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Removable shear connector for steel-concrete composite bridges
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The conception and experimental assessment of a removable friction-based shear connector (FBSC) for precast steel-concrete composite bridges is presented. The FBSC uses pre-tensioned high-strength steel bolts that pass through countersunk holes drilled on the top flange of the steel beam. Pre-tensioning of the bolts provides the FBSC with significant frictional resistance that essentially prevents relative slip displacement of the concrete slab with respect to the steel beam under service loading. The countersunk holes are grouted to prevent sudden slip of the FBSC when friction resistance is exceeded. Moreover, the FBSC promotes accelerated bridge construction by fully exploiting prefabrication, does not raise issues relevant to precast construction tolerances, and allows rapid bridge disassembly to drastically reduce the time needed to replace any deteriorating structural component (e.g., the bridge deck). A series of 11 push-out tests highlight why the novel structural details of the FBSC result in superior shear load-slip displacement behavior compared to welded shear studs. The paper also quantifies the effects of bolt diameter and bolt preload and presents a design equation to predict the shear resistance of the FBSC.

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 14 2016
Journal Name
Functional Pavement Design
Effect of different variables on asphalt mechanical properties
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Permanent deformation (rutting) of asphalt mixtures is one of the major forms of distress. Aggregate gradation is one of the most important factors affecting the permanent deformation of asphalt mixtures. Other variables are also important to understand their effects on the mixture such as temperature, binder content and compaction level. For this purpose 6 different aggregate gradations have been chosen and each one of them has been manufactured / tested with different variables. The results showed that at relatively low temperature there is little effect of aggregate packing on the permanent deformation. However, as the temperature increases the effect of gradation becomes apparent, in that the better the packing the better the resistance

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Strengthening of RC Beam with Large Square Opening Using CFRP
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The use of essential services in modern constructions, such pipes, and ducts, became important, placing these pipes and ducts underneath the soffit of the beam. They made a ceiling sandwich, and that causes to reduce the height of the floor, so the presence of the opening in the beam saves the height of the floor.  In this paper, the investigation of the beam response of reinforced concrete simply supported rectangle beams with square web openings is presented, including a number of the web openings (two, four, and eight), in addition to its use in strengthening the member at the openings (when the beam is planned before casting, internal deformation steel bar is used, and in case of the opening is existing in the b

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Polypropylene/Pt Nanocomposite: Synthesis, Characterization and Study the Cytotoxic Effects
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     This paper presents the synthesis of a polypropylene nanocomposite. The  nanocomposites were characterized using different techniques: atomic electron microscopy (AFM), surface shape was evaluated by (SEM),(EDS),(XRD) and (FTIR). The study showed that the platinum nanocomposite had a fatal effect on both strains of bacteria used, as well as on the growth of fungi. The compound tested showed antioxidant properties moderate activity was found. The mentioned material were evaluated in normal cell line HdFn (Human Dermal Fibroblasts, neonatal)  and breast cancer MCF-7 cancer cell line , by MTT assay for study cytotoxic effects, morphological changes, all experiments were conducted on cell lines by using the

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
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Low bearing capacity of weak soil under shallow footings represents one of construction problems.
Kaolin with water content converges to liquid limit used to represent the weak soil under shallow
footing prototype. On the other hand, fly ash, which can be defined as undesirable industrial waste
material, was used to improve the bearing capacity of the soft soil considered in this research. The soft
soil was prepared in steel box (36×36×25) cm and shallow square footing prototype (6×6) cm were
used .Group of physical and chemical tests were conducted on kaolin and fly ash. The soft soil was
improved by a bed of compacted fly ash placed under the footing with dimensions equal to that of
footing but with different de

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Advanced Technique of Rock Typing Characterization of Mishrif Formation, Amara Oil Field in Southern Iraq
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Reservoir rock typing integrates geological, petrophysical, seismic, and reservoir data to identify zones with similar storage and flow capacities. Therefore, three different methods to determine the type of reservoir rocks in the Mushrif Formation of the Amara oil field. The first method represents cluster analysis, a statistical method that classifies data points based on effective porosity, clay volume, and sonic transient time from well logs or core samples. The second method is the electrical rock type, which classifies reservoir rocks based on electrical resistivity. The permeability of rock types varies due to differences in pore geometry, mineral composition, and fluid saturation. Resistivity data are usually obtained from w

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
An excerpt on the analysis of correlate constructions: Exkurs zur Analyse der Korrelatkonstruktionen
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The main idea that led me to write such research paper within the framework of Germanic linguistics is that I have not found any topic dealing with the term correlate in the German language, except in several articles in linguistic journals as well as one topic in a book describing the use of such a linguistic phenomenon in the language system. The research initially deals with the definition of the correlate at the level of the German language system. Correlate is unity describes specific relation of two sentences and identifies denoted constructs. Correlate is called a placeholder at the syntactic level because it does not occupy its original topological fields in the syntactic structure. The correlate (es) or the prepositiona

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Civil Engineering Journal
Effect of Vehicular Stream Characteristics on Traffic Noise
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Human health can be negatively impacted by exposure to loud noise, which can harm the auditory system. Traffic noise is the leading cause of noise pollution. This paper studies the problem of noise pollution on the roads in Baghdad, Iraq. Due to the increase in vehicle numbers and road network modifications in Baghdad, noise levels became a serious topic to be studied. The aim of the paper was thus to study traffic noise levels and the effect of the traffic stream on noise levels and to formulate a prediction model that identified the guidelines used for designing or developing future roads in the city. Then, the noise levels were measured based on five variables: the functional classification of roads, traffic flow, vehicle speed,

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 29 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Tigecycline is the Most Effective against Multi-Drug Resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae Recovered from Burn Wound Infections in Two Hospitals in Al-Kut City, Iraq
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     Klebsiella pneumoniae is among the most frequent microorganisms isolated from infections of burn wounds. This cross-sectional study aimed to investigate the distribution of multi-drug resistant (MDR) K. pneumoniae in two burn hospitals and the antibiotic resistance profile in different burn regions of the same patient. It was performed in two hospitals (Al-Zahraa and Al-Karama) in Al-Kut, Iraq, between January and May 2022. Totally, 100 burn swabs were collected from 40 patients of both genders suffering from burn wound infections, with ages ranging between 3 and 50 years. Klebsiella pneumoniae were isolated and identified using conventional methods followed by VITEK®2 system and confirmed via polymerase chain reaction targeting t

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
The Pathological Mechanisms of Obesity-Related Glomerulopathy: A review article
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The rising prevalence of obesity-related glomerulopathy (ORG) occurs in accordance with the rising prevalence of obesity worldwide. Clinically ORG is manifested by slowly progressing microalbuminuria that may develop to clinically evident proteinuria. Pathological characteristics of ORG include glomerular hypertrophy in the presence or absence of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS). ORG can develop into clinically overt chronic renal insufficiency or even end-stage kidney disease. This article reviews the most important mechanisms for the development of ORG; that are abnormal renal hemodynamics, stimulation of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS), impairment of insulin sensetivity, ectopic lipid deposition, adipose tissue cy

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 04 2013
Journal Name
Jordan Journal Of Biological Sciences
Bacteriocin Typing of Staphylococcus aureus Isolated from Different Sources in Ibb City, Yemen
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Abstract A total of 207 specimens were collected from different sources including patients, health care staff and hospital environment in Ibb city, Yemen. The study used the bacteriocin produced from active producer strains in typing of Staphylococcus aureus. Depending on the morphological, cultural and biochemical characteristics, 54 (26.09%) isolates of Staphylococcus aureus were identified. An antibiotic sensitivity test was done for the bacterial isolates, and the results showed that there were multiple resistant antibiotics. The Staphylococcin production of these isolates has been detected by using wells assay. Fifty one isolates were Staphylococcin producer. Four isolates (staph19, staph25, staph28 and staph43) were chosen as go

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