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اللهجات العربية القديمة خصائصها وأسباب نشأتها
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     The dialect is part of a broader environment that includes many dialects that have their own characteristics, but they share a set of linguistic phenomena that work on the communication of the members of this environment with each other, and these dialects are old and died, wheras some of them live next to classical, each dialect has a set of common characteristics, The dialectical division is due to the feeling of the place of the one region, that they speak in a way that differs from the image that the inhabitants of the neighboring region walk in, and the dialects of speech in the Arab countries still retain ancient elements that were common in the dialects of Arabs before Islam, as they adhered to many of the features that were known about the Arab tribes Old.                                                  

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 20 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Synoptic Characteristics, Causes, and Mechanisms of Kahlaa Tornado in Iraq on 14th April 2016
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In this study, an analysis of the synoptic characteristics, causes and mechanisms of Kahlaa tornado event was carried out. This tornado occurred on 10:30 UTC (1:30 pm Iraq Local Time) on 14 April 2016 to the north of Kahlaa town in Maysan governorate. We analyzed surface and upper charts, weather conditions, the damage indices, the dynamical features and the instability of the tornado. The analysis showed that there was a low pressure system which was an extension of the Monsoon low in addition to a supercell thunderstorm and a jet stream aloft. The cold trough and high relative vorticity at 500 hPa level, the humid warm wind blowing from the south and the dry cold wind from the north contributed to the initiation of the tornado. Accordi

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Analytical Solutions for Advanced Functional Differential Equations with Discontinuous Forcing Terms and Studying Their Dynamical Properties
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This paper aims to find new analytical closed-forms to the  solutions of the nonhomogeneous functional differential equations of the nth order with finite and constants delays and various initial delay conditions in terms of elementary functions using Laplace transform method. As well as, the definition of dynamical systems for ordinary differential equations is used to introduce the definition of dynamical systems for delay differential equations which contain multiple delays with a discussion of their dynamical properties: The exponential stability and strong stability

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 03 2003
Journal Name
جامعة بغداد
المرأة في ظل التشريعات القديمة والاسلام
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قسمت هذه الدراسة إلى فصلين تسبقهما مقدمة وتليهما خاتمة ثم قائمة. وقد تم استعراض مصادر البحث ومراجعه في الفصل الأول بعنوان المرأة في التشريع القديم وأثرها على وضع المرأة من خلال هذه التشريعات. أما الفصل الثاني بعنوان “المرأة في التشريع الإسلامي” فقد استعرض وضع المرأة من خلال التشريع الإسلامي، ممثلا بمصدريه الأساسيين، القرآن الكريم. والحديث النبوي الشريف والخاتمة لخصت نتائج البحث.

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 12 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
التاريخ التاريخ السياسي لمملكة ماري القديمة
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  The ancient kingdom of Mari located in the upper Euphrates River, 11 km inside the Syrian border, the Kingdom has gained political and economic importance by its geographical location, it featured a point communication between Mesopotamia and Syria and the country's path walked by the trade caravans and military campaigns

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Проблематика современного значения некоторых устаревших слов The misconception of the modern meaning of some old words
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The dictionary meaning of the word is a linguistic category of the thing in a specific way . it is also a brief description of it .The main function of the concept lies in the total scientific reflection of the things where as the main function of the meaning is a brief reference to a certain content (extralinguistic ) which shows human knowledge .   The meaning is (a storage unit ) of knowledge of the world ,but this does not give the extra linguistic meaning which the old words have . Hence, additional cultural ,ethnic,communicative

and genetic information is needed.

        All the old words which are brought into us

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 01 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الامانة الأمانة في نظريات الترجمة القديمة والحديثة
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Trust is undoubtedly one of the most important issues in the field of translation studies Therefore, the present study attempts to analyze historical and current theories of translation in the East and West, to specify the position of the Trust and its importance to translators and Translation scholars.

More important of this papers is show that the concept of trust is deferens to this translation theory and that, some believe that trust in translation is For the words quoted, Some people say they trust in quotes, and some neglect of both the target text and And the original value of the source text.

Keywords: translation, translatior,  trust, Source text, target text, Seizure

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 15 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
المعالم المعالم العمرانية القديمة في قلعة كركوك
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This study examines the remaining architectural features in Kirkuk Castle,which does not include the heritage buildings outside it. The castle's fortifications are limited about military samples of the city during the Ottoman era ,concentrating on the importance remains of the walls that held on the edge of the hill leads to the interior, As well as some religious buildings such as mosques, shrines and churches, and the service buildings with most important caesarean dating back to the Seljuk era and a range of housing    The importance of the subject lies in the study of these buildings , documentation, and knowledge of the designs and models of building to make it a link in the series of the late Islamic architecture

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Publication Date
Sun May 08 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
the best way to deal with the center of the ancient city of Najaf
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The historic cities in the Arab and Islamic world (including the cities of the holy shrines in Iraq) suffer from many and varied problems and most notably it is clear in its origin functional structure. It had been transformed from a basic place to live for a few thousand of the population to the center or part of the main center of large city populations of more than one million. Functional structure of the ancient city have been change with the beginning of the twentieth century and accelerated rate of change in the second half of the last century. The research aims to analyze the problems of the historic centers of holy cities and analyze the methods of dealing with these problems, leading to discrimination method could be the

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Shatt Al-Gharraf in Ancient and Modern Maps: سالار علي خضر
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This research aims to shed light on the geography of Shatt Al-Gharraf, one of the main branches of the Tigris River south of the sedimentary plain, where the changes exposed by this Shatt (river) were followed by a set of old and modern maps, which date back to the years(3000 BC, 1771 AD, 1810 AD, 1944 AD, 1959 AD, 2009 AD, 2017 AD).Through this research, Shatt al-Gharrafwas found to be an integrated river in terms of the geomorphological phenomena of the rivers (river meanders, river islands, marshes, and estuary). Besides, it was exposed to several changes especially itsdownstream in the Euphrates. It was previously flowing into the Euphrates but due to a number of factors such as the shortage of water in the Tigris River in recent yea

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 02 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الجذور الجذور التاريخية لاسم بغداد من خلال المواقع الأثرية القديمة
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        It’s good to study  the historical sites because they determine the reason why Abu Jaafar Al-Mansour choose Baghdad the timeless Capital ,So it’s easy for us to reconnect  the past and the present regarding to the city, and must understand how its important the geographic site selection, which is determined by  ancient rivers, which were the basis on which the city was constructed  in the various roles of historical and this is natural because the

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