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اللهجات العربية القديمة خصائصها وأسباب نشأتها
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     The dialect is part of a broader environment that includes many dialects that have their own characteristics, but they share a set of linguistic phenomena that work on the communication of the members of this environment with each other, and these dialects are old and died, wheras some of them live next to classical, each dialect has a set of common characteristics, The dialectical division is due to the feeling of the place of the one region, that they speak in a way that differs from the image that the inhabitants of the neighboring region walk in, and the dialects of speech in the Arab countries still retain ancient elements that were common in the dialects of Arabs before Islam, as they adhered to many of the features that were known about the Arab tribes Old.                                                  

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
أثر المعايير التصميمة في التشكيل الحضري للواجهات النهرية في المدن. "منطقة الرصافة القديمة حالة دراسية
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Publication Date
Wed Dec 27 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Priorities for the reconstruction of religious buildings in the old city of Mosul using Expert Choice program
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This paper attempts to shed light on the most influential factors in the importance of religious buildings were destroyed because of the recent war due to the control of terrorist gangs of ISIS over the city of Mosul, and to prioritize their reconstruction and their role in reviving the historical center of Mosul.

The research’s problem emerged in the lack of knowledge about the identifying the most influential factors in the importance of religious buildings and utilizing them to prioritize their reconstruction. This study aims to analyze the factors influencing the importance of religious buildings using the Expert Choice software through the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to reach an analysis of their weights and propose p

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Arabic language and tongue violence in Arab satellite channels
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This study aimed at identifying the effect of violence on speech disorders concerning Arab Broadcasting . Language is a pot of thought and a mirror of human civilization and communication tool, but the Arabic language is suffering a lot of extraneous terms them, particularly through the media. This study attempts to answer the following question: Is the phenomenon of linguistic duality in the Media reflected negatively on the rules of the classical language? The study deals with the explanation and interpretation of the phenomenon that has become slang exist in our Media More. And the study suggests re- consideration of the value in the Media ,hence the problem will be resolved.   

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 02 2006
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
تطور العلاقات العربية - الصينية
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تطور العلاقات العربية - الصينية

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 14 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Situation of Refugees and Displaced Women in Arab Countries during Conflicts According to the Perspective of the Arab Women's Organization
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The scope of the humanitarian tragedies in the Arab region has widened after the conflicts that erupted over the past years, exacerbation to include educational, cultural, and social dimensions, economic and moral aspects of the displaced families, especially after the emergence of terrorist organizations and sectarian conflicts which overthrew human and led to various political and demographic changes, forcing citizens to leave their homes, fleeing with their families from the danger of murder, terrorism, and violation to other safer areas inside or outside their countries. Women and children were the vast majority of the displaced who were subjected to great pressures, The host communities bore the pro

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 20 2024
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Preferences of the Iraqi Public towards Arab News Channels Programs and Materials (Al Jazeera, Al Arabiya, Al Ekhbariya Satellite Channels: a field Study)
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Broadcasting across satellites has become an important media phenomenon and largely available for watchers. As the receiver can see the events at the very moment and at any spot in the world. This study aims to discover the degree of the extent of exposure of Iraqi people to the news broadcasting satellites in Arabic language, (Al Jazeera, Al Arabiya, Al Ekhbariya Satellite Channels) as one of the media that serves the public; and to discover the range of these Satellite Channels in covering the local Iraqi situation in different sides and aspects; and to know the significance of the Iraqi people in watching those news programmers; and state the motives behind the Iraqi public's dependence on these channels.


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Publication Date
Fri Dec 20 2024
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
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While providing important news information, News tickers ( also called sliders or crawlers ) have become one of the methods used daily by satellite channels, because it’s almost a continuous news coverage and as it seems, it has become today an addition to the news world. Hence, satellite channels need to look for a mechanism to build news tickers in order to develop them even though they are still today not recognisable and in need of being classified in a radio or television art, and that is not easy. This research sheds light on the construction of the slider of a news satellite channel, which is important according to our modest convictions, as it can be the beginning of a long scientific research in a new field of study. The probl

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 28 2022
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
A future view for the political systems of the Arab Gulf states After normalization ... the United Arab Emirates as a case study
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The dangers of (Israel's) integration with Arab countries in the middle east region will threaten the Arab security structure dimension, which the latter makes the Arab regional system vulnerable for distortion due to its nominal and symbolic value which is far from the Arab self and questioning with its effectiveness in comparing with the real capabilities to Arab countries in achieving the common targets. So, how to assess the different problems that began to hit the structure of the Arab regional system? and how to pledge an allegiance after putting forward what is known as the American Deal of the Century for the administration of former US President Donald Trump for making another step toward normalization with (Israel)?. The reveal

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Data-Driven Approach for Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language: Eygpt
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Corpus linguistics is a methodology in studying language through corpus-based research. It differs from a traditional approach in studying a language (prescriptive approach) in its insistence on the systematic study of authentic examples of language in use (descriptive approach).A “corpus” is a large body of machine-readable structurally collected naturally occurring linguistic data, either written texts or a transcription of recorded speech, which can be used as a starting-point of linguistic description or as a means of verifying hypotheses about a language.  In the past decade, interest has grown tremendously in the use of language corpora for language education. The ways in which corpora have been employed in language pedago

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2012
Journal Name
ناصر والقومية العربية برؤى نزارية
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ناصر والقومية العربية برؤى نزارية