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Black-on-Black Bullying in Roy Williams' Fallout
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Racism is a serious issue that impacts a lot of people around the world. Since slavery days, racial discrimination has been increasing to abhorrent levels in relation to black people. The aim of individual psychology by Alfred Adler is to study human behaviour by situating it in the social context which makes his writing ideal to explanation of racism. This paper aims to study racism in Roy Williams’ Fallout from the perspective of Alfred Adler’s theory. Alfred Adler's individual psychology emphasizes the importance of social factors in shaping individual behavior, including the ways in which individuals form their sense of self and identity. This makes it a valuable framework for understanding the complex social and psychological factors that underpin racism. Through Adler's lens, one can examine how racist beliefs and behaviors are often rooted in feelings of inferiority or insecurity, as well as in broader social and cultural contexts that reinforce racial hierarchies and stereotypes. Roy Williams' Fallout provides a compelling case study for applying Adler's theory to the issue of racism. Set in the aftermath of a racial controversy of child’s murder, the play explores the complex interplay between individual psychology, social structures, and cultural norms that contribute to racism and perpetuate its harmful effects. By analyzing the characters' motivations, emotions, and behaviors through the lens of Adler's theory, one can gain a deeper understanding of the psychological and social dynamics that drive racism and perpetuate inequality. This study asks the question of what causes racism in social settings, is it something innate or aggravated inside people by outside forces? Black-on –Black Bullying in Roy Williams’ Fallout This study also argues that the bullying of individuals on the basis of their sex or race remains an aspect of Fire Service culture and is perpetuated by some to ensure the continuation of the white male culture.

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 15 2023
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Digital modeling and its technical variables in contemporary interior design
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The current research sheds light on an important aspect of the great and rapid development in the field of science and technology and modern manufacturing methods as a result of the scientific revolution resulting from the accelerated cognitive development, which prompted designers in general and interior design in particular to exploit and invest in digital technology and the development of digital control in the process of designing the industrial product for the purpose of creativity and innovation through these digital programs Digital models achieve the requirements and desires of the interior designer according to the creative skill using modern software with high efficiency And extreme accuracy that is consistent with the requirem

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 06 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The effect of Bacillus thuringiensis in Phthorimaea operculella (Zeller) (Lepetoptera:Gelechiidae)
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The following dilutions -710X46, -610X46, -510X46 of Bacillus thuringiensis were used for bioassay against the different larval instar of the potato tuber moth Phthorimaea operculella by the spraying method, the results showed that there was no significant influence in the percentage of egg hatching in comparison with the control. The sensitivity of larval stages was reduced with the increasing the age and exposure period. The study also showed that the larvae infected with B.t. stopped feeding, movement and a general paralysis causing the death of larva after (24-48) hours , and the larva color was changed from the natural waxy colour to brown finally to the black after death.

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 24 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Education College Wasit University
Postmodernism and Technology in Don Delillo's Novel The White Noise
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This paper aims at investigating the effect of postmodernism and technology on the social life in Don Delillo's novel The White Noise. In this novel, Don Delillo portrays the chaotic life by using modern technology which has been presented by three ways. The first way is by television as being a source of information and entertainment. The second way is by the toxic event whereas the third is by Dylar's episode and its destructive consequences. He depicts that through the atmosphere of Jack's family plus its effects on the life and thoughts of the elders and society. He proves that technology is leading humanity not to safety, but to death. He further highlights that by showing the impact of technology on the life of the main charac

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 27 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Textual Analysis of Complex Nominals Translation Errors in Economic Texts
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The present study has three objectives: 1) to investigate the prevalence of complex nominals in economic discourse represented via the selected business news texts, 2) to shed some light on the most common translation errors made by second year students in the Department of Translation in rendering complex nominals into Arabic, and 3) to detect the possible causes behind such translation errors and suggest some translation tips which might sound helpful to the students of translation to find the most suitable translation equivalent. The present study is based on an empirical survey in which a selective analysis of someeconomic texts represented in business news texts is made. A corpus of 159 complex nominals was selected from seven busin

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 07 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Role of Military institution in the Nigerian Political life
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The intervention in the military institute represents a great role in the Nigerian
political life since 1960. There are many reasons behind this domination. The First is that
many African militants participated in liberating their countries from colonization. The
second is that they tried to stay in power as long as they could stay through the rule of one
There fore, they depend on the process of political and economic reform to get rid of
military rule that dominated the Nigerian Political life to be a civilian state

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 09 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Impact of Construction Systems Technology in Contemporary Architectural Product
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This research examines the impact of construction technology systems in contemporary architectural production through the study of the evolution in it systems, construction materials and methods of construction in addition to the digital revolution which provided possibilities of structural and architectural design in creating a distinct architectural product, as considered construction systems technology is the source of creativity in the architectural product, the research is assumed that the construction systems technology have achieved a structural innovation in production through the materials and methods of construction and digital design.
For Long time technology was connected to the

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 19 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Alteration of Serum Immunoglobulin Levels in Woman with Ovarian Cancer
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Ovarian cancer has a high mortality and delayed diagnosis. Several immunological alterations take place during ovarian carcinogenesis, and can be of value in the surveillance of the diseases. This research was conducted to evaluate serum immunoglobulin levels in women with ovarian cancer and to assess their role in disease process. The present study is composed of 85 women (mean age = 62.03±12.4 yrs) with clinically and pathologically confirmed ovarian cancer and 65 healthy females as a control group (mean age = 61±12.1 yrs). ELISA test was achieved for the determination of serum [IgG, IgA, IgM]. The findings of current study illustrated significant (P=0.001) increase in serum IgG, IgA, and IgM levels as compared to co

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Mar 15 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Addressing the Press Websites of Cyclone “Laban” Disaster in Yemen
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This study has sought to explore the Yemeni online news websites’ treatment of the tropical storm “Luban” which hit the coasts of al-Mahra governorate, and other parts of the Yemeni Eastern and Southern governorates in October 2018. The study also examined how the Yemeni news websites covered the disaster on the basis of the problematic situation model. The study’s findings revealed a form of logical balance in distributing the coverage of the disaster in its different phases. The coverage was a bit more focused on the disaster phase than the pre- and post-disaster phases. Additionally, the websites paid more attention to precautionary measures and the disaster’s humanitarian and material losses. The findings reveal that the ne

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Economic Analysis for Construction in Ibn Khalduon s’ Muqaddimah
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The specialist researcher  fined the relations between economic ideas with economic facts in his theory which called humanity building it is appeared clearly ( in Ibn Khalduons’ Muqaddimah) in a clothe of economic  social  phenomenon's as a systematical analysis in all fifty chapters of al Muqaddimah ,therefore this paper deal with  Ibn Khalduon economic thoughts as important says which describe the society building in its economic subjective  and  examine the relationship between The dissert and the city within economic says which are cover  the social analysis ,and determinate   the analysis objects  which clearly in this dualism  model ,between the state and economic bas

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Intellectual vision of the Justice and Development Party in Turkey
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شهد العالم مع بداية القرن الحادي والعشرين تدشين مرحلة جديدة من التطور شملت مختلف الميادين لاسيما في مجال التطورات العلمية والثورة المعلوماتية.. كما إن مسار الديمقراطية في بعض دول العالم يصبح سالكا خاصة في تركيا, فمنذ اواسط الثمانينيات من القرن الماضي فتح المجال السياسي امام قوى كانت مسحوقة ومهمشة, ويكاد ان لا يكون لها وجود في الحياة السياسية للنزول الى ساحة العمل السياسي اسوة ببقية القوى ا

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