters in Tigris River Based on Statistical Regression Model
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Surface water samples from different locations within Tigris River's boundaries in Baghdad city have been analyzed for drinking purposes. Correlation coefficients among different parameters were determined. An attempt has been made to develop linear regression equations to predict the concentration of water quality constituents having significant correlation coefficients with electrical conductivity (EC). This study aims to find five regression models produced and validated using electrical conductivity as a predictor to predict total hardness (TH), calcium (Ca), chloride (Cl), sulfate (SO4), and total dissolved solids (TDS). The five models showed good/excellent prediction ability of the parameters mentioned above, which is a very good startup to establish a rule of thumb in the laboratories to compare between observations. The importance of linear regression equations in predicting surface water quality parameters is a method that can be applied to any other location.  

Publication Date
Wed Feb 29 2012
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
A New Audio Steganography System Based on Auto-Key Generator
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Stenography is the art of hiding the very presence of communication by embedding secret message into innocuous looking cover document, such as digital image, videos, sound files, and other computer files that contain perceptually irrelevant or redundant information as covers or carriers to hide secret messages.

In this paper, a new Least Significant Bit (LSB) nonsequential embedding technique in wave audio files is introduced. To support the immunity of proposed hiding system, and in order to recover some weak aspect inherent with the pure implementation of stego-systems, some auxiliary processes were suggested and investigated including the use of hidden text jumping process and stream ciphering algorithm. Besides, the suggested

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2019
Journal Name
2019 Ieee 9th International Conference On System Engineering And Technology (icset)
A Digital Signature System Based on Real Time Face Recognition
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This study proposed a biometric-based digital signature scheme proposed for facial recognition. The scheme is designed and built to verify the person’s identity during a registration process and retrieve their public and private keys stored in the database. The RSA algorithm has been used as asymmetric encryption method to encrypt hashes generated for digital documents. It uses the hash function (SHA-256) to generate digital signatures. In this study, local binary patterns histograms (LBPH) were used for facial recognition. The facial recognition method was evaluated on ORL faces retrieved from the database of Cambridge University. From the analysis, the LBPH algorithm achieved 97.5% accuracy; the real-time testing was done on thirty subj

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
A Modified Vigenère Cipher based on Time and Biometrics features
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Biometrics is widely used with security systems nowadays; each biometric modality can be useful and has distinctive properties that provide uniqueness and ambiguity for security systems especially in communication and network technologies. This paper is about using biometric features of fingerprint, which is called (minutiae) to cipher a text message and ensure safe arrival of data at receiver end. The classical cryptosystems (Caesar, Vigenère, etc.) became obsolete methods for encryption because of the high-performance machines which focusing on repetition of the key in their attacks to break the cipher. Several Researchers of cryptography give efforts to modify and develop Vigenère cipher by enhancing its weaknesses.

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Programming a Pneumatic Processes Sequence based on PLC by Demonstration
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Pneumatic processes sequence (PPS) is used widely in industrial applications. It is common to do a predetermined PPS to achieve a specific larger task within the industrial application like the PPS achieved by the pick and place industrial robot arm. This sequence may require change depending on changing the required task and usually this requires the programmer intervention to change the sequence’ sprogram, which is costly and may take long time. In this research a PLC-based PPS control system is designed and implemented, in which the PPS is programmed by demonstration. The PPS could be changed by demonstrating the new required sequence via the user by following simple series of manual steps without h

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2020
Journal Name
Defence Technology
A novel facial emotion recognition scheme based on graph mining
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Recent years have seen an explosion in graph data from a variety of scientific, social and technological fields. From these fields, emotion recognition is an interesting research area because it finds many applications in real life such as in effective social robotics to increase the interactivity of the robot with human, driver safety during driving, pain monitoring during surgery etc. A novel facial emotion recognition based on graph mining has been proposed in this paper to make a paradigm shift in the way of representing the face region, where the face region is represented as a graph of nodes and edges and the gSpan frequent sub-graphs mining algorithm is used to find the frequent sub-structures in the graph database of each emotion. T

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 15 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Complete Blood Count and saliva parameters as an indicator for infected patients with coronavirus covid-19
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Background: Coronavirus, which causes respiratory illness, has been a public health issue in recent decades. Because the clinical symptoms of infection are not always specific, it is difficult to expose all suspects to qualitative testing in order to confirm or rule out infection as a test. Methods: According to the scientific studies and investigations, seventy-three results of scientific articles and research  were obtained using PubMed, Medline, Research gate and Google Scholar. The research keywords used were COVID-19, coronavirus, blood parameters, and saliva. Results: This review provides a report on the changes in the blood and saliva tests of those who are infected with the COVID-19.COVID-19 is a systemic infection that has

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Generating a Strong Key for a Stream Cipher Systems Based on Permutation Networks
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The choice of binary Pseudonoise (PN) sequences with specific properties, having long period high complexity, randomness, minimum cross and auto- correlation which are essential for some communication systems. In this research a nonlinear PN generator is introduced . It consists of a combination of basic components like Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR), ?-element which is a type of RxR crossbar switches. The period and complexity of a sequence which are generated by the proposed generator are computed and the randomness properties of these sequences are measured by well-known randomness tests.

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 14 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effect of Educational Program Based on the (Guttmann) Model for Developing Awareness and Emotional Experience among University Students
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The aim of the research is to identify the level of awareness and emotional experience among university students and to identify the effect of the educational program based on (Guttmann) model for developing awareness and emotional experience among university students by verifying the validity of the following zero hypotheses: 1) There are no statistically significant differences in the development of awareness and emotional experience among university students at the level of (0.05) between the mean scores of the experimental group in the pre and post-tests. 2) There are no statistically significant differences in the development of awareness and emotional experience among university students at the lev

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Periodicals Of Engineering And Natural Sciences
Bayesian and non-Bayesian estimation of the lomax model based on upper record values under weighted LINEX loss function
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In this article, we developed a new loss function, as the simplification of linear exponential loss function (LINEX) by weighting LINEX function. We derive a scale parameter, reliability and the hazard functions in accordance with upper record values of the Lomax distribution (LD). To study a small sample behavior performance of the proposed loss function using a Monte Carlo simulation, we make a comparison among maximum likelihood estimator, Bayesian estimator by means of LINEX loss function and Bayesian estimator using square error loss (SE) function. The consequences have shown that a modified method is the finest for valuing a scale parameter, reliability and hazard functions.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Palestine Journal Of Mathematics
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This paper demonstrates the construction of a modern generalized Exponential Rayleigh distribution by merging two distributions with a single parameter. The "New generalized Exponential-Rayleigh distribution" specifies joining the Reliability function of exponential pdf with the Reliability function of Rayleigh pdf, and then adding a shape parameter for this distribution. Finally, the mathematical and statistical characteristics of such a distribution are accomplished

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