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Data Hiding in 3D-Medical Image

Information hiding strategies have recently gained popularity in a variety of fields. Digital audio, video, and images are increasingly being labelled with distinct but undetectable marks that may contain a hidden copyright notice or serial number, or even directly help to prevent unauthorized duplication. This approach is extended to medical images by hiding secret information in them using the structure of a different file format. The hidden information may be related to the patient. In this paper, a method for hiding secret information in DICOM images is proposed based on Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT). Firstly. segmented all slices of a 3D-image into a specific block size and collecting the host image depend on a generated key, secondly selected the block number and slice number, thirdly, the low-high band used for embedding after adding the generated number, fourthly, used the Hessenberg transform on the blocks that portioned the band (low-high) in a specific size. The secret information (image or text) is a binary value. It was embedded by setting the positive value in the diagonal to odd values if the embedded is one and setting it to even if the secret bit is zero. Several tests were applied, such as applying mean square error, peak signal to noise ratio PSNR, and structural similarity index measure SSIM. Some analyses such as adding noise, scaling, and rotation analysis are applied to test the efficiency. The results of the tests showed the strength of the proposed method.

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Image of the Soldier in Brendan Behan's The Hostage And Charles Fuller's A Soldiers Play: The Image of the Soldier in Brendan Behan's The Hostage And Charles Fuller's A Soldiers Play

The image of the soldier, as a hero who sacrifices everything to defend his
country and values, is no longer depicted in modern drama. With two World Wars
and many regional wars and civil wars, the soldier becomes a victim, not a hero.
Authors present the character of the soldier as a man who suffers a lot as he is
victimized by his own government and its politics that forces him to be in such a
position. Dramatists express their views about race, oppression and war through
their characters, such as the character of the soldier, as in the two selected plays for
this research: The Hostage by Brendan Behan and A Soldier's Play by Charles
The Hostage depicts, through its events, the Irish oppre

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 13 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Study Some Parameters of HCV Isolated From Sample of Hemophilic Patients in Children Welfare Teaching Hospitalin Medical City/Baghdad

Objective(s) : This study aimed at evaluating the seroprevalence of anti -HCV and studying the
correlation between hemophilia and risk factors for acquiring HCV such as age , marital status &
occupation among hemophilic patients .
Methodology : 210 hemophilic patients in children welfare teaching hospital/medical city/Baghdad–Iraq
(hemophilia center) were investigated using prepared questionnaire and tested for HCV infection, those
were measuring patient’s age, hemophilia types and severity, marital status, residency and history of
previous HCV infection .
Results : Most hemophilic patients were hemophilia A at severe , hemophilia was at age group 20 – 29
years , the majority of patients were unmarried a

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Numerical Investigation of Physical Parameters in Cardiac Vessels as a New Medical Support Science for Complex Blood Flow Characteristics

This study proposes a mathematical approach and numerical experiment for a simple solution of cardiac blood flow to the heart's blood vessels. A mathematical model of human blood flow through arterial branches was studied and calculated using the Navier-Stokes partial differential equation with finite element analysis (FEA) approach. Furthermore, FEA is applied to the steady flow of two-dimensional viscous liquids through different geometries. The validity of the computational method is determined by comparing numerical experiments with the results of the analysis of different functions. Numerical analysis showed that the highest blood flow velocity of 1.22 cm/s occurred in the center of the vessel which tends to be laminar and is influe

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 11 2020
Journal Name
American Journal Of Infectious Diseases
Prevalence of Urinary Tract Infections and Associated Risk Factors Among Patients Attending Medical City Hospital in Baghdad City, Iraq

Abstract: Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) are the most common bacterial infection in humans and a major cause of morbidity and they are the most common cause of hospital visits worldwide. Proper knowledge in identifying factors associated with urinary tract infection may allow the intervention to easily control of the disease in a timely manner. Therefore, the purpose of the study is determining the prevalence of UTI, diagnosis of causative bacterial agents and identifying the factors associated to the urinary tract infection among patients attending Medical City Hospital in Baghdad, Iraq. A total of 237, morning mid-stream urine samples were collected aseptically and the samples were diagnosed according to the standard methods. I

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The reality of succession planning Under the retirement law No. (26) of 2019 / Applied research in the medical city

This research aims to know the reality of succession planning in the researched organization and how it occupies the important jobs in the organization and its readiness for sudden and urgent events that lead to the vacancy of these jobs, and the importance of this research is that it is one of the rare Arab and Iraqi studies and research in this field, as it is one of the first researches It deals with the reality of succession planning in light of the retirement law No. (26) of 2019, and the research problem was the absence of consecutive planning programs and the weak preparation of suitable candidates to face sudden and urgent conditions as replacements for current leaders who occupy the leading and key positions in the depar

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Deep Learning Techniques in the Cancer-Related Medical Domain: A Transfer Deep Learning Ensemble Model for Lung Cancer Prediction

Problem: Cancer is regarded as one of the world's deadliest diseases. Machine learning and its new branch (deep learning) algorithms can facilitate the way of dealing with cancer, especially in the field of cancer prevention and detection. Traditional ways of analyzing cancer data have their limits, and cancer data is growing quickly. This makes it possible for deep learning to move forward with its powerful abilities to analyze and process cancer data. Aims: In the current study, a deep-learning medical support system for the prediction of lung cancer is presented. Methods: The study uses three different deep learning models (EfficientNetB3, ResNet50 and ResNet101) with the transfer learning concept. The three models are trained using a

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 25 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection

The research is based on a statement of the effect and nature of the relationship of elements of promotional mix represented by (advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, public relations and direct marketing) as the independent variable in the dependent variable represented in the competitive advantage in the General Company for the manufacture of medicines and medical supplies Samarra. Analytical descriptive in the theoretical side, through the use of a number of literature from scientific sources (books, research and studies published in Arab and foreign magazines) was also relied on the methodology of the case study in the practical side, Data collection using the questionnaire tool, which was designed using the triangular Like

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Relationship of LST, NDVI, and NDBI using Landsat-8 data in Duhok city in 2019-2022

One of the most significant elements influencing weather, climate, and the environment is vegetation cover. Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Normalized Difference Built-up Index (NDBI) over the years 2019–2022 were estimated based on four Landsat 8 TIRS’s images covering Duhok City. Using the radiative transfer model, the city's land surface temperature (LST) during the next four years was calculated. The aim of this study is to compute the temperature at the land's surface (LST) from the years 2019-2022 and understand the link, between LST, NDVI, and NDBI and the capability for mapping by LANDSAT-8 TIRS's. The findings revealed that the NDBI and the NDVI had the strongest correlation with the

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2016
Journal Name
International Journal Of Computer Science And Mobile Computing
. Interpolative Absolute Block Truncation Coding for Image Compression

Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Science And Research (ijsr)
Color-based for tree yield fruits image counting

Identifying the total number of fruits on trees has long been of interest in agricultural crop estimation work. Yield prediction of fruits in practical environment is one of the hard and significant tasks to obtain better results in crop management system to achieve more productivity with regard to moderate cost. Utilized color vision in machine vision system to identify citrus fruits, and estimated yield information of the citrus grove in-real time. Fruit recognition algorithms based on color features to estimate the number of fruit. In the current research work, some low complexity and efficient image analysis approach was proposed to count yield fruits image in the natural scene. Semi automatic segmentation and yield calculation of fruit

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