The semiotic approach to the unspoken seeks to analyze the text in an esoteric way, that is, to clarify what is hidden from it by reading between
The current study aims to test the impact of green training and development on sustainable performance and explore its effects within and outside the Iraqi Ministry of Environment. The main research problem revolves around the question of the extent of implementing green training and development and sustainable performance in the ministry (What is the nature of the relationship between green training and development and sustainable performance in the ministry?). To clarify the relationship between the research variables, two main hypotheses were formulated along with sub-hypotheses. The study also aims to assess the level of the ministry's interest in the research variables and provide key recommendations to enhance sustainable performan
... Show Moreجديرة تلك المجلة العريقة (Journal of management history) لما تقوم به من دور متميز في تأصيل الفكر الاداري وتنسيب الموضوعات لأصحابها الحقيقيين. فالمجلد (12)، العدد (3) لعام (2006) من هذه المجلة حمل مراجعة تاريخية كبيرة لعنوان عميق هو
(The emergence of job satisfaction in organization behavior A historical overview of the dawn of jop attitudes research)، للباحث (Thomas A. Wright) الاستاذ في قسم العلوم الادارية بجامعة نيف
Corruption is one of the barriers to economic growth and investment opportunities, and after the most serious security and stability, that corruption plagued the Iraqi economy is striking and has roots since the eighties of the last century to the present day.
The study aimed to identify practical impact of corruption on investment in the Iraqi economy and revealed the possibilities and obstacles to investment in Iraq and clarify the investment opportunities at the level of Iraq and the impact of corruption on investments.
The focus will be on the statement of the extent of corruption and investment in Iraq and the adoption of the style of economic measurement using cross-section
... Show Moreالنظام السياسي اليمني : دراسة في المتغيرات الداخلية
It is well-known that the existence of outliers in the data will adversely affect the efficiency of estimation and results of the current study. In this paper four methods will be studied to detect outliers for the multiple linear regression model in two cases : first, in real data; and secondly, after adding the outliers to data and the attempt to detect it. The study is conducted for samples with different sizes, and uses three measures for comparing between these methods . These three measures are : the mask, dumping and standard error of the estimate.
The current research dealt with the study of space compatibility and its role in enhancing the functional aspect of the design of the interior spaces of isolation hospitals by finding a system or format that is compatible with the nature of the changes occurring in the structure and function of the space system, as well as contributing to enhancing compatibility between the functional aspect and the interior space. Therefore, the designer must The interior is the study of the functional and spatial aspects as they are the basic aspects for achieving suitability, and through the interaction between the person and the place, the utilitarian performance characteristics are generated that the interior designer is interested in and tries to d
... Show MoreThis work, introduces some concepts in bitopological spaces, which are nm-j-ω-converges to a subset, nm-j-ω-directed toward a set, nm-j-ω-closed mappings, nm-j-ω-rigid set, and nm-j-ω-continuous mappings. The mainline idea in this paper is nm-j-ω-perfect mappings in bitopological spaces such that n = 1,2 and m =1,2 n ≠ m. Characterizations concerning these concepts and several theorems are studied, where j = q , δ, a , pre, b, b.
• Commercial papers are one of the most important tools of the contemporary monetary market, and many of those who deal with them are ignorant of the Shariah rulings related to them, hence the urgent need to know the most prominent Sharia rulings related to commercial papers, including the discount. It is an agreement between the bank and its customer requesting the discount (the holder of the commercial paper) under which the bank is required By accelerating the value of the paper to the customer, in exchange for the latter’s obligation to transfer the ownership of the fixed right in the paper to the bank by endorsing it to him as a transfer of ownership.
• The noble Islamic Sharia does not prohibit dealing in commercial papers
تناولت هذه الدراسة نبات القريص واسمه العلمي Urtica dioica والمجهز من صيدلية الحضر ومن المعشب للتعرف على مكوناته الكيميائية واهم المجاميع الفعالة فيه . بينت هذه الدراسة احتواء النبات على القلويـدات ( alkaloids ) والتانينـات (Tannins ) والصابونيات ( Saponins ) وكانت الدالة الحامضية للمستخلص المائي للنبات المجهز من صيدلية الحضر متعادل بينما
We are aware that we cannot reach a correct level of understanding of the Arabic language without using the Quran as our main source in our research. Since the word of the Quran that put an end to all words which kneeled before it all the phrases that lead to the showcasing of the Arabic language in its best self.
Arab scientist realized this truth and gave all their attention to the singular and created from it an important subject for their research in the origins of the language and the science behind. Thus, since they dealt with the structure and studied the significance of the context through the use of vocabulary. Therefore, researching Islamic words or the “surat” mentioned in the Qur’an was necessar