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A Preliminary Study and Implementing Algorithm Using Finite State Automaton for Remote Identification of Drones
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Electronic remote identification (ER-ID) is a new radio frequency (RF) technology that is initiated by the Federal Aviation Authorities (FAA). For security reasons, traffic control, and so on, ER-ID has been applied for drones by the FAA to enable them to transmit their unique identification and location so that unauthorized drones can be identified. The current limitation of the existing ER-ID algorithms is that the application is limited to the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth wireless controllers, which results in a maximum range of 10–20 m for Bluetooth and 50–100 m for Wi-Fi. In this study, a mathematical computing technique based on finite state automaton (FSA) is introduced to expand the range of the ER-ID RF system and reduce the energy required by the drone to use the technology. A finite number of states have been designed to include a larger range of wireless network techniques, enabling the drones to be recognized while they are further away and in remote areas. This is achieved by including other means of RF channels, such as 4G/5G, Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B), long range Internet of things (IoT), and satellite communications, in the suggested ER-ID algorithm of this study. The introduced algorithm is tested via a case study. The results showed the ability to detect drones using all types of available radio frequency communication systems (RF-CS) while also minimizing the consumed energy. Hence, the authorities can control the licensed drones by using available RF-CS devices, such as Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, which are already widely used for mobile phones, as an example.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering Research And Applications
Tenser Product of Representation for the Group Cn
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Publication Date
Tue Oct 02 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Sensitivity of Ce doped CuO for NO2 gas
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In this work the structural, optical and sensitive properties of Cerium - Copper oxide thin film prepared on silicon and glass substrate by the spray pyrolysis technique at a temperature of (200, 250, 300 °C). The results of (XRD) showed that all the prepared films were of a polycrystalline installation and monoclinic crystal structure with a preferable directions was (111) of CuO. Optical characteristics observed that the absorption coefficient has values for all the prepared CuO: Ce% (104 cm-1) in the visible spectrum, indicating that all the thin films prepared have a direct energy gap. Been fabrication of gas sensors of (CuO: Ce %) within optimum preparation conditions and study sensitivity properties were examined her exposed to ni

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 17 2024
Journal Name
South Eastern European Journal Of Public Health
Evaluation of Lifestyle for Women with Breast Cancer
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Introduction: Breast cancer is a significant global health concern, affecting millions of women worldwide. While advancements in diagnosis and treatment have improved survival rates, the impact of this disease extends beyond physical health. It also significantly influences a woman's lifestyle and overall well-being. Objectives: The current study intends to analyze the lifestyle of breast cancer patients who are receiving therapy or are being followed up at the Oncology Teaching Hospital in Medical City, Baghdad, Iraq. Method: The present study uses a descriptive design with an application of an evaluation approach. A convenience sample of 100 women with breast cancer was selected from the Teaching Oncology Hospital at the Medical C

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 01 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Investigation of Numerical Simulation for Adaptive Optics System
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In this study, the performance of the adaptive optics (AO) system was analyzed through a numerical computer simulation implemented in MATLAB. Making a phase screen involved turning computer-generated random numbers into two-dimensional arrays of phase values on a sample point grid with matching statistics. Von Karman turbulence was created depending on the power spectral density. Several simulated point spread functions (PSFs) and modulation transfer functions (MTFs) for different values of the Fried coherent diameter (ro) were used to show how rough the atmosphere was. To evaluate the effectiveness of the optical system (telescope), the Strehl ratio (S) was computed. The compensation procedure for an AO syst

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 03 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Subjective Objective Conditions for the Possibility of Punishment
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Objective conditions for the possibility of punishment are legal or material facts –positive or negative that depart from the activity of the offender. The legislator comments on their subsequent verification on the formation of some crimes the possibility of.The application of punishment to the offender , but although they are facts of an object nature that approach and overlap with many systems and cases , they are distinguished by a certain subjectivity that differentiates them from each case that may seem similar or approach them. To clarify the ambiguity that may surround these conditions , Which may lead to confusion between them and what be similar to other cases due to the common effect that they have in common , which is the f

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 20 2020
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Design of Single Mode Fiber for Optical Communications
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In this work, a step-index fiber with core index  and cladding index  has been designed. Single-mode operation can be obtained by using a fiber with core diameters 4–13 µm operating at a wavelength of 1.31 µm and by 4–15 µm at 1.55 µm. The fundamental fiber mode properties such as phase constant, effective refractive index, mode radius, effective mode area and the power in the core were calculated. Distributions of the intensity and the amplitude were shown.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Al-nahrain University
Applications Of Strong-Lensing For Some Gravitational Lenses
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In our work present, the application of strong-Lensing observations for some gravitational lenses have been adopted to study the geometry of the universe and to explain the physics and the size of the quasars. The first procedure was to study the geometrical of the Lensing system to determine the relation between the redshift of the gravitational observations with its distances. The second procedure was to compare between the angular diameter distances "DA" calculated from the Euclidean case with that from the Freedman models, then evaluating the diameter of the system lens. The results concluded that the phenomena are restricted to the ratio of distance between lens and source with the diameter of the lens noticing.

Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Applied Physics
Fabrication of PAN:Cellulose Membrane for Oil/Water Separation
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In this study, we fabricated nanofiltration membranes using the electrospinning technique, employing pure PAN and a mixed matrix of PAN/HPMC. The PAN nanofibrous membranes with a concentration of 13wt% were prepared and blended with different concentrations of HPMC in the solvent N, N-Dimethylformamide (DMF). We conducted a comprehensive analysis of these membranes' surface morphology, chemical composition, wettability, and porosity and compared the results. The findings indicated that the inclusion of HPMC in the PAN membranes led to a reduction in surface porosity and fiber size. The contact angle decreased, indicating increased surface hydrophilicity, which can enhance flux and reduce fouling tendencies. Subsequently, we evaluated the e

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Dentistry
The precision of drill calibration for dynamic navigation
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Objectives To quantify the reproducibility of the drill calibration process in dynamic navigation guided placement of dental implants and to identify the human factors that could affect the precision of this process in order to improve the overall implant placement accuracy. Methods A set of six drills and four implants were calibrated by three operators following the standard calibration process of NaviDent® (ClaroNav Inc.). The reproducibility of the position of each tip of a drill or implant was calculated in relation to the pre-planned implants’ entry and apex positions. Intra- and inter-operator reliabilities were reported. The effects of the drill length and shape on the reproducibility of the calibration process were also investig

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 11 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Craniometric asymmetry assessment in class I and class II skeletal relationship patients using helical computed tomography sample aged between 18-35 years
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Background: Asymmetry assessment is an important component of orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning. Several studies attempted to find the relationship between craniometric asymmetry and skeletal jaws relationship and many authors found some extent of asymmetry in individuals with normal jaws relationship. The use of Computed tomography (CT) allows for the assessment of asymmetry on a dimensionally accurate volumetric image, aim of the study is to determine if there are differences in craniometric asymmetry between patient with skeletal class I and patients with skeletal class II relationship using Helical CT scan. Materials and Methods: Ninety individuals with clinically symmetrical faces were imaged with Helical CT scan, and aging

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