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القيم العلمية المصاحبة لطلبة قسم الكيمياء ف للعلوم الصرفة – ابن الهيثم
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السمخص يهجف البحث الحالي التعخف الى: -1 اعجاد مدتهى مقياس لمقيم العمسية . -2 ما العلاقة بين القييم العمسيية لبمبية قديم الايسيياك ييي لميية التخليية لمعميه الريخية/ ابين الهيي م جامعية – بغجاد. لتحقيق أهجاف البحث استخج الباحث السشهج الهصييي بدي م ملاتستيط لع يعية أهيجاف الج ا رسية لقيا الباحيث ب شياك مقيياس القييم العمسيية ايه مين 40 ( يقيخب بسقيياس لي ي ا خا الخساسيي الاييقد الاييق بذيجبد محايجد لا الايقد لا الايق بذجب (. ل أليت العيشة من 200 ( بالم لبالبة من بمبة قديم الايسيياك ييي لميية التخليية لمعميه الريخية/ ابين الهيي م السخحمية ال ا خبعية الج ا رسية الريباحية. ل يم التحقيق مين الخريات – – الدياو همتخ ة ليتدلاا مين الريجي اللياهخ لال شياتي لال بياا بعخ قية الا دياي اليجا ميد لأسيتخج الباحيث الهسياتا الاحرياتية ا: يية: الا تبيار التياتي لعيشية لاحيجبد الا تبيار التياتي لعيشتيين مديتقمتيند مخلي ليأ د معاما ار باط بيخسه د معادلة اليا لخل نباخ (. ل هصا الباحث الى الشتاتج الا ية: - -1 ك خب مسارسة بمبة قدم الايسياك يي لمية التخلية لمعمه الرخية/ ابن الهي م لمقيم العمسية السهسة. -2 اميتلاط بمبية قديم الايسيياك ييي لميية التخليية لمعميه الريخية/ ابين الهيي م لمقييم العمسيية السهسية السخ بعية بسهضهع البحث. -3 لجهد علاقة ار بابية لبخدوة قه ة بين القيم العمسية لبمبة قدم الايسياك. ل م التعخي يي هحا البحث الى أهسيية القييم العمسيية لمالهيا مين دلر ل ييخ ليعيام ييي شسيية هيح القييم السهسة لجى بمبة قدم الايسياك يي لمية التخلية لمعميه الريخية ابين الهيي م / جامعية بغيجاد ل عيخي الباحيث – الى بعض القيم العمسية السشاسبة لهحا البحيث م يا حيم الاسيتعلاعد لالتياييخ العمسييد ل قيجيخ عميم الايسيياك لالعمساكد لالتيأني ييي اصيجار الح يمد لأ لا يياا العميمد لالامانية العمسيية( لهيح ييم عمسيية مهسية قيه ل قيييم حياب العالم لالستعمم لالاندا يي حيا ط اليهمية لالعسميةد ل ذ ا لط أدلار مهسة ليعالط يي مديخ ط العمسية.

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 14 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Organizational Values of Kindergarten Teachers
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The current study aims to identify the organizational values ​​of kindergarten teachers as well as to identify the difference in the organizational values ​​of kindergarten teachers in term of years of service, to do this; the researcher designed a scale to measure the organizational values. The scale was applied on a sample of (400) kindergarten teachers. The resesults revealed that kindergarten teachers have a high level of organizational values ​​within the classroom. The result of the second objective showed significant differences among the organizational values ​​(political,

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 04 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
مدى أكتساب طلبة كلية التربية / إبن الهيثم للوعي البيئي
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         تعد البيئة في يومنا المعاصر من الجوانب التي توليها المجتمعات البشرية اهمية كبرى لما لها من انعكاسات مباشرة وغير مباشرة على حياة الانسان ،وصحته، ومتطلبات حياته ،وأمنه، ومستقره في اي مكان في العالم تبرز مشكلة البحث ، في ان ما من سبيل صحيح لآعداد الاجيال القادمة إعدادا بيئيا ألا من خلال زيادة الوعي البيئي باستعمال كافة الوسائل التربوية المتخصصة، فالمعلومات ضرورية ولكنها لاتمنح

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Educational values and their role in some religions
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 The Islamic religion approach Rabbani urges and seeks to bring happiness to people, as Allah says: ((We sent thee not all people glad tidings and a warner, but most people do not know)) Spa: State 28
   Islam looks at the concept of educational values ​​through positive behavior derived emerging through formal and informal education. The Islamic approach works on the basis of a systematic and clear rule in the form of an integrated system includes multiple areas. As the lead actor role as the desired position.

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2018
Journal Name
مجلة الباحث في العلوم الإنسانية و الإجتماعية
The Rate of Performance of Scientific Committees in the University of Baghdad in Accordance to the Department’s Heads’ Viewpoint
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The research aims at recognition of The rate of performing tasks done by the scientific committees in the scientific departments in the University of Baghdad, within the evaluative perspective of the departments’ Heads. To find any statistically significant differences in the responses of the research sample to the rates performance of the scientific committees in scientific departments in the University of Baghdad, within the evaluative perspective of the departments’ Heads, according to the two variables of the social gender; male and females, and field of specialization of Scientific and Humanities. The research sample consisted if (107) heads of the scientific department in the University of Baghdad. The researchers designed a

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2013
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Scientific Activities The branch of political thought
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النشاطات العلمية لفرع الفكر السياسي

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 29 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The Scientific Efforts of Ahmed Mustafa Al-Maraghi
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This conducted research,  (The Scientific Efforts of Ahmed Mustafa Al-Maraghi) deals with Al-Maraghi's life, birth, upbringing, characteristics, title, family and religion secter, as well as his general biography. And his relationship with scholars, his learning and teaching, and the introduction of the Muhammed Abdo School and the College of Dar Al Uloom, and finally the discussion  of his scientific, social and political poin of view, as an interpreter of twentieths century, was  appointed as the president of Al-Azhar and Ifta during the days of the royal era, and he studied at the College of Dar Al-Uloom


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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Detecting Outliers In Multiple Linear Regression
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It is well-known that the existence of outliers in the data will adversely affect the efficiency of estimation and results of the current study. In this paper four methods will be studied to detect outliers for the multiple linear regression model in two cases :  first, in real data; and secondly,  after adding the outliers to data and the attempt to detect it. The study is conducted for samples with different sizes, and uses three measures for  comparing between these methods . These three measures are : the mask, dumping and standard error of the estimate.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2005
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Die sytaktische Struktur und semantische Bedeutung der konzessiven Ausdrucksmöglichkeiten im Deutschen und Arabischen Eine interpretierende Studie Voegelegt von Hochschullehrer
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Die vorliegende Forschung erklärt ein sprachliches Phänomen im Deutschen und Arabischen, dessen Aspekte die Grund-Folge-Relation (Kausalität) im Allgemeinen sowie den wirkungslosen Gegengrund (Konzessivität) im Besonderen behandeln.
In diesem Kontext wird der Unterschied der verschiedenartigen Gründe der Kausalität im Deutschen, wie wirklicher Grund (kausal), möglicher Grund (konditional) und wirkungsloser bzw. unzureichender Gegengrund (konzessiv) gezeigt.
Die theoretischen Darlegungen der konzessiven Ausdrucksmittel in dieser Forschungsarbeit werden durch diverse praktische Beispiele aus der deutschen und arabischen Literatur fundamentiert.
Das Hauptziel dieser Forschungsarbeit liegt darin, gleichermaßen beim arabische

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 12 2007
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Incident Laser Power and Concentration Effects on the Fluorescence of DCM Dye in PMMA Polymer
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Incident laser power and concentration effects on fluorescence emission from DCM dye in PMMA polymer have been investigated. Different concentrations of the dye were used. It was found that the fluorescence intensity increased with increasing of the concentration of the dye, with a red shift. In addition, it was found that the fluorescence intensity increased with the increase of the incident laser power I0.

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Educational values when Imam Shafie i through his hair
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In this research was the study of the educational values ​​when Shafei, contained in hair Shafi'i, and that what the role of these values ​​in the education of generations, and the possibility of their application in the educational curriculum. Find addressed Shafei life and his time. The values ​​derived from his hair, as well as quoting from the Koran and influenced by it, which is evident in the hair, governance and eating Alomthal.okzlk Find the importance of this thought in modern education, so as to realism and ease of application. It is the search results, the Shafi'i put thought educationally integral based on the Koran rise to the level of theory. Find and conclusions: that education in its present situation

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