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A New Audio Steganography System Based on Auto-Key Generator
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Stenography is the art of hiding the very presence of communication by embedding secret message into innocuous looking cover document, such as digital image, videos, sound files, and other computer files that contain perceptually irrelevant or redundant information as covers or carriers to hide secret messages.

In this paper, a new Least Significant Bit (LSB) nonsequential embedding technique in wave audio files is introduced. To support the immunity of proposed hiding system, and in order to recover some weak aspect inherent with the pure implementation of stego-systems, some auxiliary processes were suggested and investigated including the use of hidden text jumping process and stream ciphering algorithm. Besides, the suggested system used self crypto-hiding pseudo random key generator. The auto-key generator has purposes to investigate the encryption and embedding processes .The hiding results shows no noise in the stego-wave file after embedding process, also no difference in size is found between the original wave audio file and stego-wave file.

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Novel Technique for Secure Data Cryptosystem Based on Chaotic Key Image Generation
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The advancements in Information and Communication Technology (ICT), within the previous decades, has significantly changed people’s transmit or store their information over the Internet or networks. So, one of the main challenges is to keep these information safe against attacks. Many researchers and institutions realized the importance and benefits of cryptography in achieving the efficiency and effectiveness of various aspects of secure communication.This work adopts a novel technique for secure data cryptosystem based on chaos theory. The proposed algorithm generate 2-Dimensional key matrix having the same dimensions of the original image that includes random numbers obtained from the 1-Dimensional logistic chaotic map for given con

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 01 2008
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Microcontroller-Based Function Generator
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This paper describes a microcontroller-based function generator system. By the function generator sine wave, square wave, quasi-square wave, saw-tooth and triangular waveforms are generated over a wide frequency range according to user requirements. By utilizing processing capabilities of the microcontroller the hardware is minimized exceedingly. The output waveform shapes are digitally-controlled to achieve the required wave shape. The single chip microcomputer of waveform generation equipment offers the possibility of improvements in manufacture reliability, maintenance and servicing and increased control flexibility. The system is built and tested. The results of test were satisfactory and appreciated by test engineers at different ce

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Publication Date
Thu May 10 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
New Steganography System Based on Huffman Coding and Fibonacci Decomposition
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   Hiding secret information in the image is a challenging and painstaking task in computer security and steganography system. Certainly, the absolute intricacy of attacks to security system makes it more this research on steganography system involving information hiding,Huffman codding used to compress the secret code before embedding which provide high capacity and some security. Fibonacci decomposition used to represent the pixels in the cover image, which increase the robustness of the system. One byte used for mapping all the pixels properties. This makes the PSNR of the system higher due to random distribution of embedded bits. Finally, three kinds of evaluation are applied such as PSNR, chi-square attack, a

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Bulletin Of Electrical Engineering And Informatics
A new pseudorandom bits generator based on a 2D-chaotic system and diffusion property
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A remarkable correlation between chaotic systems and cryptography has been established with sensitivity to initial states, unpredictability, and complex behaviors. In one development, stages of a chaotic stream cipher are applied to a discrete chaotic dynamic system for the generation of pseudorandom bits. Some of these generators are based on 1D chaotic map and others on 2D ones. In the current study, a pseudorandom bit generator (PRBG) based on a new 2D chaotic logistic map is proposed that runs side-by-side and commences from random independent initial states. The structure of the proposed model consists of the three components of a mouse input device, the proposed 2D chaotic system, and an initial permutation (IP) table. Statist

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 20 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Modified Symmetric Key Fully Homomorphic Encryption Scheme Based on Read-Muller Code
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Homomorphic encryption became popular and powerful cryptographic primitive for various cloud computing applications. In the recent decades several developments has been made. Few schemes based on coding theory have been proposed but none of them support unlimited operations with security.   We propose a modified Reed-Muller Code based symmetric key fully homomorphic encryption to improve its security by using message expansion technique. Message expansion with prepended random fixed length string provides one-to-many mapping between message and codeword, thus one-to many mapping between plaintext and ciphertext. The proposed scheme supports both (MOD 2) additive and multiplication operations unlimitedly.   We make an effort to prove

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Electronic Security And Digital Forensics
LSB based audio steganography preserving minimum sample SNR
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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Information Hiding And Multimedia Signal Processing
Enhancement of lsb audio steganography based on carrier and message characteristics
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Data steganography is a technique used to hide data, secret message, within another data, cover carrier. It is considered as a part of information security. Audio steganography is a type of data steganography, where the secret message is hidden in audio carrier. This paper proposes an efficient audio steganography method that uses LSB technique. The proposed method enhances steganography performance by exploiting all carrier samples and balancing between hiding capacity and distortion ratio. It suggests an adaptive number of hiding bits for each audio sample depending on the secret message size, the cover carrier size, and the signal to noise ratio (SNR). Comparison results show that the proposed method outperforms state of the art methods

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Information Hiding And Multimedia Signal Processing
Enhancement of lsb audio steganography based on carrier and message characteristics
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Data steganography is a technique used to hide data, secret message, within another data, cover carrier. It is considered as a part of information security. Audio steganography is a type of data steganography, where the secret message is hidden in audio carrier. This paper proposes an efficient audio steganography method that uses LSB technique. The proposed method enhances steganography performance by exploiting all carrier samples and balancing between hiding capacity and distortion ratio. It suggests an adaptive number of hiding bits for each audio sample depending on the secret message size, the cover carrier size, and the signal to noise ratio (SNR). Comparison results show that the proposed method outperforms state of the art methods

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Scopus (11)
Publication Date
Tue Feb 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Retina Based Glowworm Swarm Optimization for Random Cryptographic Key Generation
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The biometric-based keys generation represents the utilization of the extracted features from the human anatomical (physiological) traits like a fingerprint, retina, etc. or behavioral traits like a signature. The retina biometric has inherent robustness, therefore, it is capable of generating random keys with a higher security level compared to the other biometric traits. In this paper, an effective system to generate secure, robust and unique random keys based on retina features has been proposed for cryptographic applications. The retina features are extracted by using the algorithm of glowworm swarm optimization (GSO) that provides promising results through the experiments using the standard retina databases. Additionally, in order t

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 31 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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This paper is dealing with an experimental study to show the influence of the geometric characteristics of the vortex generators VG son the thickness of the boundary layer (∂) and drag coefficients (CD) of the flat plate. Vortex generators work effectively on medium and high angles of attack, since they are "hidden" under the boundary layer and practically ineffective at low angles.

            The height of VGs relative to the thickness of the boundary layer enables us to study the efficacy of VGs in delaying boundary layer separation. The distance between two VGs also has an effect on the boundary layer if we take into

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