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غسل الحيض من خلال كتاب شرح ابن كمال باشا على أول الهداية ( دراسة وتحقيق )
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This study deals with the field of acieving the manuscripts of Islamic sciences by the great Imam ibn Kamal Pasha, but the mentioned book requires a great effort to explain what it contains of sciences, and to appear what it has contained

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2011
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Effect of Lanthanum Addition on the Microstructure of Mg-4Al Alloy
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 This research was to determine the effect of rare earth metal (REM) on the as-cast microstructure of Mg-4Al alloy. The rare earth metal used here is Lanthanum to produce Mg-4Al-1.5La alloy. The microstructure was characterized by optical microscopy. The phases of this alloy were identified by X-ray diffraction. The microstructure of Mg-4Al consists of α-Mg and grain boundaries with precipitated phase particles. With the addition of Lanthanum, three distinct phases were identified in the X-ray diffraction patterns of the as cast Mg-4Al-1.5La:  Mg, Al11La3, Al4La. The Mg17Al12 phase was not detected. The addition of Lanthanium increases the hardness and dec

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Jordan Higher Bi- Homomorphism and Co- Jordan Higher Bi- Homomorphism on Banach Algebra
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The concepts of higher Bi- homomorphism and Jordan higher Bi- homomorphism have been introduced and studied the relation between Jordan and ordinary higher Bi- homomorphism also the concepts of Co- higher Bi- homomorphism and  Co- Jordan higher Bi- homomorphism introduced  and the relation between them in Banach algebra have also been studied.

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Analysis of the tax pilot phase strategy and its impact on the tax price in Iraq
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The research aims to identify the tax policy strategy adopted in Iraq after the change of the tax system in 2003 and beyond, and then make a comparison of the two strategies on corporate data whether they are charged with progressive tax rates and after the change of the system as the tax rates became fixed, and then indicate the changes In the tax proceeds, and knowing the imensions of the approved tax policy, is it a tax reform strategy or a strategy to attract investments.The research started from the problem of exposure of the Iraqi tax system to several changes, as this led to a reflection on the technical organization of taxes, in terms of the tax rate.The descriptive analytical approach was chosen to study the actual reality of th

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 06 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Phenomenon repercussions Globalization on pedagogical action and Educational in Arab society
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Globalization as phenomena has affected   all aspects of life and reflected its impacts to the Arab world politically, economically, and culturally and became a vital field that related directly to our life. This field of searching needs as many studies and Academics as for employing the means that needed to face a national challenge which targeting the Arabic man Character in its ethics and values. This very important thing needs a very important reaction to face that challenge to protect the cultural ARABIC & ISLAMIC characteristics and to take care of education in all its levels and   forms as it is an invincible fort. For that, this field has become as the priority of the studying and researches if the

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Analysis of Robust Principal Components Depends on the some methods of Projection-Pursuit
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The analysis of the classic principal components are sensitive to the outliers where they are calculated from the characteristic values and characteristic vectors of correlation matrix or variance Non-Robust, which yields an incorrect results in the case of these data contains the outliers values. In order to treat this problem, we resort to use the robust methods where there are many robust methods Will be touched to some of them.

   The robust measurement estimators include the measurement of direct robust estimators for characteristic values by using characteristic vectors without relying on robust estimators for the   variance and covariance matrices. Also the analysis of the princ

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 08 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
CTJ: Input-Output Based Relation Combinatorial Testing Strategy Using Jaya Algorithm
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Software testing is a vital part of the software development life cycle. In many cases, the system under test has more than one input making the testing efforts for every exhaustive combination impossible (i.e. the time of execution of the test case can be outrageously long). Combinatorial testing offers an alternative to exhaustive testing via considering the interaction of input values for every t-way combination between parameters. Combinatorial testing can be divided into three types which are uniform strength interaction, variable strength interaction and input-output based relation (IOR). IOR combinatorial testing only tests for the important combinations selected by the tester. Most of the researches in combinatorial testing appli

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Detection of Suicidal Ideation on Twitter using Machine Learning & Ensemble Approaches
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Suicidal ideation is one of the most severe mental health issues faced by people all over the world. There are various risk factors involved that can lead to suicide. The most common & critical risk factors among them are depression, anxiety, social isolation and hopelessness. Early detection of these risk factors can help in preventing or reducing the number of suicides. Online social networking platforms like Twitter, Redditt and Facebook are becoming a new way for the people to express themselves freely without worrying about social stigma. This paper presents a methodology and experimentation using social media as a tool to analyse the suicidal ideation in a better way, thus helping in preventing the chances of being the victim o

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 22 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Cost Management of construction industries according to the fast-track method
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Construction projects have become a changing dramatically in recent decades and that the goal of the beneficiaries of the implementation of structural project is to complete the work with less time and within the cost of the specific and the best possible quality may sometimes happen that highlights the importance of time on the rest of the items at the implementation of projects for various reasons, including the need to use the project as soon as possible possible change rapidly to customer's requests, but the high cost of the project represents the biggest obstacle for entrepreneurs with its effects on the quality and the time workers, and is a measure of those elements in monetary terms is the key to integration between them, so the

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Effect of some air pollutants (sticking minutes and lead) on human health
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Air pollution is one of the complex problems plaguing the environment at the present time
as a result of many liberation of gases, vapors and fumes of fuels and chemicals resulting
from industrial activities . It should be noted that there are some elements of the heavy
(Heavy Metals), including toxic in the air, with different concentrations in the air depending
on the nature of the area, for example be in rural areas is lower than in cities or industrial
areas as measured parts million (ppm ) or parts per billion (ppb). Some of these important
elements in the physiological processes and enzymatic organisms but become toxic and
Qatlhand-increase Tercisahaan the permissible limits Bhave nature ,The air contaminant

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2010
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
'Influence of Draft Tube Diameter on Operation Behavior of Air Lift Loop Reactors
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The ratio of draft tube to reactor diameters is of decisive importance for the operation behavior of air lift loop reactors. The influence of draft tube geometry was investigated with respect to oxygen mass transfer and mixing time. The diameter ratio was varied between 0.33 and 0.80. The measurements were performed in two loop reactors with liquid capacities of 11.775 and 26.49 liters using aqueous with solutions of different coalescence behavior. The results show that there is no single diameter ratio which would produce most favorable conditions for the two process parameters. With respect to the more important requirements of aerobic cultures, i.e high oxygen mass transfer and efficient mixing, a diameter ratio between 0.5 and 0.6 is

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