أظهرت الدراسات الاعلامية واللغوية السابقة التي تناولت واقع اللغة العربية في شبكات التواصل الاجتماعي ثلاث مشكلات لغوية في هذا الميدان الأولى تمثلت بالثنائية اللغوية التي تجلت باستعمال عدد من مفردات اللغة الانكليزية الى جانب اللغة العربية ، والثانية تمثلت بالإزدواجية اللغوية التي تجلت في مزاحمة اللهجة المحلية للفصحى في النصوص المكتوبة ، والثالثة ارتبطت بمشكلة الضعف اللغوي في مستويات اللغة الكتابية والمعجمية والصرفية والنحوية والتركيبية .
شهد العصر الحالي سرعة فائقة في انتاج وسائل الاتصال لاسيما في حقل الاتصال الاليكتروني وتوضح ذلك عبر الاندماج بين ظاهرة الكم الهائل من المعلومات وتعدد الوسائل الاتصالية وذلك لتحقيق الهدف المنشود لبث الرسالة الاتصالية الا وهو التفاعل من اجل التأثير في الفرد ومن ثم المجتمع ككل , فيما اضحت العلاقات العامة احد العوامل المؤثرة في عملية التغيير الاجتماعي بما تستند اليه من ممارسات تضعها في اطار الوظائف المجتمعية ال
... Show MoreThe study titled “The role of the social media sites of Iraqi satellite channels in prioritizing the public” is a field study for the public of Dhi Qar.
The emergence of the social networking sites we are currently experiencing has undergone radical and important changes in the role of the mass media in light of the growth and rapid spread of modern technologies Or the so-called new media، which led the media organizations to create satellite channels on the social networks، which led to bypass the traditional lines between the public and media institutions with the public gain the possibility of The purpose of the research is to determine the habits and patterns of public use of the social media sites of the Iraqi satellite cha
دور شبكات التواصل الاجتماعي في ثورات الربيع العربي
The problem of this research lies in the fact that there is a lack of accurate scientific perceptions about the size of the use of Iraqi women’s social networking sites and the motives behind this use and the expectations generated by them.
The goals of the research are as follows:
1- Determine the extent of Iraqi women’s use of social networking sites (Facebook, YouTube, twitter, and Instagram).
2- Investigative the motives behind the use of social networking sites by Iraqi women.
3- Detecting the repercussions of Iraqi women’s use of social networking sites (Facebook, you tube, twitter, and Instagram).
The research is classified as a descriptive one. The researchers use the survey methodology. The research commu
لما كانت الوظيفة الأساسية للغة هي الوظيفة التواصلية ، أو التبادل الكلامي بين المخاطب والمستمع ، فكان لا بد لهذه الوظيفة من آليات – لغوية وبلاغية – يستعملها المتكلم أو المرسل للخطاب الأدبي لتوجيه ذهن السامع أو المخاطب نحو ما يطرحه من أفكار ، ورؤى ، واقناعه عن طريق التواصل ، بمضمون الخطاب واستلزام سرعة الانجاز ، وتأسيساً على ذلك جاء هذا البحث لبيان هذه الآليات في الخطاب القرآني متمثلاً في سور الطور
... Show MoreMedia and communication's research are varied in accordance to research approaches' variety which seeks to reach convergent social, psycholo
... Show MoreThe Arabic language has always been and still is the preoccupation of our scholars, both advanced and late, because of the amazing secrets that this language holds. What distinguished it from the rest of the languages is that its owners speak with sounds that others are unable to pronounce, except by vigorous attempts, and these voices include za’, middle and extreme hamza, and ha’.
The study aims to identify the uses and the impact of social networking applications and websites on stock markets and their role in defining the details of dealing with stock movement and trading. The study also aims to highlight the role of these networks by increasing confidence in stock markets and companies as well as encouraging and inciting young people to invest in these markets, the study belongs to the descriptive analytical approach, the study population consisted of all current and potential investors in the stock and financial markets in the United Arab Emirates. The study used a questionnaire that was distributed to a number of followers of social networking pages and websites that deal with trading
... Show MoreWe are, today, facing a torrent of information, ideas, images and videos due to advances of communication technology and electronic publishing. In addition to the proliferation of social networking sites that allow individuals to use them and participate in their channels without any restrictions limiting their freedom in publishing. Due to these sites many terms have emerged like alternative media which use internet and its various techniques to serve its objectives notably the freedom of expression without restrictions. This research studies the phenomenon of interactive media i.e. alternative media through Facebook along with the freedom that makes it spreading in the society and the relation of individual freedom with social diversit
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