Non-Muslim scholars, who are Jews, Christians, Sabians and Magi, excelled in various pure scientific and human sciences, being the owners of civilizational inheritances. On the rest of the sciences in which non-Muslims excelled, namely mathematics, chemistry, astronomy, astrology, philosophy, history, and the Arabic language.
Books of plans are a type of writing in Islamic history , its a type of work whose authors have strived to serve as a comprehensive historical encyclopedia, and they focused most of their attention on highlighting the various aspects of the history of Egypt. , Especially. urban side. And political, military, scientific, social , economic events.
they authors in this Type were not satisfied with that only, but they mentioned the stages of the development of architecture and what followed until their time
Alienation, and Westernization and away, whether forcibly sense exile or voluntary in the sense of migration, it will generate nostalgia, and a sense of overwhelming homesickness spatial or alienation spiritual (emotional) and perhaps alienation resulting from exile or forced deportation by the authority
Irak’ın osmanlıcada yazılan sayısız elyazmalar çeşitli illerinde bulunur. Bunlardan Irak’ın başkenti olan Bağdat’tır. Irak Ulusal Müzesi Bağdad’ın uygarlık yerlerindendir. Elyazması Evi müzenin en önemli bölümleri sayılır. Orada osmanlıcada yazılan çok değerli elyazmalar bulunur. Bu elyazmalarından birisini ( fotokopi ) elde edip üzerinde çalışılmaktadır. Eser Antoloji şeklinde yazılmış. Bu eserden Sadullah Pâşâ’nın On Dokuzuncu Asır Manzumesini seçip ele alınmaktadır.
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Therefore, the caliphs' interest in building the army, organizing it, arming it, choosing competent leaders, and providing them with various weapons in terms of production and storage, as well as taking care of fortifying the cities and gaps in determination and determination, and embarked on construction and restoration, where amazing speed and acted according to the circumstances. During the first Abbasid era, there were significant developments in the military
تعدُّ حقوق الإنسان من الأمور التي حثّ الدين الإسلامي على احترامها ومن الأمور غير مسموح المساس بها ، وإنّ إغفالها أو إهمالها أو تضييعها يؤدي الى نتائج خطرة
أن التقدم والتطور العلمي اللذين حدثا خلال القرن العشرين كان لهما اثر كبير في المسيرة العلمية ، حيث أن من المفترض على أفراد مجتمع المتعلمين أن يتزودوا بمهارات التفكير العلمي لكي تمكنهم من العيش في العصر الحالي وليشاركوا فيه بذكاء وفاعلية حتى يحققوا لذاتهم ملائمة أفضل مع التغييرات والتطورات المختلفة التي حدثت في العالم لذا فان طرائق التدريس أصبحت حاجة ملحة لا تقل أهميتها عن المدرس والمادة الدراسية حيث أ
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