This study deals with the field of acieving the manuscripts of Islamic sciences by the great Imam ibn Kamal Pasha, but the mentioned book requires a great effort to explain what it contains of sciences, and to appear what it has contained
There are Islamic sources and books that deal with the different doctrinal and differential framework of the Islamic religion with a monistic approach, describing them with embarrassing jurisprudential titles such as: excommunication and expiation, and epithets that carry the characteristics of hatred and rejection, in addition to removing them from the sect and religion, and the reason for that is that the doctrine (A) or (b) considers itself the doctrine that represents only the Islamic religion, and other doctrines are misguided and disbelieving. the reasons behind this - besides the attempt to establish doctrinal and fiqih rooting in claiming truth and escaping from within the foundational differential doctrinal system – is the pol
... Show MoreThis research deals with the case of the Iraqi joint-stock companies listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange study in terms of compliance with the requirements of IAS 33 "Earnings per share" and the research problem Alrtash concentrated in a statement the commitment of those companies the requirements of the International Standard 33, which may adversely affect the quality of financial reporting where and in particular the quality of accounting information and content of the primary and secondary characteristics make them be of interest to the decisions of its users, so the aim of this research to the statement of financial reporting earnings per share on the quality of financial reporting in listed shareholding in Iraq Stock Exchange
... Show MoreThis study aimed to identify the political factors influencing the performance of specialized journalists in Iraqi electronic newspapers. The significance of the study stems from the role of communication in newspapers that have established themselves in reality due to their wide dissemination, multiple uses, expanding freedom base, and the current diversity in perspectives. These newspapers highlight and publish societal issues of concern. The importance of these newspapers is associated with their creators who face various factors affecting their value and performance, whether positively or negatively. In light of this, the political factor was identified as the primary driver for other influencing factors. The
... Show Moreعانت الغابات في العراق قصوراً واضحاً في مجال إشباع حاجة السكان لمنتجاتها الرئيسية المتمثلة بالأخشاب ومنتجاتها الثانوية المتمثلة بالأغصان والأوراق والنباتات الطبيعية والحيوانات البرية ونواتجها الأخرى، مما يتطلب التفكير بمحاولة إيجاد سبل جديدة لحل هذه المشكلة الاقتصادية المرتبطة بعنصريها الحاجة للأخشاب والأموال المخصصة لتطويرها عموماً.
لقد دمرت مساحات كبيرة من الغابات وحرقت وقطعت من
... Show MoreTremendous efforts have been exerted to understand first language acquisition to facilitate second language learning. The problem lies in the difficulty of mastering English language and adapting a theory that helps in overcoming the difficulties facing students. This study aims to apply Thomasello's theory of language mastery through usage. It assumes that adults can learn faster than children and can learn the language separately, and far from academic education. Tomasello (2003) studied the stages of language acquisition for children, and developed his theory accordingly. Some studies, such as: (Ghalebi and Sadighi, 2015, Arvidsson, 2019; Munoz, 2019; Verspoor and Hong, 2013) used this theory when examining language acquisition. Thus,
... Show Moreيتطلب تحقيق تمايز الوحدة الاقتصادية في ظل استعمال تقنيات الأعمال الحديثة وازدياد المنافسة وعالمية الأعمال ضرورة الاهتمام بمستوى نوعية المنتجات وما تتطلبه هذه النوعية من كلف والتي تسمى بكلف النوعية، إذ ان العديد من الشركات العالمية قد قامت بدراسة وتحليل هذه الكلف ووضع برامج خاصة بها بهدف تخفيضها إلى أدنى حدٍ ممكن وبما يكفل تحقيق العديد من المنافع والتوفيرات في هذه الكلف وبما يرشد عملية اتخاذ القرارات
... Show MoreBrainstorming is one of the fundamental and necessary concepts for practising the auditing profession, as auditing standards encouraged the implementation of brainstorming sessions to reach reasonable assurance about the validity of the evidence and information obtained by the auditor to detect fraud, as the implementation of brainstorming sessions and the practice of professional suspicion during the audit process lead To increase the quality of auditing and thus raise the financial community's confidence in the auditing profession again after it was exposed to several crises that led to the financial community losing confidence in the auditing profession.
The research aims to explain the effect of brain
... Show MoreThe current research is concerned with methods of formation and their effect on the sintering process of ceramic materials. The research is divided into a number of chapters. The first chapter addressed the research structure (the research problem, importance, objective, limits, and it also defined the terms used in the research). The second chapter addressed the theoretical framework, where the theoretical framework has been divided into three sections. The first section dealt with methods of formation of ceramic materials including: Plasticizing method 2- semi-dry pressing method 3- dry pressing method 4- extrusion method 5- casting method.
The researcher found that there is a clear difference between the methods through her formati
This paper presents an investigation to the effect of the forming speed on healing voids that inhabit at various size in an ingot. The study was performed by using finite element method with bilinear isotropic material option, circular type voids were considered. The closure index was able to predict the minimum press force necessary to consolidate voids and the reduction. The simulation was carried out, on circular cross-section lead specials containing a central void of different size. At a time with a flat die, different ratio of inside to outside radius was taken with different speed to find the best result of void closure.
Abstract Twelve isolates of bacteria were obtained from samples of different soils and water amended with 100µg/ml of five heavy metals chlorides (i.e: Aluminum Al+2, Iron Fe+2, Lead Pb+2, Mercury Hg+2 and Zinc Zn+2). Four isolates were identified as Bacillus subtilis and B. subtilis (B2) isolate was selected for this study according to their resistance to all five heavy metals chlorides. The ability of B. subtilis (B2) isolate for growing in different concentration of heavy metals chlorides ranging from 200-1200 µg/ml was tested. The highest conc. that B. subtilis (B2) isolate tolerate was 1000 µg/ml for Al+2, Fe+2, Pb+2, and Zn+2and 300 µg/ml for Hg+2 for 24hour. The effect of heavy metals chlorides on bacterial growth for 72 hrs was
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